February 2016 Moms

Thursday ticker change

I haven't seen one of these posted yet today so I hope it's ok that I start one!

What week/size of baby?


Have/had an appointment this week?


GYKY? What was the last movie you saw in theaters, and what did you think of it??

BabyFetus TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: Thursday ticker change

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    What week/size of baby? 8 weeks! Raspberry

    EDD? 2-4-16

    Have/had an appointment this week? Nope, don't have one until July 14! Only 2.5 weeks!

    Rants/Raves? I am soooo over this morning sickness! I've felt yucky every single day for like 3 weeks now :( I was all excited because I was feeling ok yesterday and today, but I guess I was wrong because it's back again with a vengeance. Boo. No raves really besides my twins have been pretty good for me while I lay on the couch most days.

    GYKY? What was the last movie you saw in theaters, and what did you think of it??
    We just saw Jurassic world yesterday and I thought it was really good! I about jumped out of my seat a few times!

    BabyFetus TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    MrsJG3MrsJG3 member
    What week/size of baby? 8 weeks, Raspberry

    EDD? 2/4

    Have/had an appointment this week? Went in again Monday for bleeding. Baby was still there with a HR of 158. Blood work is still good too. I go back for another scan Saturday. Really wish the bleeding would stop. It is scaring me to death. Need all the T & P right now. :(

    Rants/Raves? Mixed feelings on being so sick still. Part of me is happy bc it means I am still pregnant. At least in my head.

    GYKY? What was the last movie you saw in theaters, and what did you think of it?? We saw Inside Out this weekend and I really liked it. Lots of deep meaning for adults but still funny for the kids. Totally cried my eyes out though.
    DD: 8  DD: 3.5  DS:18M
    Baby #4 Due: 2/4/2016
    Feb16 August Siggy Challenge
    Favorite TV Mom

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    ecmbecmb member
    What week/size of baby? 5 weeks today! A little Appleseed but its heart just started beating : )

    EDD? 2/25/16

    Have/had an appointment this week?
    My first appt and ultrasound is 7/20. I'll be 8+4 and I can't wait!

    Rants/Raves? My hubby is asking about strollers, car seats and nursery stuff. He's so excited too!

    GYKY? What was the last movie you saw in theaters, and what did you think of it??
    We saw Jurassic World last week and I thought it was great! We saw it in 3D and I gripped his shirt tight through several suspenseful scenes. I also ate a whole box of sour patch kids so that was awesome.

    Me: 32  Hubby: 31

    Married 12/29/12

    Started TTC July 2014

    Miscarriage August 2014

    Emmett born February 2016

    Expecting Baby #2 in August 2017


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    A couple of 2/4 EDDs!

    What week/size of baby? 8 weeks, raspberry

    EDD? 2-4-16

    Have/had an appointment this week? No appointment; next is July 6

    Rants/Raves?  My boobs somewhat disappeared after having my son and now they are back!!!

    GYKY? What was the last movie you saw in theaters, and what did you think of it??  I honestly can't remember...I think I need to make a date with DH.

    Pregnancy Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    ecmbecmb member
    Prayers for you @MrsJG3

    Me: 32  Hubby: 31

    Married 12/29/12

    Started TTC July 2014

    Miscarriage August 2014

    Emmett born February 2016

    Expecting Baby #2 in August 2017


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    EDD: 2/4 8 weeks
    Fruit: raspberry
    Appointments: first one is Monday!!
    GTKY: what was the last movie you saw in theaters? I saw the second Divergent movie with my mother in law. I liked it!
    Baby 2.0!
    BabyFruit Ticker

     28 Years old DH 29
    Married since 8/7/10
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    7 weeks today! Feb 11

    I had my first appt this am. We saw the heart t beat flicker! The bean looked good for 7 weeks. Yay! I was so nervous for this first one after a loss last year. So far so good! I go back in the 6th for my official new ob appt, with blood draw and cultures.

    I'm soooo tired. That's really my only rant. :)

    And, I can't even think of the last movie I saw in a theater!
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    7 weeks today as well. Baby is a blueberry!

    My rant is that I feel like shit. I seriously spent the entire day doing nothing but reading because I couldn't make myself do anything. And I feel like I can't even be excited about pregnancy because I'm terrified something will go wrong. I just want the first tri to be over. :-S

    I can't even remember the last movie we saw. I don't really like going to movies, to be honest. We did recently watch an IMAX at the zoo about humpback whales--does that count? It was awesome.
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    What week/size of baby? 5

    EDD? End of Feb.

    Have/had an appointment this week? no apts until July 15

    Rants/Raves? I was feeling ok emotionally until today. I think it's starting to feel real and now I'm terrified of miscarriage. I've looked up the stats to ease my fears which has helped some, but I feel really anxious about it. How are you ladies easing your fears?

    GYKY? What was the last movie you saw in theaters, and what did you think of it?? Like so many others, Jurassic World. It was alright. I feel like if you've seen one, you've seen them all.
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    What week/size of baby? 8 weeks; raspberry!

    EDD? 2/4/16

    Have/had an appointment this week? No appointment until July 15th :/

    Rants/Raves? Nothing exciting really. On vacation right now trying to avoid spilling the beans. Lol

    GYKY? What was the last movie you saw in theaters, and what did you think of it?? Jurassic World, it was so good!!!
    Benjamin born on - 4/5/12
    BFP 12/31/14, EDD 9/08/14 ~ Natural M/C 2/21/14 at 11.5 weeks
    BFP 5/24/15 - EDD 2/4/16

    BabyFruit Ticker

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    Edd/weeks/size: 2/4/16 8 weeks raspberry

    Have/had an appointment this week: not til July 7th!

    Rants/raves: cousins wedding is this weekend so it's been a stressful week but looking forward to a fun weekend!

    Gtky? Last movie was the latest fast furious movie, it was SO good!
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