April 2015 Moms

Infant front carrier recommendations?

Hi folks! My 6 wk old boy (who is maybe finally 8 lbs) is wanting to be held a lot and I'm hoping to find a good carrier just for being hands free around the house. I have an Ergocarrier but it's so heavy duty, and a Seven sling which is hard on my back and i still need a hand to support his head. Any suggestions? Thank you!

Re: Infant front carrier recommendations?

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    I like the Beco Gemini, but if you feel the ergo is too heavy duty, you might find this the same...I also use the Solly wrap which I love :)
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    I have a couple Moby's & a Baby Bjorn Carrier One (newer model -better for hips). I like the Baby Bjorn better. It's much easier to get on & off. Also, it is mesh so it seems cooler than the Moby. It doesn't seem too heavy to me & my 6 week old is at least 12 pounds. There is no infant insert needed for the Bjorn compared to the Ergo. However, if you're looking for something lighter, a wrap is probably your best bet.
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    I love my moby for cooler weather- and I have a lightweight ring slings for summer. Both are fantastic depending on the situation. I personally like there moby best- no back pain and its adjustable because it's a wrap. If you wanted to try some carriers out you could contact your local baby wearing chapter.
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    Thank you all! Are the wraps easy to put on and get babe in and out of by myself? They always seemed complicated to me!
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    Usually yes-but you need practice. Go on YouTube and it has great tutorials on different wraps.
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    They aren't bad once you get the hang of it. I definitely second the YouTube videos.
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    We really love our lille baby carrier! It fits babies 7lbs-45lbs and it can be worn 6 different ways!

    Me: 26 DH: 29
    3/13: Miscarriage
    11/13: Ectopic Pregnancy-removal of 1 fallopian tube

    BFP: 8/21/14 

    Moses born by emergency C-section 4/23/2015

    It's a Boy!


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    We have a girasol woven wrap and it works really well. You have to learn how to wrap it, but once you've got a wrap down, it's not a big deal. Both my husband and I can wrap him up very quickly. A woven wrap is more expensive, but you might get more mileage out of it than a stretchy wrap like a moby in the long run...but there's nothing wrong with mobys because they get the job done.

    Ways to carry with videos:
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    @AlexandriaPR what kind do you have that you love, also wrap?
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    We got this one as a gift: https://lillebaby.com/baby-carriers/completetm/original/lillebabyr-completetmoriginal-black-black.html?original=Black

    If you are using it with a newborn,follow the reciommendation to put a rolled up mini towel under the baby's bum! :)

    Me: 26 DH: 29
    3/13: Miscarriage
    11/13: Ectopic Pregnancy-removal of 1 fallopian tube

    BFP: 8/21/14 

    Moses born by emergency C-section 4/23/2015

    It's a Boy!


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    I second the solly wrap!! I love it and it wraps in a way you can pull the fabric behind their heads for support. They have YouTube videos and once I got it down it only takes me a minute to put it on and secure LO in it.
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    We bought the infantino carrier from target and it has been a life saver! My husband wouldn't wear a sling or wrap and I didn't see a point in buying two. We can both wear it comfortably it's adjustable as I am 5'5" and he is 6'3"! It has plenty of support and didn't break the bank!
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    We have the boba wrap and the boba 4g and I love both. I like the wrap for around the house and DH wears the 4g and baby loves it.
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    Finally bought a K'tan and love it.
    We had a bjorn and a infantino carrier and they were so complicated putting on and off I felt like I was getting into flight suit! K'tan is 1000 times easier and I feel like she isn't as hot in it.
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