Babies: 0 - 3 Months

4 wk old sleep

My son is right about 4 wks old so I'll start by saying I know he is still very small and I don't expect him to sleep through the night yet. We have a crib, rock and play and swing. He doesn't like the crib which doesn't surprise me as that was the case with my first son. My big issue is when I try to put him down in his rock and play around 9pm after he has fallen asleep on me while nursing he generally wakes up within ten minutes. It is usually closer to 1 am before he will sleep in there but if I put him in the swing he will generally sleep. I don't have an issue with the swing but I don't want him to rely on the movement. He doesn't like to be fully swaddled, he gets way to frustrated when he can't move his hands. Any suggestions as this mama is lacking sleep. Thanks

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