August 2015 Moms

How to cope with becoming a single mom

So my FH breaks up with me while I'm 6months pregnant with his 1st born son. We just moved in to out new apartment 2 months ago so now the lease is going to be broken and we are parting ways. Im moving back home to my moms. I'm trying to keep everything together but it's very hard right now. I don't know what to do anymore I feel so alone and I'm trying not to be depressed .

Re: How to cope with becoming a single mom

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    dev85dev85 member
    I'm so sorry you're going through this! I can only imagine what you are going through. Just try to take it one step at a time and utilize those who can offer you support.
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    I've almost been in that same situation a few times in the beginning of my pregnancy and it is extremely hard but I managed to fix things , and I'm sorry you have to go through that , if whatever happen is something fixable I hope you guys get through this and even yourself if not , don't stress over it that's the last thing you need for you or your baby .
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    I don't think it's fixable I went out to town yesterday thinking maybe space would have fixed something's you know give us time to breathe I tired to talk to him last night when I got in and he didn't even want to talk to me.
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    Sorry to hear things haven't improved. I haven't been in your place so I won't offer any advice, I just hope things work out for you. T&P
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    No advice except that you should try to stay focused on yours & baby's health as much as possible, even though I know that can be incredibly difficult when facing this type of situation. My thoughts are with you & FX that you are able to find your way back to happiness with or without him.
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    First I'd say try and get situated back at home and figure that out. One thing you'll (unfortunately) have to think about is how to handle the father in terms of birth certificate and support. My friend went through a similar situation and really struggled with whether or not to put his name on the birth certificate for a variety of legal reasons. My prayers are with you and your baby!
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    My sister went thru this.  I can honestly say, that learning to love yourself and be happy with yourself is the biggest thing you can do for you and your child.  She did put the fathers name on the birth certificate, because she figured if the baby wanted to know who her father was, atleast she'd have a legal way to find him.  You will be fine as a single mom, especially if you have your parents there for you!  Utilize your resources whatever they may be, and learn to be happy.  You don't need a man to make you happy and value your self worth. 

    On a side note, he may be freaking out about becoming a dad.  BUT, do not let that mean he comes back into your life as easily as he's leaving.  If he turns around and changes his mind, he needs to prove to you that he's not going to leave again when times get tough.  It's not fair to you or that precious baby of yours.  Good Luck mama!  You got this!

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    As the child of a singe mother, I can tell you to surround yourself with support of family and friends.  My dad wasn't really around, but I never felt a lack of love, b/c my mom had such a strong support system.  The old saying of 'it takes a village to raise a child' is sometimes very true.  I went through a lot of tough times as a kid, but having so many people to turn to made it a lot easier.  My MIL often asks me how I turned out so well and how I survived my childhood?  I always tell her what I said above.  A strong support system makes all the difference for you and your child.  I have so many 'aunts' and 'grandparents.'  Whether things work out for you and your son's father or not surround yourself with the people you love and let them help you wherever they can.  It will make all the difference.
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    BosloveBoslove member
    im dealing with a similar situation, a sudden break-up. Its not easy process especially because we are coparenting our DD. Feel free to PM me if u ever need to vent.

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    This post makes me so mad at men. I mean, what kind of a "man" would leave his pregnant gf/fiancee when she's about to have his baby? I cannot believe how selfish some people can be and how much pain they willingly inflict on others. I am so sorry that you are going through this- just when you need his support the most he is being a coward and leaving. I wish I could slap him for you. 

    I think everything these women are suggesting is right on. Do you have a good male family member that can step in for your little guy? I think every child needs both male/female influence in their lives. Keep your head up, I can only imagine the pain you are going through, but you need to be strong for you and your little man. This too shall pass...God bless. 
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    Nbar815Nbar815 member
    I am going through the EXACT same situation right now, I had to leave my childs father because he wasn't treating me right and I have been the only one working and paying all of the bills since my pregnancy began while he goes out and partys all the time. I feel your pain in how rough it is to know that the situation is unmendable and that we will have to face raising a child on our own. I am sending much love and please feel free to contact me if you need any support or just to vent! Know that you are doing what ia best for you and baby, just stay strong and know that your emotions are totally justified and reasonable. Stay strong, We can do it!
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