December 2015 Moms

A word of encouragement

Hi ladies! I'm not due in December, I'm actually due August 2nd with a baby girl! I like to pop over to the other birth month boards to see what you all are experiencing and if there is any way I can help. I know a LOT of you mommies have experienced a loss (myself included) and I sympathize with what that does to you. It completely removes the "carefree" attitude that women who have never had a loss feel during pregnancy. I'd like to tell you a little about my experience. I found out I was pregnant the week before Thanksgiving and was SO excited. I had everything in the book: cramping so awful it had me in tears, back pain, brown spotting, red bleeding, freaky discharge, loss of symptoms, no morning sickness and then morning sickness that appeared overnight at 9 weeks, you name it. All of these things turned out to be perfectly normal. Of course, I was a wreck because I spent so much time thinking about what those symptoms COULD mean instead of what they actually did mean. I know reading about other losses can be heartbreaking, and for that reason I didn't join the bump until well into my second trimester. However, that was a little naive on my part as well because then the big anatomy scans came up for everyone and I won't lie, there were some people that didn't get great news. That began to worry me so much I started to panic. The reality is: the odds TRULY are in your favor. Your body knows what its doing and is currently doing EVERYTHING it can to help your baby grow and develop. I'm 28 weeks now and I'd be lying if I said the worry and anxiety is gone. It isn't. But each day that passes, I remind myself: Today, you're pregnant. Tomorrow is in God's hands. Enjoy this time of your life. Regardless of what happens, you will never be pregnant with this exact baby again. Hope for the best instead of preparing for the worst. Ultimately, I wish ALL of you happy and healthy pregnancies. You will all be wonderful mommies and the fact that you already worry so much about their well being speaks to that. :)

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