May 2015 Moms

Now two weeks behind instead of one...

ladyteach0505ladyteach0505 member
edited April 2015 in May 2015 Moms
I've been a week behind in measurement for two weeks and then went in tonight and found out we are now two weeks behind. The ob said she's sitting low but if it's the same next week I'll get an ultrasound because it's 3 behind or greater.

I have an anxiety problem as it is and I told the doctor I was going to have a hard time dealing with this for a week and he told me not to worry because I'd had a good nst today. That just didn't make me feel better though.

He also said if she slows down to go to labor and delivery- which really sucks because I've had many times in the last month where she'll slow down enough for a few hours to make me think I needed to go to L&D only to have her start moving before I'd leave. So now I feel like with the growth thing I've got to be hypervigilant about her movement all day long in case there actually is a placenta or growth issue. I also feel my memory racing back to everything in the baby books about how infections, etc can manifest w low birth weight and preemie babies.

I guess I just feel helpless at this point. I don't feel supported by my family or friends and I don't know what to ask of the doctor to feel more reassured or like the situation really is fine.

Should I ask for an ultrasound before next week? I've read on some forums where people who are two behind get ultrasounds weekly and mine acts like ultrasounds Aren't necessary. Can you tell how frustrated/worried I feel?

Re: Now two weeks behind instead of one...

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    I know how gnawing anxiety can be... If during the week it's consuming you,
    I'd say call your doc and say you are feeling nervous/worried and would like an US. Maybe they will give you one to alleviate some worries.

    I read on here all the time about people's babies' measurements in utero being way off what the baby ended up being at birth, so try to let that soothe you... The measurements aren't exact, baby may be just fine.

    Also, I try to let the doctor guide me as much as possible. Sounds like your doc isn't too concerned-they're the expert so, feel good about that. But if you don't? Advocate for yourself and ask for an US.

    Hope that helps :/
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    lestes1121lestes1121 member
    edited April 2015
    The reason they like to wait sometime in between measurement is that you might catch baby in the middle of a growth spurt or in the middle of a slow in growth. I've measure small for a while now and my baby was even borderline 10th percentile but at my last measurements she jumped from the 10th percentile to the 28th so improvement was great. My doctor will only get a weight every 3 weeks up until now because it can give you false trends in the babies growth. I'm not sure if that's your doctors reasoning but I was even told this when I went to my neonatologist to rule out and placental blood flow issues. Just deep breath and increase calories. I eat a chocolate frosty every afternoon to help pack on calories to help plump baby up.
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    It's also due to position. I measure behind with all of mine, but only 1 actually had IUGR. My other 2 were 7lbs 9oz and 7lbs 3oz. Your doctor isn't ignoring your concerns, but if you are still growing an ultrasound is unnecessary.
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    soontobecapek Yeah, I guess I just wonder how he knows if I'm still growing when my fundal height doesn't show growth.
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    Reading all these posts about ultrasounds and such are odd to me. When I go to the dr he does an ultrasound every single time. I thought that's what they were supposed to do every time you went in but I guess not....i found out my boy is ahead of the game apparently o.o ah!
    anyway, back to your post, I hope that all goes well for you! Try and not stress too much hun <3 you've got all of us May mommies to support you ! C: the day you get your ultrasound will come before you know it!
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    Try not to stress too much - if your doctor isn't overly concerned, you shouldn't be either.

    If it makes you feel any better, measurements towards the end can be all over the place. With my DD, I never got bigger than 36cm, even though I went to 40+1 and had a 7+lb baby. My doctor was never concerned about her growth. This time, I measured 32 at my 32 week appt and then measured 38 at my 34 week appt. We are doing a scan at 36 weeks just to make sure, but doctor was pretty sure it was just baby's position that gave that measurement.
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    soontobecapeksoontobecapek member
    edited April 2015

    soontobecapek Yeah, I guess I just wonder how he knows if I'm still growing when my fundal height doesn't show growth.

    That's why he wants to wait a week I'm sure. If your baby has changed positions it can look like you haven't grown, but 3,4,5 weeks at the same measurement warrants precaution. Does that make more sense? I'm not trying to downplay your concern, trust me, I know it's a stressful few days/weeks waiting on news, but do know your doc has the best interests of you and your baby at heart.
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    And, don't forget baby does sleep in there, so quiet periods are normal.  
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    As a mommy growing a severe Iugr baby I get the frustration. I'm currently on day 22 of inpatient because he measures somewhere around the 4th %.

    It's hard for them to do US Less than 2 weeks apart because the measurements can be off by 2 weeks. If you start feeling baby less ask for a bio physical profile or more nst. Those are what will really alert them that baby is getting sick.

    Have you asked if there is a blood flow issue? Do you have hypertension? Slowing of growth usually point toward placental issues at this point. Drs will count ANY growth as growth so unless you have regular scan that's hard to determine too. Be proactive and ask tons of questions and listen to your instincts.

    Also, eating frosting everyday helps mommy butts grow but do absolutely nothing for baby ;)

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    I just had an ultrasound today because I've been consistently measuring around 34 weeks. I'm 36 weeks and they found my fluid to be borderline low, so another ultrasound on Monday to see if it drops anymore. Baby however is measuring perfectly fine for 36wks. If I'm still low on Monday, they want to induce next week. Maybe tell your doctor how anxious you are and ask for an ultrasound sooner rather than later?
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    Thanks for the feedback.

    I guess the thing that muddies the waters even more is my pregnant friend asked her ob today about my situation and he said he would have me get another ultrasound to see why she's measuring small.

    I am going to try to see if I can get in with that doctor for a second opinion appointment but with 2-3 weeks to go it feels like I'm down to the wire. Honestly I am just concerned that a different ob would say he would look into it without even seeing me. Like, is that the standard procedure in terms of growth and ordering ultrasounds? If so why didn't my ob order one?

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    Easier said than done, but try not to let it worry you.  There is a normal range and from what I've been told within two weeks is still considered average.  With my first I consistently measured 2 weeks behind once it was even 3w because she was laying weird even my stomach was misshapen that time.  DD was born at 40w3d, weighing 7lb15oz and perfect in every way.  With my second I consistently measured 1 week behind once 2 weeks behind because he had dropped.  DS was also born at 40w3d weighing 8lb12oz and again happy and healthy.  I guess what I'm trying to say is, keep on top of it, but don't let it consume you.
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    I was measuring 4 weeks behind at my 34 week appt (after being 2 weeks behind at the previous appt). The midwife ordered an US and the tech said the baby is just sitting really really low in my pelvis. The baby was est. to be 5 lbs 7 ounces. She said she could see how squished the baby's face was on the pictures. Alot of the time it's just positional.
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