March 2015 Moms

Stopped BF, What to Do About Breast Engorment?

I did pump out some milk this morning just bc I couldn't take the pain! I stopped BF last evening, and my OB suggested I wear a tight sports bra and wait it out for my milk to dry up. Said it should go away within a week or two.

Any other ladies have experience with this and could give me a bit of advice just to relieve some of the pain and get the process over with?

And I had to stop BF bc of my son's GI intolerance to my milk. Trust me I wish I could still BF him but it's so clear he is MUCH better on the formula.

Thank you!

Re: Stopped BF, What to Do About Breast Engorment?

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    I had to stop after two days since she got sick off my milk from the meds the doctor put me on. I had so much milk it would just pour out on its own. Mine got engorged and I was told to use a heating pad for the pain. I was also told not to have the water in the shower to come out on them since it would make the problem worse. It's been almost 6 weeks and I'm still producing some but I only got engorged for a few days and it stopped.
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    Cabbage.. Put cabbage leafs in your bra for overnight.. Your milk will dry up. If it doesn't work the first night, try for a second. Every women is different.
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    LcastoLcasto member
    Ya, raw cabbage leaves are supposed to help. Also, massage while in the shower.. If heat doesn't seem to help, try putting a frozen bag of peas on them. Take IB Profen and try not to express too much milk out although I know how painful it can get. :( It really should only last a couple days!
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    I'm still BF'ing but I got engorged when my milk first came in. The heating pad worked wonders for the pain. Try ibuprofen too. I've never heard of the cabbage leaves, that's good to know :)
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    akj166akj166 member
    I swear by cabbage!!! I am constantly engorged and it really helps:) hope you find some relief soon!!!
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    Personally I would take pseudoephedrine. I took It for a cold and my milk dried up quick. At the time that wasn't my intent. However when I am ready to stop bf that is what I will probably do.
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    Cabbage leaves for sure. Roll them out with a rolling pin first then just lay them on your chest, then out on a tight sports bra. The juice from the rolled out leaves are what helps. Engorgement stopped for me after 48 hours.
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    I also heard that cabbage works, but haven't personally tried it seems like a lot of people swear by it though, so it must work! Best of luck!
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    My lactation consultant said heat can bring on more milk and suggested ice instead! (I had a mega oversupply!) I would think bags of frozen peas would work quite nicely :).
    Good luck! It's no fun being super full and uncomfortable!
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