May 2015 Moms

Water Breaking

This may be a crazy question, but does your water usually break at a certain time of day (like early morning or night). I've been hearing people say their water broke from like 7:00 pm to 6:00 am in the morning, so I was wondering if that's when the water normally breaks?

Re: Water Breaking

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    It can be anytime. With my first my water broke at 12:30 pm while I was eating lunch.


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    BFP #1: 5/24/11, DD#1 Born 1/16/12
    BFP #2: 7/24/13, MC: 8/28/13 @8weeks, 3days

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    My SIL had hers break around lunch time but she also had her membranes swept that morning. I've read about a bunch that it's happened in the evening/early morning too though.
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    Mine broke just after midnight.  Someone told me it was probably because I was completely relaxed... 
    Baby girl born on May 15, 2015!  (DS born 2011)
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    Not everyone's breaks. Many actually break late in labor. Mine broke at 5 when I was at the hospital getting check for admission. The bag was right there so when she checked she accidentally broke it.
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    My water broke while in labor also! So not always will it be a sign labor is starting.
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    Idk when mine broke. I think it was early in the morning, but it wasn't a gush. When I was having a contraction I thought I peed, and that happened a few times. I'm assuming that's when it happened because once I got to the hospital they said they couldn't feel my bag of water.
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    Not everyone's breaks. Many actually break late in labor. Mine broke at 5 when I was at the hospital getting check for admission. The bag was right there so when she checked she accidentally broke it.

    Mine didn't break until 10 minutes before he was born and I was pushing. :)
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