July 2015 Moms

Lots of movements on one side. Is that normal?

I am a FTM and 33 weeks and baby is head down and has been since about 28 weeks. I tend to feel a lot more movement on my right side than my left, especially what I'm assuming are kicks as they're up high near my ribs. I feel movements toward my lower left side, but I never seem to get a kick on my left side. Is that normal?

Re: Lots of movements on one side. Is that normal?

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    I get more movement on my right side also. It's weird and wish she would move to the left some of the time to give my ribs a break on the right side :)
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    Yes normal. When last week when I was 35 weeks doc could feel baby's head through cervix. Through stomach palpating she could tell baby's back was along the left side of my belly and was facing to the right which is why I feel more in the right side. Sometimes it feels as if baby is diagonal.
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    Yeah its normal. I get more kicks and pokes on my left side because baby's back is on my right side.
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    Same here! Dr said her back is along my left side and her feet are up in my ribs on the right, she has been like this for some time now and I feel a lot of movement on the left but the kicks are only on the right.
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    Baby has been head down with her back on my right side for at least a month now. Unless she moves around to that same position for every doctors appointment lol. I feel most of the movements on my left side and up towards my ribs on both sides
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    I get most of the movement on my left side. LO had been head down on her left side for a few weeks now. Just like when they come out, they have favorite positions. :)
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    Normal! Most moms-to-be I've talked to find that their babies favor the right side. Sounds like the LOA position: https://spinningbabies.com/learn-more/baby-positions/other-fetal-positions/left-occiput-anterior-loa/

    image BabyFruit Ticker

    Married 10-15-2011
    BFP 10-30-2014
    Baby's due 7-08-2015

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    My son favored my left side up until he was born and my daughter recently has gotten cozy there, too. Looking down I can see I'm lopsided with how far over she is, but I ended up pretty easily stretch marked when my son was born :)
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    My LO is a left sider most of the time. My belly is usually lopsided and most of his movement is on that side. I kinda like it because I think it's neat knowing where he is.
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    I get more on my left side. When I went into preterm labor and they did a ultrasound on baby she said it was because he was facing left and curling into a ball. That was 33 weeks. At 37 weeks he still favors the left side however, he does make his way facing out towards my belly. The lower jabs are his little elbows and his knees are right behind my belly button. It's cool to feel his different positions. Enjoy it and talk to LO often to let them know you feel them moving. Good luck
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    He is on my right side and my placentas on my left so I basically only feel movement on the right. New things is that feels like fingers rubbing the ticklish spot on my hips/pelvis. Awesome I tell you.
    DS #1 Born 01/23/09
    Married 03/18/10
    DS #2 Born 05/19/11
    DS #3 Due 07/26/15

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