April 2015 Moms

How to entertain a newborn?

My LO is almost a month old now. I am so exhausted at this point I feel bad I can't even smile while trying to play with her today. Holding her is not enough. She gets bored and fussy and needs stimulation and all I want to do is sit quietly for just a little bit. If she is awake and not being played with or walked around the neighborhood in her stroller she is not a happy camper. While she is sleeping is the only time I can make food and eat so I can never even get a nap in during the day. Has anyone else felt this way? I feel like she is going to hate me if I just sit with her in my lap and she cries herself to sleep from boredom. What ways do you entertain your newborn? So far the only things that keep my LOs attention are being outside and playing music while moving her to the beat. Convorsation gets boring to her quickly.

Re: How to entertain a newborn?

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    Do you have a playmat? Wrist or ankle rattles? If all else fails, maybe music or TV for a very limited time if you have too. You also need to take time for yourself, put baby down in something safe and make yourself something to eat. She may cry/fuss but trust me you will be better off and therefore so will she
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    Just let the baby cry. She will learn to stop and pay attention to her surroundings. Use her play mat. As long as you know shes safe, fed and changed... itll be ok. For my kiddos, calming classical music always helped. Just use Pandora! We use classical music during homework time still.
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    Yes I have a playmat but she doesn't seem to be interested in looking at anything for more than 2 minutes then She cries like she is dying lol. Rattles don't do anything for her either and now music playing in the background is boring to her as well. For awhile I could play music while I cooked and she would be okay but not anymore. I will let her cry for 5 minutes at a time but I feel bad leaving her longer than that. She just seems to be very dependent on my attention right now. Just hoping that will start to wear off after a few more weeks.
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    Mine is only 11 days old so he still sleeps a lot. But, you could read books or sing songs. Songs with actions are usually a hit - think Itsy Bitsy Spider, Wheels on the Bus, etc. We also like the playmat.

    Do you have a baby carrier? That would free up your hands to eat while baby is awake, so then you'd have time for a nap.

    I also wonder if baby is getting overtired. Maybe try swaddling & nap time 15 minutes earlier than normal.
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    Lots of moms swear by "the happiest baby on the block", even if she isn't colicky.
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    Try wearing her, my little boy will fall asleep immediately once I put him in the wrap (he is almost a month as well). I think at this age they mostly want to be on/near you.
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    xuxachixuxachi member
    Baby wearing is a good suggestion as is the activity mat and trying some tummy time (which babies hate at first). Do you have a mobile in your crib? That always worked for my kids - but can be very stimulating though. Walks in the stroller can be good for both of you. Also make sure LO is not over tired. They can only stay awake about 2 hours max at a time including feedings.
    DS born 10/25/11 **  DD born 6/24/13 **  DS born 4/20/15
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    I have a sling coming on Monday which I am very excited about and think it will help tremendously. I am also having a mobile delivered which is coming Tuesday. She likes to walk around the house and look around especially with the lights on (I just can't do this all day lol) but as soon as I stop to sit down, she gets upset. Singing to her works to calm her down to sleep. I let her sleep when she wants. Some days it's just a lot less than others. If she eats and doesn't fall asleep right after, i know it's play time. She just gets unhappy if there isn't constant stimulation. Thank you for all the suggestions. I am hoping some of these items will entertain her so that I don't have to do ALL the work.
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    sara6389 said:

    I have a sling coming on Monday which I am very excited about and think it will help tremendously. I am also having a mobile delivered which is coming Tuesday. She likes to walk around the house and look around especially with the lights on (I just can't do this all day lol) but as soon as I stop to sit down, she gets upset. Singing to her works to calm her down to sleep. I let her sleep when she wants. Some days it's just a lot less than others. If she eats and doesn't fall asleep right after, i know it's play time. She just gets unhappy if there isn't constant stimulation. Thank you for all the suggestions. I am hoping some of these items will entertain her so that I don't have to do ALL the work.

    Have you concidered that she's maybe being over stimulated? This will make baby fussy and over tired as well, just an extra thought! A friend of mine hired a sleep consultant and the first thing she did was eliminate all stimulus and had there girl sleeping in a totally dark room with no electronics
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    She only sleeps if there is noise. As soon as it's quiet and still is when she gets unhappy. I just have a busy bee on my hands.
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    AmCheriAmCheri member
    I'd strongly suggest checking out Janet Lansbury's blog. I would not assume she's bored. Independent play is important for babies. At this age, that can consist of baby lying on a blanket or a mat and just checking out the world around her.
    Baby girl Lila born 2013.
    Baby boy Henry born 2015.
    Expecting our capstone baby (boy) early March 2018.
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    Try a fan on in her room, or a white noise machine.

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    Running water helps our LO get to sleep quickly, even when she's at her fussiest. Also, sometimes we will set her in her car seat and place her on top of the running dryer. She's out like a light, plus you're getting laundry done!
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    I feel like you may be trying to do to much and you are over stimulating her...
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    So glad I read this because I feel the same way most days. My LO is only content if he is sleeping or if I'm holding him moving around constantly. Also if I lay him down he wakes up in a few minutes so I mostly have to just hold him while he sleeps which makes it hard for me to get any. I feel bad I don't know how to entertain him and I just want to sit quietly or watch tv sometimes instead of having to move around 24/7.
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