Pregnant after 35

Birth Announcement.

It's a boy!

Perrin James was born at 2:10am on 6/24. He weighed in at 7#8oz and measured 20in long.

We checked in for inducement at 8am yesterday, had cytotec placed around 830-845am when I was 1cm dilated. Hung around (mostly walking) until almost 1pm, I had dilated to 2 - 2 1/2cm and they broke my water. Hung around some more (still walking) till about 5pm, we started pitocin IV when I was 3cm. Steadily amped up the pitocin about every half hour / 45 min. I got a 1 hour IV injection of Stadol to take the edge off around 8pm, still at 3-4cm. At 9pm we gave another hour's dose, but told the nurse to go ahead and call the guy for the epidural. Great timing cause that second injection of Stadol was pretty much worthless with the contractions coming on stronger. Also LO had moved around in there and was now sunny side up, so back labor was something fierce. Guy got here around 945pm, was done by about 10 - 1015pm, and I had gone from 3-4cm to 9 1/2cm. By 1030pm I was able to relax and get a nap for an hour. (*perfect* epidural. I cannot emphasize *perfect* enough. I could still move my legs and toes, feel pressure and urge to push, but was comfortable) 1130pm I woke up feeling pressure to push but waited a little longer so I hopefully didn't have to push a long time. Started pushing at 1215am and two hours later (with a vacuum assist for the last 2 sets of pushes) the job was done. 

Mom has a second degree tear but right now is feeling OK, other than tired. Perrin had a 'short cord' at birth, which doc says may have contributed to him wanting to stay put past my EDD and also to his slowness in progressing until the last bit there. 

What a total trip, y'all.

Thanks for all the support from my fellow AMA moms! You ladies rule!
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Re: Birth Announcement.

  • Congratulations! Cute baby :) Hope you have quick recovery.
  • Awwww.  Welcome, Perrin!!!!  Congrats, mellymar!!!
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  • Thanks guys! Thanks to the super early am birth we benefit from the hospitals 'two midnight stay' rule. Today is go home day. I think we've both benefited from the (technically) extra day in hospital. They were able to spread out his treatments, etc over Wednesday, Wednesday night, Thursday, Thusday night, and this morning. Looking forward to resting at home soon
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  • Glad its over and he is here safe!  Sorry you tore up I know what that is like.  But 2 hours of you.  You can see the intelligence in Perrin's eyes already!  Look how inquisitive he is looking back at the camera!  So cute.  My second had a short cord too.  After they cut it, it nearly disappeared back in with the placenta! 
  • BP1979BP1979 member
    Woo hoo! Congrats!
  • @cneiding yes! They couldn't put him on my chest until after the cord was cut, he wouldn't reach! I could barely see them cutting it. And the l&d nurse the next day said re: the pushing, she thought that I would have burst capillaries in my face from the effort. Luckily I didn't feel it cause of the epidural, but I guess I was working pretty hard! (I'm sure all ladies push really hard, I'm not super pusher or anything) Glad that the tear is really not that bad, for the grand scheme of things
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