July 2015 Moms

31 weeks and baby is big

I had my Doctors appointment yesterday, and the US is showing the baby weighting 4 lbs. My OB told me that baby is big and that I need to watch what I eat and excersice more. He doesnt want me to have a 8lbs or more baby as it will be hard to push him out. I've only gained 17lbs in this pregnancy so not sure why is the baby measuring big. How big are your babies so far?

Re: 31 weeks and baby is big

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    Mine was 4lb at 32 weeks and my dr thinks she's small :-/
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    SSNY82SSNY82 member
    edited May 2015
    My doctor is afraid that I would gain 2lbs per month, and because I have another 2 months to go, baby would be 8 lbs and because my DS#2 was 6'10lbs only that I might have a hard time pushing out a 8lb baby. I guess we will wait and see what happends.
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    AjhaneyAjhaney member
    I am 31 weeks and my baby is weighing just about 4 pounds but everything else is measuring up to a week ahead to so I'm not sure. I go see my doctor next week so I'll let you know what he says.
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    Mine was 3.15 @ 28 weeks, so she's big but I'm also type one diabetic. The nurse last time explained me to me that fetal growth is like child growth or a teenager, how they go through growth spurts and then stay at that height for awhile. I'm not positive about your situation, but I'd say just to try and not worry and see what happens when you get your next US :) because it may be that he grew really quick now but will slow down for a couple weeks, it just depends on the baby :)
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    sschwegesschwege member
    edited May 2015
    Growth u/s are inaccurate at this point so take that as an estimate.  The ACOG fully acknowledges this:

    The diagnosis of fetal macrosomia is imprecise. For suspected
    fetal macrosomia, the accuracy of estimated fetal weight using
    ultrasound biometry is no better than that obtained with clinical


    Even if it is accurate in your case, baby could gain 1/2 a pound from here on out and still be only 8 1/2 pounds, that's not that big!  My first was 7lb15oz and my second was 8lb12oz, I delivered them without any problem. 

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    elizaquinnelizaquinn member
    edited May 2015
    I'm 33 weeks and baby is 4 lbs and is 49% doc says everything is good didn't voice a concern to me I have only gained 15 lbs
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    I had my 34 week check up yesterday. We did a growth us to see if she was growing well due to a heart med I have to take occasionally. Well she's def not small. She's already 6 lb 6 oz. at this rate I'm either two weeks farther along than estimated or she could be close to 9 and a half pounds when the time comes. Dr said either way baby is very healthy. Not concerned with her or with my weight. Must be doing something right hah.
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    At my 31 wk appt my baby was 4lbs measuring 33 wks and I asked if there was a possibility of him being born sooner and the doctor said no that I'll more than likely just be having a big baby :0
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    Miz_LizMiz_Liz member
    sschwege said:

    Growth u/s are inaccurate at this point so take that as an estimate.  The ACOG fully acknowledges this:

    The diagnosis of fetal macrosomia is imprecise. For suspected
    fetal macrosomia, the accuracy of estimated fetal weight using
    ultrasound biometry is no better than that obtained with clinical


    Even if it is accurate in your case, baby could gain 1/2 a pound from here on out and still be only 8 1/2 pounds, that's not that big!  My first was 7lb15oz and my second was 8lb12oz, I delivered them without any problem. 

    This. When I was pregnant with DS they told me he would be 7 1/2 - 8 lbs. Then when I was in labor the delivering Dr told me he would be 8 lbs 7 oz (her guess)....long story short, he was 6 lbs 5 oz. He was long and they base a lot of these estimates on length. Don't stress. And I also agree that 8 1/2 lbs is not that big (I was 9 lb 4 oz when I was born).
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    My friend just had a baby Sunday.  They said she was measuring ahead 2 weeks the whole pregnancy and that baby could be more then 10lbs.  She had her on her due date and only weighed 7.7.  I wouldn't put too much into the guesstimate personally. 
    image  image
    Baby Muffy Due July.8.2015!

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    SSNY82SSNY82 member
    Thank you Ladies! My doctor's belief is the smaller the baby the easier delivery so lets see what happeneds :) I do have a feeling that this baby will be the bigger that my other two (i feel so huge)  but we will see :)
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    sshhhsshhh member
    Don't rely on the scans as lot of people say that it's not accurate and simply creates panic.My baby is small according to the scan but I'm hoping all goes well and we all have healthy babies.
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    My baby was also measuring big. My doctor advised me to stop eating and drinking sugar. She advised only 3 servibgs of fruit per day max. I also didn't pick up a lot of weight during my pregnancy so I was surprised to hear that she was big. I really want to have a normal labour so I've been cutting out sugars for the past two months (except for my baby shower) and it has made a huge difference. I have lost some weight and she is picking up weight more slowly. Doctor is very happy with her weight now. Sugar just makes for bigger babies. Give it a try!
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    My baby is measuring big...5lbs 4oz at 32 weeks.  But my doc told me both me and my baby are completely healthy and not to worry.
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    asun123asun123 member
    32 weeks, baby is 4lbs 4oz. Doctor said I'm perfect.
    Bobby Llewellyn born September 29, 2012
    Kade Wayne born July 23, 2015
    MC in February 2017
    MC in November 2017
    Oliver Dean (Ollie) due December 17, 2018

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    My first was 10 pounds 3 oz and 22 inches
    My second was early at 9 pounds 12 oz and 21 inches and posterior.
    Your body is made to birth babies :)
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    Does how much you eat/exercise even really effect how much weight the baby will put on?.....Isn't it pretty genetic how big they're going to be? Obviously it effects your weight etc, but this is just a genuine question to your question. 
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    At 31 weeks, the u/s estimated my baby at 4lbs 11oz. My doctor wasn't concerned. I've only gained 8 pounds.

    Smaller isn't necessarily better, and I'm sad your doctor is pushing that on you.
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    Does how much you eat/exercise even really effect how much weight the baby will put on?.....Isn't it pretty genetic how big they're going to be? Obviously it effects your weight etc, but this is just a genuine question to your question. 
    If how much you are and exercised effected babies weight then both my kids would have been a lot bigger.  My first was 7.6 and my second was 6.5. I don't watch what I eat while pregnant because no matter what I always loose weight so I take it as a free pass. Even with them gaining weight it has no effect on my weight other than numbers going down.

    Personally don't have a clue how big this baby is estimated at right now and won't know how big he is until he gets here. Its all an estimate anyway.
    DS #1 Born 01/23/09
    Married 03/18/10
    DS #2 Born 05/19/11
    DS #3 Due 07/26/15

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    That stuff is confusing to me. I've seen women who gained a lot of weight and didn't exercise, their babies came out smaller percentile. (3 and 5 pounds)
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    Last week when I was 33 weeks, they measured our baby at 5 pounds 10 ounces. She is bigger (84th percentile) but healthy. My doctor also said she could hit a plateau and it may have been a growth spurt.
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    I wouldn't stress too much. Like a few others have said they are measuring similarly too! My little guy is on the other side of it and always measuring small. But my doctors have also mentioned that there is almost an 11 ounce room for error on ultrasounds because it is mostly based on length. They can't accurately weigh the baby in there, but can get a close guess. It kind of stinks that your doctor would be so harsh when that is not really a crazy high weight either. I mean, a 7-9 pound baby isn't a ridiculous concept. Hopefully all is well and things go smoothly for the next months! Good luck!
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