April 2015 Moms

anyone else been this far along with no progress second pregnancy

So I'm 39 weeks and have been 1.5cm for 3 weeks with no thinning and no bh. For my Second pregnancy and being active I am very disappointed not to be making any progress. And the last ultrasound i was measured as 4 days ahead of my due date. I'm seriously depressed and just so uncomfortable.. my first time I was induced at 39 weeks but was thinning and was 3cm dilated. Afraid my body will never let baby go... anyone else experiencing this not a ftm??

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    JulieMarie21JulieMarie21 member
    Answer ✓
    I'm right there with you. I've had no signs of labor. With my DD I so badly wanted labor to start on its own and wasn't induced until nearly 42 weeks. Yes, it could be different this time, but my due date is tomorrow, and I've had zero signs again. I've already set my induction date. After my last kid, I was just happy everyone was healthy. However, This will be my last kid, and I'm a bit sad that I don't get my big Hollywood moment of my water breaking (anywhere!), calling my husband at work, telling him it's time, and most importantly, getting to labor for a bit at home. I'm hoping to have a natural labor, but it feels like I'm already at a disadvantage by starting out on drugs, and potentially hooked up to an IV or strapped to a bed for monitoring.

    I often think about what would happen if this was hundreds of years ago, before prenatal care. Would I eventually give birth at 10 months, have a stillborn, etc?? I think my body just lacks the labor trigger.
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Re: anyone else been this far along with no progress second pregnancy

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    kinseykinzkinseykinz member
    edited April 2015
    I'm 39 weeks an some change now. At 34 weeks the checked me since I was showing some mild pre-term labor signs and I was already 3 cm dilated....2 weeks ago I was admitted to the hospital in labor which progressed to about 6cm and then stopped. They did give me the option to try induction but I opted for going home and resting....in part because baby was presenting in a way which was causing back labor...I was hoping that by going home and resting, he'd have more time to position better. Now, I'm stuck walking around 6ish cm dilated and hoping he decides to come out soon. Because walking around this way is no joke.

    PS my first was born early at 37 weeks and was a 'fast' labor....like I had her within 2 hours of admitting to the hospital. So this is all new territory for me
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