May 2015 Moms

FTM- did labor take you by surprise or did you see it coming?

im a little past 40 weeks and labor is not in sight. Anybody went into labor by surprise or did you have a warning sign.

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    Answer ✓
    No warning signs for me really. I did have an upset stomach the whole day before and when I woke up the next morning contractions had started- in no sort of a pattern though. My water never broke- it just leaked out. Good luck and hope you go into labor soon! Walk walk walk. Ftm here and I walked and walked and only labored for 5 hours and pushed only 5 times. It went amazing for me.
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    marijaa333marijaa333 member
    Answer ✓
    I had lots of BH for at least a week, then I could tell something was a bit different for the last three days, and finally I had mild cramps for about 12 hours before they progressed to contractions that I could call painful. 24 hours later, he was born. So, yes, I had lots of warning.  

    But it's all individual... a friend of mine went from 0 to done in 5 hours with her first.
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    nursej519nursej519 member
    Answer ✓
    No real warning signs here. I had an upset stomach for a few days. Then my water broke and 3.5 hours later baby was born.
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    sschwegesschwege member
    Answer ✓
    No warning signs with my first other than DD did drop 3 days before labor started.  But other than that, no clue I was going to go into labor.
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    smashbaby111smashbaby111 member
    Answer ✓
    In hindsight, I guess the mild cramps I had during the day were the start of labor, but they weren't painful, more of an annoyance... They started when I woke up that day, and water broke unexpectedly just after 10pm.. We cleaned in the morning, went to Costco, and a mother's day bbq, and I was able to function normally and the cramps didn't interfere with my day at all
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    LeaRose87LeaRose87 member
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    Mine was unexpected. I went to bed then 3 hours later at midnight I woke up to contractions that just rolled right into each other. Headed straight to the hospital. Water broke around 4:30am had him at 1:42 pm.
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    afavazza91afavazza91 member
    Answer ✓
    I guess I kinda knew it would happen soon because the fetal movements calmed down quite a lot for me, not enough to worry but enough to make you wonder. And my ya terms started leaking so I definitely knew labor was right around the corner! Good luck! It's hard to predict when it will happen but once it's all done with you'll wonder where the time went! All the waiting is so worth it once you see baby's face!
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    uwemiuwemi member
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    I never loss my plug, at my last appt I was 0cm and high, no diarrhea or cramp. So on my due date I walked for an hr still nothing. And when I least expected the next day I had consistent contractions 10 or more mins apart for 24hrs. Active labour was about 6hrs with epidural.

Re: FTM- did labor take you by surprise or did you see it coming?

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    BYZBYZ member
    Thanks for the response you were all very helpful. I guess I'll just have to wait and see... I'm so nervous knowing how unpredictable it is!!!
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    No warning signs except the plug but that doesn't mean anything really .. Woke up with a little blood then contractions started few hours later I was pushing out this cutie
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    I just had contractions and timed them. They started at 5:30 pm and got closer and stronger just like they were supposed to. I was kind of in denial that I was actually in labor. I finally called when I was thinking "I would really like my epidural about now..." I went in at 3:30 am and was 5 cm.
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    Been in prelabor for about 30+ hours myself. Lost my plug and then cramping and then contractions anywhere from 5-15 mins apart (strong enough to keep me up). Still waiting for dilation and things to progress before I can be admitted. Pretty torturous at this point. I feel like no one talks about prelabor (latent phase) that can be pretty freaking long and difficult.
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    Been in prelabor for about 30+ hours myself. Lost my plug and then cramping and then contractions anywhere from 5-15 mins apart (strong enough to keep me up). Still waiting for dilation and things to progress before I can be admitted. Pretty torturous at this point. I feel like no one talks about prelabor (latent phase) that can be pretty freaking long and difficult.
    True, this is hard! Have you had your membranes swept? That sped me up from 2 to 3 over an hour or so, enough to get me admitted (I spent a couple of hours in triage). Once admitted, it was still pretty hard until the epidural fairy came :D and then it was all more than fine until pushing, which was exhausting (But partly because I hadn't slept in 40 and hadn't eaten in 24 hours by then so my energy was near nil).  Good luck today!
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    No membrane sweep but im on my way to my OB now though im so exhausted im not even sure I want this to happen today! Sounds weird I know. I'm just hoping i dilated more through the night (contracting ALL night long, sleeping in 5-15 min increments) and can just go in and get the epidural. Probably wishful thinking without some sort of medical intervention today :(
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    I didn't have any warning signs at all until my last OB appointment when she examined me. It was kind of a rough exam and felt like what a membrane sweep would feel like (that I've read) although she never mentioned giving me one. I started having cramping within an hour which turned into prelabor contractions about 4 hours later. Then I had contractions 2-16 minutes apart and lost bits of my mucus plug for 4 more days until the hospital would admit me. I never felt like I dropped, water didnt break, etc.
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    The membrane sweep is no big deal and it did speed things up for me enough to have me admitted and get the epidural, so I would recommend it. But it's already been a few hours since you wrote, so I'm going to cross fingers that you're already admitted and waiting for the anesthesiologist!
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    By the way, they also wanted to break my waters at 6 or 7 cm to help me advance. I refused until I was fully dilated (3 hours later), at which point it was helpful and did bring on the pushing phase; but I don't regret not doing it earlier.
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    The day before I had her I had this like weird feeling she was coming. Just a gut feeling like something was about to happen. I had no appetite whatsoever and I was full of nesting energy. I also had really disgusting bowel movements (tmi sorry). But no contractions, no bloody show, no water breaking. I woke up at 2am on Sunday the 17th and had consistent and strong contractions, woke my SO up and said I think we should get going soon. Got to L&D at 730am at 4cm they started pitocin and the epi at 1:30pm, broke my water 2 hours later and she was here at 9:22pm.
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    stark01938209stark01938209 member
    edited May 2015
    I find this thread reassuring. Due date was yesterday. Really hoping to avoid a cesarean on Monday.
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    Nope. I had been having cramps for days but no contractions. I woke up at 6am with more intense cramps but nothing else. Told DH sorry but he had to go to work. By 7:30 when he was leaving the cramps had increased. I told him I would let him know if anything changed. By 9:30 I had bloody show and contractions were 5 minutes apart and I called him home. I ended up having a very lengthy labour (just under 30 hours from those 6am cramps).
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    @chambersbaby2015 that sounds so close to what happened to me! Woke up Sunday morning at 5:30am with cramps, which eventually progressed to contractions, and I gave birth late Monday night (11:30pm), exactly 30 hours later.
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    My water broke. First major labour sign for me lol

    But for weeks I've had early prelabour signs, so I knew labour was coming...

    But didn't expect water to break at 37 weeks lol that was unexpected for me.

    So mixed, I guess. I knew labour was coming, as we all do near the end, but the water breaking took me by surprise.
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    Definately was a surprise. Never felt braxton hicks until labor day which was a day before my due date and ended up giving birth on my due date.
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    Went to bed at 10 pm with a gut feeling it would be the last night of my pregnacy. I got up to use the bathroom at 12:30 and when I stood up from the toilet my water broke. Regular contractions kicked in at 7 am and I had my baby at 5:16 pm.
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    Had BH for almost 2 weeks. Rough doc appt day before due date (I could barely walk after). Due date was uneventful, I actually went and bought a puzzle to keep me distracted because I thought I had at least 4 or 5 days left, I was still 1 and half dilated. Woke up at 1:30am to pee and me water broke. Unexpected, I had to send DH to store to buy pads because I was leaking everywhere. Went back to sleep til 4:30 because no contractions. 6 min apart by 5:00. Got to hospital by 7 and was 4cm. She came fast and furious. Born at 12:16pm
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    BYZBYZ member
    Thanks for the replies. I can't believe I'm still waiting... Baby feels real comfy inside
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