March 2015 Moms

How long Until milk stops coming out squirting at every feeding

hello I'm a ftm to my 9 week DD. during the first weeks I exclusively breastfeed. But then I started pumping which was nice to to have backup milk just in case. I feel now that I pumped it just made me produce so much more milk that I definitely did not need ( I already produced a lot on my own ) so I stopped pumping since I built up a good stockpile. It's been three weeks of just exclusively breastfeeding and my milk still comes out squirting. Any advice or is anyone is going through this . DD is getting tired of getting squirted in the face :(

Re: How long Until milk stops coming out squirting at every feeding

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    Haha the same thing happened to me! I'm still squirting my baby in the face, but it's not as bad. She unlatches and then I take a burp cloth and hand express until, when I let go, my milk isn't spraying anymore. Do you still have an over supply? You could try block feeding to get your supply regulated. Also, make sure each breast is emptied before moving to the other.
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