August 2015 Moms

Artificial Sweetners

ok I'm having a bad mommy moment and I need some support. During the second trimester there have been a handful of times that o have had a diet lemonade from chick fil a( it's made with Splenda) just for something a little different. My doc says artificial sweetener is ok once or twice a week but then I got to reading and now I'm not too sure. Feeling a little regretful that I had Splenda.....anyone else have some during pregnancy?

Re: Artificial Sweetners

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    I'm pretty sure I had Splenda in my coffee every day when pregnant with DS (I used to drink it daily until I found out how bad it really is for you), and he turned out just fine. Sure, he is making me mental at the moment, but pretty positive it has nothing to do with the Splenda and is more just due to the fact that he is almost 3 - crazy kid :)!
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    Awwh! :) well thank you that helps! It's like even if you only have something a few times and then find out about it, it's kind of like 'oh gosh'! This being my first and all....I want this pretty little girl to be as healthy and happy as possible. I think from here on out ill shy away from that, and if I really want lemonade I'll spring for the real deal :)
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    It can be scary if you look at all of the, "things you shouldn't do when pregnant" but you have to remind yourself that a LOT of stuff on those lists are still okay in moderation. Granted, I too now stay away from any artificial sweeteners when I can, pregnant or not, just because they are really bad for you - but let me tell you, we had some diet soda left over from a party and it was calling my name, and you best believe I drank some, even knowing I shouldn't have artificial sweeteners! Don't lose sleep over it!!
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    Yeah that's true. I'm thinking a handful of times would suffice for moderation :) thanks again! You have really helped my moment of panic!
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    Im sure you and your baby will be fine! But all in all- go for the real stuff whenever you can! What a great excuse to not order diet!
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    I agree with everyone else, I try to stay away from artificial sweeteners (pregnant or not) but I've definitely given into a few diet coke cravings since being pregnant. I'm sure you and baby will be perfectly fine.
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    Thanks everyone!
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