May 2015 Moms

Yikes this is happening!: UPDATE in reply. :)

sbride68sbride68 member
edited May 2015 in May 2015 Moms
So we were all set to be induced tomorrow and I called the hospital to confirm today. Well someone screwed up and put it in the schedule for Friday instead of Thursday. Needless to say I had a meltdown so my mom talked to the hospital since I was at her house and my husband was at work and they happened to have a bed available today so we rushed up to the hospital and at currently waiting for the cirvadil to work. They just took out the foley bulb a little bit ago and said I should be dilated to a 3 by the time they check me again in a couple hours. We may have our baby girl by midnight or tomorrow at the latest! Yikes!! I'm excited but nervous. My boss made me mad though because when I called to say I would not be in all she could tell me was she just thought it was weird they were inducing me this late. This was at like 2:30 in the afternoon. She was extremely rude about it I thought. But oh well on that part. I am ready to meet our baby girl :)

Re: Yikes this is happening!: UPDATE in reply. :)

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