July 2015 Moms

Restless legs

I have been having restless legs for a few months now and I'm going crazy! I just cannot get comfortable. I never had it like this with my other 2. Is there anything I can do to help ease the discomfort?

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Re: Restless legs

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    In previous pregnancies I put a pillow between my legs. It helped a little
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    I do that. It helps a bit but I'm still really uncomfortable. :(
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    I've had it practically every night since I found out I was pregnant. It's truly miserable! The only thing I've found that helps is taking a warm bath. I talked to my doctor about it and he says its hormones and to just walk or stretch before bed, which doesn't help. I hope you find relief soon! Not too much longer :)
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    OMG 4th pregnancy but first time ever experiencing this. It's horrible! I had been taking benadryl for my allergies but its making the RLS worse. I'm miserable and actually I have more like restless body syndrome. My whole body feels like twitching or creepy crawly. I will def. be bringing this up at my next visit. I feel for anyone dealing with this.
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    I suffer from an essential tremor so this is the story of my life. Mine gets better with pregnancy though. I find that exercise and any other release of endorphins helps control it.
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    This is my third pregnancy but first time dealing with this. I also was just recently diagnosed with early on set Parkinson's too. I have to take a warm/hot bath, my OB also prescribed flexeril and I stay hydrated. I also do a pillow between the legs and under my hip. It' has helped. Best wishes!!!
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    I feel your pain! Mine drive me nuts at night and I just can't find a comfortable way to sleep. I have been having sciatica since Christmas so sleeping on my sides is excruciating. I have been using about 4 pillows to create a recliner feel in bed and that helps a little. But then once the restless legs calm down a little and I get to sleep for a couple of hours I start getting a really bad Charlie horse in my calves. It usually is just one leg at a time but it alternates throughout the night. I usually have to walk around a little to stretch it out and get rid of the cramp. I have been trying to just do some leg stretches at night to help ease some of the restlessness and it seems to help. My doctors advice is always to drink more water. (It usually just makes me pee more though!) I hope it goes away soon for you. So annoying!!!
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    My mom has RLS and swears by eating a teaspoon of mustard! She says the sensations go away nearly immediately.
    Maybe worth a try?
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    @ariejsmom thanks for sharing your story! I narrowly missed a young onset Parkinson's diagnosis and never met anyone who has it. Hope you are doing well.
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    I've discovered if I don't exercise or at least go on a short walk my legs gets super restless at night. Maybe try going for a short walk? Just an idea!
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    I've had RLS for a few years, and it kicked into high gear once I became pregnant. I've tried most of the suggestions, but unfortunately they didn't work for me. I'll try that mustard thing, though!
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    @Ckorines I'm doing actually pretty well. It was a long road to that diagnosis but I'm thankful we finally know. It's a rare diagnosis but apparently not that rare for people to have it! My neuro said more young people have it but the neurologist do not want to put on paper bc it will follow them forever. I'd rather know and hold off the symptoms than to go 30 years before finding out something! Best of luck to you and your bundle.
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    @ariejsmom so happy to hear that you are doing well and got some answers. Same to you and your little peanut. Don't forget to take care of YOU too! As mothers, we tend to put ourselves last. Wishing you the best!
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    Hi girls, I have been suffering from restless legs for yeard now and since i started taking a strong supplement of vitamin B12 and a Magnesium supplement everyday it got way better!!!! I know these supplements are not cheap but they work! Really it is worth the try! Good luck!
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    I've had it terribly with this pregnancy starting at 23 weeks, with my other two pregnancies didn't start until mid 30's.

    I was not getting to sleep until 3:30am and getting up at 6:30, so went to the doctors and she advised me to take 2 codeine before bed.

    So I take 2, have a warm bath and the. Get in bed and I am able to go to sleep. It's made a massive difference.
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    KatyB86KatyB86 member
    I was going mad with this, wasn't getting to sleep until 3am every morning. Went to the doctor and she gave me tablets for anaemia and it's gone, so glad I went because the lack of sleep and frustration was really upsetting me. If you haven't found anything that helps definitely ask your doctor about these tablets.
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    I have this and warm baths and a pillow in between my legs sometimes hell but not always. Staying hydrated and keeping the blood flowing works a lot :) good luck!
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    Yup. I have it too!
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