July 2015 Moms

Placenta encapsulation

what are your thoughts on it? It seems really odd and gross. But if you think about it we are the only animals that don't eat the placenta. And animals have been around longer then we have they must be doing something right. But I'm still a little grossed out. Let me know your thoughts

Re: Placenta encapsulation

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    It's gross, the look of the things freak me out. I want that thing as far away from me and my mouth as possible
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    I am looking into placenta recipes! I found one that looks pretty good for lasagna, although I read that it may be better for u to eat it raw! Animals eat their placentas, they don't encapsulate them. It's only natural u know. :)
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    I may go ahead and make a raw smoothie with mine. Get those vitamins while they're fresh and rich ;) or really go animalistic and just take a bite out of it raw. Seriously though. I'm a top predator nothing is going to eat my baby if I don't hide the placenta. No way I'm eating it. Animals also lick their young clean after birth. Unless your planning.on some vernix as a topping with your placenta I say really do some real research.
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    I can see why people do it. It is full of nutrients and loaded with iron. It gets dehydrated and taken like a vitamin. So not like lather in BBQ sauce and thrown on the grill. That being said, I had a chat about this with my midwife because I wasn't feeling totally on board. With having a home birth and choosing a holistic path both during pregnancy and planning to do so post partum I was feeling some pressure to take part. What my midwife had to say was that the reasoning behind the consumption historically was probably more for protection than nutrition. Having a giant pile of afterbirth could easily clue predators in to your very vulnerable state. If you ate it, there was less evidence. That made me feel better about opting out. No lions, tigers or bears at my door. :)
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    I'm looking into this as well. I had PPD really bad with my first and capsules can really help. I found a lady that will come to our home and do it so that we make sure it's mine. I personally think it's nasty but if it helps with recovery i might be down. Going to call this weekend to get more info.
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    I'm not, but would be open to it if I had struggled with PPD or low milk supply with my other two.  You should XP this on the 'Natural Birth Board" there are a lot of women who have experience with it.
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    I am doing the placenta encapsulation because it has been used for centuries in other countries and belief systems.  The main reason I am trying it is because I'm so far from family and the capsules can help in 2 different ways, regulate hormones quickly/effectively and then to prevent baby blues. Since I'm so far from family I want to prevent baby blues if I can.  I also had a friend who did the encapsulation and she resumed normal monthly cycles faster and the capsules helped with her emotion regulation after the births of her kiddos.  I does sound gross I agree but that is why it is in capsules and taken with things so it isn't tasted etc.... :)
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    HandreeHandree member
    I am going to ask my midwife about this. I'm with Kaiser and I'm not sure if they allow it. Anything that might help avoid PPD is worth a shot for me. I've struggled with depression my entire life and would like to avoid a major crash if possible.
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    @Handree Kaiser asks you when you check in if you want your placenta. Not sure what area your in but I found someone that will go to your house to make the pills. I will call her this weekend to get more info. I'm in SF so I found tons of people that will pick it up from the hospital. I think I'm going to give it a shot cause my recovery was rough the first time. And now I will have a new born and a 2 year old. And it's about $300 bucks.
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    haha um, no, it can go in the biohazard trash where it belongs. 
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    HandreeHandree member
    @mexarab can you PM me her contact info? 
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    In doing it. I've had a lot of people question why, well to me, even if it's a placebo effect in doing better than without it. I'm not a holistic/naturalistic person so this is sorta out of character for me but I have a feeling I'll need the extra boost to avoid PPD and/or heavy resentment for my husband.
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    Not an option for me and I am a-ok with that.
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    I have mommy friends that have their placenta encapsulated, saying that it helps with lactation and prevention of PPD. I can't imagine just eating it in lasagna or Popsicles, but could imagine taking it in a capsule form.
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    Does any body know if medicaid would cover it? I didn't do it with my first but are thinking about now... and the truth is it sounds soo gross that I don't know if I could handle it. Even if it is in capsules
    I read it's good for PPD and milk supply and for speedy recovery. But didn't really see any scientific evidence it helps. Good luck to all the ladies that have done it or are doing it for sure! I still can't decide.
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    The only side effect I could find was to much energy. So if that's the worse I'm going to try it. I think it's disgusting but I had a really hard time with my first so I'm down to take a pill if it means it will help with PPD and milk supply. Good luck to us!
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    hpoff33hpoff33 member
    I am doing it and receiving a tincture made from my placenta as well that can be used long after the pills are gone. I know quite a few friends who have not done encapsulation with  their first and did so with subsequent children. They have all stated that they experienced more energy, faster healing, and a more positive mood with little to no anxiety/depression. As someone who suffered from PPD, I am hopeful it will have similar results for me. 
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