September 2015 Moms

Baby's legs crossed at u/s!

Well, yesterday was my much anticipated u/s to find out the sex and lo and behold...legs were crossed. Ugh. Luckily, my dr knows me very well and how anxious I am to find out so I can start shopping so I get to go back on 2 weeks to try again! Any tips on how to get the baby to cooperate? I've cut out caffeine completely so I'm thinking about drinking a big Coke before the appt next time :P

Re: Baby's legs crossed at u/s!

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    I've heard orange juice helps. This is my biggest fear!!
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    seamonkey4seamonkey4 member
    edited April 2015
    I got a small bottle of orange juice the day of my ultrasound. I drank 1/4 of it on the drive over and kept the rest incase baby was still lazy. There was no need to finish the bottle! My little girl was so squirmy they had a tough time getting a good shot at first. A little bit of sugar goes a long way! But it definitely worked. We got a perfect legs wide open potty shot.
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    Wow I had never thought of oj! Thanks ladies!
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    O no! Lol. I was so anxious to find out so I can imagine how you feel! Glad the dr is getting you back in soon! I'd be like I'm coming back tomorrow ;). Good luck with your next ultrasound!
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    My baby had his legs crossed the whole time. I used the bathroom during a break, did toe touches and moved around then we gave it another try. Baby finally revealed his goods!
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    str13str13 member
    DD1 did this too!! My sonographer asked what the baby liked and told me to go eat it! Lol I went and had mexican food with my mom and when we got back DD1 was flipping all over the place! Maybe that would work for you too?
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    My ultrasound tech had me cough several times as well as lay on my side. We finally got to see!
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    My little lady's were crossed as well. The tech had me lay on my side and she uncrossed almost immediately after I rolled back onto my back. It took about 20-25 minutes for her to cooperate, but we were at a private facility so they were patient. I even drank a whole glass of orange juice before and that didn't help! Good luck when you try again! If the baby doesn't cooperate again, I'd recommend going to a private place that will spend more time with you.
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    Our little girl crossed her legs in 2 different u/s. The second time... after 30 minutes of trying, some leg lifts and jumping jacks got her moving. I tried all of the sugar and caffeine tricks and those didn't work. My guess is it's a girl. . My tech said almost all of the stubborn babies are little ladies haha ;)
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    I'm praying for a stubborn baby at my next ultrasound. We are team green but I am wavering. I don't was a chance to even get a glimpse. :)
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    Well, I have 2 girls and my youngest did the same thing. My niece was stubborn as well and now after hearing all of your stories, I'm thinking it's a girl...although everyone I know is betting it's a boy. Oh the anticipation! I think I'm going to take all of your suggestions and drink orange juice, do jumping jacks, toe touches, lie on my side, eat spicy food, and go to a private place! \:D/
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    I highly suggest going to an elective ultrasound place :) they will spend more time on you and most bring you back for free in a few days if you can't see. Maybe I'm just impatient so I just couldn't wait another 2 weeks. Good luck!!
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    I tried to eat peanut butter and had a coke a half hour before my appt and it didn't help! I had to go back 2 weeks later and decided not to do anything out of the ordinary and we got the shot! We're having a boy. :)

    For the best shot, make sure you drink plenty of water and you have a full bladder!
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    I love all of the tips, girls! mschris, interesting to see you had a boy. I was just hearing about all of the shy/stubborn babies being girls!
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