December 2015 Moms

Help!!!! twins

I was just getting the calmness of having a baby! Today I found out I'm having twins!!! Anyone have twins some advise is needing I'm freaking out!!!

Re: Help!!!! twins

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    No advice from me, but congrats!!! Do twins run in the family? 


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    N_KozN_Koz member
    Congrats deep breath. I don't have twins but my 4 year old nephews are identical twins. Do you have a local mothers of multiples group you can join?

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    I have twin boys that are 9. They are the best! It's ok don't worry! Just make sure you have extra hands to help and remember that they learn patience from day one. My boys still snuggle in the same bed every night. Friend for life.
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    Congrats! My best friend has twins. I think she found lots of support on multiples boards. I know they were tough at first, but what a blessing! Hang in there - you can always lean on us when you have a freak out :)
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    Sooo lucky!!! I'd love to have twins!!


    Mommy to my Angel baby Domenico Anjelo M/C 11 weeks 12/20/2014
    C/P 4/15/2015 5 weeks
    BFP 6/15 /15 Due: 2/25/16

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    No advice but my friend also found great support in the multiples boards. She had two girls and LOVES it.
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    I don't have twins (wish I did). My hubby is a twin and his mom said getting them on a schedule ASAP was the most helpful thing ever. :) Congrats! Any weird symptoms?
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    I have 1.5 year old b/g twins (20 months now) and just found out I'm pregnant last Thursday (early pregnancy test) so I am only 4 weeks pregnant tomorrow. Congrats to you!! Twins are amazing!!! The multiples group in the bump was really helpful during my pregnancy. I'd start following their discussions. Do you know what type of twins you are having (Di/di, mo/di, etc)? Feel free to send any questions my way! You will be ok.
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    No advice here! Just wanted to say congrats and a h&h 9 months!!!
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    Omg!!! Congrats! No advice just wanted to say congrats :)

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    rmj28rmj28 member
    Twins run in both of our families, including hubbys half sister. They are fraternal boy/girl and she was terrified, too, but admitted now (they're 3) it wasn't as bad as she anticipated. They were always the same schedule and they are still best friends and even hold hands in they're high chairs..

    My best friend predicts I'm having twins.. I'll make sure to let you know if I am.. you'll be great, Momma! Don't stress!
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    Congratulations! I have 6 year old twin girls! It will be easier than you expect. My sister has twin boys and my sister in law has twin boys too. Crazy I know, but it will be amazing.
    My tip: don't buy two of everything unless necessary (two cribs you need, but other things, you only need one) Most likely the babies will be doing different things at different times, so extra baby accessories that take up extra space (and money) isn't really needed.
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    I have three year old twin girls. Twins are the best and it is totally do-able! Keeping them on a schedule and on the SAME schedule was vital for me to get any sleep. Multiple board groups are helpful as is an extra hand here and there, but when you only have two hands you get pretty creative and it is okay if one has to wait a little while you change a diaper. People love helping when they see someone with twins. They will also look at you like you are super woman mom. Learn to accept help and say yes every so often when it is offered, even though it can be hard I know. It really gets easier and easier as they grow- and is so so much fun! Enjoy the fun parts and when there is a moment where you don't know whether to laugh or cry- choose to laugh. You can pm me any questions too.
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    I had my blood test today and my doctor said based on my results I am most likely having twins! (1905 hcg at 4w2d). Ultrasound not for 2 weeks but I did IVF and transferred 2 embryos so the chances are good it's really fraternal twins. My younger sisters are identical twins so at least my mom can give me some advice on having twins!!
    TTC 02/11, Diagnosed IF 01/14 tubal factor IVF #1 08/14 - cancelled IVF #2 10/14 - egg retrieval only, fresh transfer cancelled due to OHSS FET #1 12/17/14 - 2 blasts, BFP 12/24/14, D&C 01/21/15 - twin blighted ovums FET #2 04/03/15 - 2 blasts, BFP 04/09/15, EDD 12/20/15
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    Congratulations! I have 21 month old twin boys and a 4 yr old and now pregnant. It can go either way, for me personally the 1st and fist part of the 2nd trimester wasn't bad at all. However the other have was hard. Your going to have a lot more aches and pains. Morning sickness. You will have more Ob appts than with a singleton.

    As far as when they are born, its hard. I hate when ppl lie and say oh it's not that bad. Or oh your having twins! I wish i had twins. They have no idea whats involved. You will be sleep deprived. Make sure you have a lot of support because its 2 babies which is twice the crying, twice the diapers, twice the throwing up, and when they get sick twice the inconsolable babies. It's hard but like with everything you will adjust and find ways that work for them and you. You will get thru it. Once again have good support cuz going to the store ir anywhere will be so much more work and effort and you will need to olan everything.

    Oh there is no such thing as being iverly prepared but there is a such thing as been under prepared. Remember that. And like the others say get them on a schedule, although easire said than done. When mine were infants i had them on a tad bit separate schedule so i could have individual time with each. It was only a 20 min difference but its nice to be able to have 1 baby even if its only for 1 min.

    Oh yeah one last things there are 2 types of twins. 1 are the twins that absolutely love each other, thrive in each other, need to be with each other all the time. 2 are my twins who fight and bicker all the time. Lol

    Congrats againn i wish you a healthy and happy 9 months.
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    Congrats! No advice here but just take it in and enjoy it. You'll do great!



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    I have no advice but...congrats! Wishing both you and your babies a healthy 9 months!
    Liliana Seraphina born 9/5/2103

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    Omg I thought I was the only one freaking out. My partner and I found out we are having twins , 7weeks today , I panicked when I found out lol We did IUI with menopur, trigger shots, Etc. but now we are excited !! Still a bit nervous as this is our first pregnancy and we don't have any twins in the family. Any advice/help/tips/ etc etc would be awesome. We live in San Diego Ca Thanks !!!
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