January 2016 Moms

Can we talk discharge?

I realize it's normal. I've read probably way too much about it. But anyone else get scared during the day because it feels like it's just running out of you like a river? Today has been bad, and I keep getting scared that I'll see blood when I go to the bathroom. It's a symptom that I'm not enjoying.
DS Maxwell - 08/25/2009
Wedded Bliss - 05/19/15
MC - 05/15/15 & 7/29/15 & 11/25/15 (You were wished for, hoped for and loved)
BFP#4; EDD 10/21/16 - Praying for a miracle.

Re: Can we talk discharge?

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    Yup! Get used to it! I wore panty liners pretty much my whole pregnancy with DS1
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    Ugh! Same here. I, too, worry that it is blood. 
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    Same here! Mine started this morning. I already had an appointment with my doctor today so I asked about it and she said normal. As long as there is no blood.
    Love: 03.04.06
    Married: 07.14.14
    BFP: 04.05.15
    EDD: 01.08.15
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    I'm a faucet.
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    Yes! That feeling is scary especially with the on and off cramping. I dread pulling down my pants every time!
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    Wow!! I thought it was only me. This pregnancy is way different than my other 2. This is TMI but When I go number one a minute later I feel a little pee coming out. I definitely need pantyliners
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    So when I read this thread when it was posted, all I thought was "Gross. So glad that's not me." Welp, thanks karma. Yup, definitely as gross as it sounded.
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    I just posted in the daily symptom check in that I haven't had any symptoms.... Well I felt something flowing and I ran to the bathroom expecting the worst, nope just a lot of watery discharge. I hate underwear but it looks like I'll have to start wearing them.
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    Oh my gosh, we just switched to these dark red towels and they are very linty. So accompanied with already being paranoid, every time I wipe it's red! I keep freaking myself out lol.
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    Heron422 said:

    Oh my gosh, we just switched to these dark red towels and they are very linty. So accompanied with already being paranoid, every time I wipe it's red! I keep freaking myself out lol.

    OMG, that same thing happened to me last pregnancy! I about had a heart attack, and then switched out our towels.

    BFP #1 10/6/11 | EDD 6/15/12 | MMC 11/7/11 @ 8w3d | D&C 11/14/11

    BFP #2 8/22/12 | EDD 5/5/13 | DS1 born 5/9/13

    BFP #3 4/25/15 | EDD 1/7/16 | MMC 7/2/15 @ 13w1d | D&E 7/8/15

    BFP #4 12/9/15 | EDD 8/22/16 | DS2 born 5/18/16 at 26w2d

    Just keep swimming.
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    I felt like this the entire time with my son and this time is no different! 
    Married- 7/17/10
     Baby #1- "L.J."- 3/14/12 
    Expecting  #2- EDD 1/8/16 
    "Life ain't always beautiful, but it's a beautiful ride" 

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    naomil1naomil1 member
    @bananers omg ok so I'm not the only one who feels this way
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    naomil1naomil1 member
    @Calebsmom0318 uggh I understand. I don't like it
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    Yes! Yes! And yes! After two miscarriages it's constantly on my mind. So far so good though!
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    Just had a BM and I went to wipe my girly parts and I had a thick mucus / egg white Consistency with some old blood in it. Slightly freaking out but I've seen it happen before due to implantation . Still tho... It's not cool
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    DjinnaGDjinnaG member
    And there I've been freaking out because it hasn't really gotten noticable yet, and I remember how voluminous it was with my first pregnancy.  Gotta love it - have preg symptoms ABC, freak out because of them;  don't have them, freak out because you don't. 
    IUD removed 2/13/14
    BFP #1 5/23/14, blighted ovum discovered at 7 wks, Cytotec for missed miscarriage at 8 wks 6/26/14
    BFP #2 4/30/15, heartbeat gone at 8 wks, missed miscarriage again, Cytotec didn't work, D&C 6/12/15
    Biopsy discovered was a partial molar pregnancy, on BC for 6 month wait and test
    Trying again with Follistim/HCG trigger shots beginning January 2016
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    I get so nervous every time I fee it too. Plus I have been put on progesterone so that makes it happen even more...and still knowing that I get nervous every time.
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    I think we need a group high five. Hearing you all tell your symptoms has made me smile in a comforting, not creepy way, I promise. Haha. This morning mine was a little dark and I think I examined it closer than a damn CSI investigator. I have an ultrasound this afternoon, hoping to see at least something!
    DS Maxwell - 08/25/2009
    Wedded Bliss - 05/19/15
    MC - 05/15/15 & 7/29/15 & 11/25/15 (You were wished for, hoped for and loved)
    BFP#4; EDD 10/21/16 - Praying for a miracle.

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    I'm scared to take a #2 again after seeing a bit of old blood last night due to pushing I guess . I never have experienced so much anxiety in my life! Everything I know in a clinical setting literally gets thrown out the window now that it's me that's pregnant. I just really wanna get to the second trimester so maybe I'll relax a bit :/
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    Much like a PP, I haven't checked this board at all thinking "not me! thankfully." Until last night when I woke up in the middle of the night and PJ pants were...well, not dry. I was terrified to go to the bathroom for fear of what I thought I might see. Turns out... just the fun stuff all of you ladies have been talking about. But, as long as it's a good sign I'll take it :) 

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    Yup I do exactly the same thing. I get nervous every time I use the restroom. That coupled with my sudden loss of symptoms has me freaked out!! So glad there are others who freak out like me too!!
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    Im so glad to see everyone is in the same boat, I have no idea what to expect as it is my first pregnancy so ya literally every time I feel a cramp and or wet in my undies I'm so paranoid it's blood :(
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    Yessssssss. This. I had a miscarriage in January that started when I was on the bus on my way home from work. Yesterday I went to meet my fiance for dinner after work and got paranoid on the bus that the same thing was happening again because things were feeling oozy. Rushed straight to the bathroom when I got to the restaurant, but no blood. Stupid PGAL anxiety!!
    BFP #1 11/17/2014 EDD 07/30/2015 MC 01/06/2015
    BFP #2 03/02/2015 EDD 11/09/2015 CP 03/10/2015
    BFP #3 05/01/2015 EDD 01/09/2016 Fingers Crossed!

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    Same today. Mini freak out for sure.
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