November 2015 Moms

Bloat or Fat...either way I want to cry.

I feel so fat and gross right now. I have elasticated trousers for work, however they keep rolling over my belly because even the elastic cant cope! They are tight and uncomfortable, I have to keep tugging at them all day and they push my back fat up so that it looks like an ass on my back. 

I was gaining weight before I found out I was pregnant as I fell off the wagon on my healthy lifestyle due to a hip injury....however over the last few weeks it feels like the weight has came on hard and fast and at an unusually fast rate even for me. 

My tops dont hide the fat belly anymore because my boobs are so big the tops dont go down as far. 

Everything feels clingy and horrible. 

I think I am getting really stressed because before my hip injury I managed to get down from a size 24 to a 16 doing over a year of hard graft....I was running 8k runs, doing insanity, doing metafit, spin, circuits etc as part of an action filled fitness routine 5 days a week. The intensity caused me to develop hip bursitis and I was told to give up the workouts for a while to help it heal...without the workouts I turned back to food and eating and sitting about being lazy. I got addicted to pizza and junk again and lost control of portions etc so was gaining weight. 

Now I am pregnant and I have not been at that level of fitness so I worry about going back to metafit, insanity and doing long runs because its been around 6 months since doing that level. 

I now feel like I am going to get massive again, I cant wear any summer clothes and will have to spend summer days dressed in baggy jumpers. 

Feeling pretty down about it. Today I have on my rolling work trousers as none of my jeans fit, a baggy tshirt and a scaft to hide my fat and wide is sunny outside. Grrrrr. 

I dont know if it is fat....bloat....both. 

Anyone else struggling to cope with leaving the house and finding things to wear that doesnt make them feel like a beached whale? 

Re: Bloat or Fat...either way I want to cry.

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    Go buy few items of comfortable clothes. That's what made me feel better. My bloated belly is huge, and very noticeable. I am a nurse, so I even had to buy bigger scrubs to hide the belly. Some nice loose fitting clothes will make you feel better. H&M, and old Navy have maternity, and also other nice stuff.
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    Yes, I told a couple of my professors that I was expecting and they mentioned that they "were wondering." What??? I'm only 9ish weeks! It's bloat and fat! Makes me very self conscious. I love love maxi skirts and will probably pick up a couple maternity items soon, since my belly is where my fat was held previously, so I feel like it exacerbates the bloat. And I agree with PPs, go do some type of exercise, just chill it down from Insanity.

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Thanks guys :) Nice to know im not in it alone. 

    My hips is better enough to do general exercise, I managed a step class and I am doing it again tomorrow. Just struggle with getting out of breath easily and the jumping really hurts my boobs even with a sturdy sports bra! Also the lack of energy is making it hard to get motivated. But yeh, I am doing step, will be going for walks with my mum and I will be going back to Spin and probably something else but not worked out what. It is just a struggle as it feels like the rapid bloat/fat gain is too fast to be beaten by a couple of moderate classes. I cant do insanity and metafit as it will raise my temp and heart rate too much and my hip isnt ready for it either! 
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    Hey, lady! As a former Beachbody coach I was ripped from Insanity / P90X and loved it.. But the fact is that our beautiful babies need healthy mamas, not crazy ones that jump around like maniacs. ;) I've taken to swimming, using the elliptical, and walking on the treadmill with a steep incline. Lately I've been too sick to even do that! I don't think it's worth beating yourself up over. Do what you can and take it easy. We all look bloated and feel icky. This "miracle of life" is making me feel pretty crummy so far. Good luck and know you aren't alone!
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    Buying a couple of clothes that fit me while I'm bloated and gaining weight has been key for me. I'm also plus size and want to eat all the junk food in the house. I've started by not buying as much junk food and making sure to fit in some fruit and veggies everyday. Even if it's one or two.

    Biking and walking are two things my midwife said were good for pregnant women to get exercise. Stationary bikes are my favorite anyways.
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    I'm right there with you ladies! I can't button my jeans, in order to wear them, I have to use a hair tie trick my sister told me about. I don't want to buy any new clothes right now. It is frustrating, but all I have to do is think about the little miracle growing inside me and it makes it all worth it.
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    I think we're all feeling this way. I have days where I feel okay and then I have days where I just feel like a cow. My husband constantly tells me that I am beautiful but I think what has helped me the most on those days is the thought of how badly I've wanted this baby. I try not to complain about the sickness or weight gain because I know that it comes with pregnancy. It's just a little reminder that it will all be worth it in the end. Hang in there...being a mother is a beautiful thing! 

      FTM due 11/06/2015
    Married 09/21/2013
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    kmd91kmd91 member
    Yeah, I've been feeling grossly bloated, not at all helped by the fact that we are at the beach like at least once or twice a week. Being in a bikini makes me wanna run around telling everyone that I'm pregnant and bloated, not just chubby. I'm so used to having a super flat stomach, so I've felt so incredibly self conscious lately. I hope I feel better about it once I start showing, because then I'll at least know I look pregnant versus fat
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    I'm a size 20, at 8 weeks I've actually lost 7 pounds..... But I'm so bloated I can't wear ANY of my jeans, not one pair. Yogas it is. And honestly we're all pregnant here, I think it's more important to be comfortable and happy. If you're this stressed from it then you need a reality're creating life!!! That's awesome!!!! Focus on eating healthy and be happy. Let go of you weight control for now. Go on some nice long walks. It's way more important for you to have a happy healthy pregnancy than it is to stay skinny.
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    I feel like this too. I actually wore a Maternity shirt today though and felt so much better. I am ready to look pregnant and not just like I am gaining weight. By the way the pregnancy acne doesn't help anything either. Atleast I have big breasts for once :)
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    Just do what you can and try to eat healthy for the baby :) (but also enjoy some occasional cravings) I think we are all feeling very bloated and gross right now so you're not alone!
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    I know it's hard to remember, but your body is a beautiful vessel right now, doing amazing and miraculous work! No need to judge yourself, just take it one day at a time, one food choice at a time and keep active within reason. I have a history of gaining 70lbs per full term pregnancy, 4 so far, and I've been my own worst bully. I always manage to lose the weight, so I'm just reminding myself daily to let my body do what it needs to do to accommodate my baby. Find yourself a few comfortable outfits, add some accessories, and honor this journey! You deserve to feel beautiful!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    I feel bloated too ladies, I was quite hurt when my mum said that I was just fat cause it was not baby fat. Just feel sooo fat and bloated. Want to feel a baby or even moving. Want to cry.
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