September 2015 Moms

weird dreams! !

Anyone else having weird or scary dreams lately?
I'm 13wks.
Three nights ago i dreamt that i delivered my baby all alone and it had no body just a giant head and it didn't cry and i kept forgetting to feed it...
Two nights ago i dreamt that our baby was here (& healthy) but i missed the birth. Like i wasn't there. I asked my hubby how the birth went and how i did. Odd...
Then last night i dreamt that i delivered in a room at a birthing center with about 10 other moms all at once and they sent us all home to sleep without our babies and no snuggle time and then we came the next morning to see them and cuddle them and practice breastfeeding etc.

Anyone dealing with similar weird dreams or have any insights? Lol

Re: weird dreams! !

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    Yeah, my dreams have been extremely vivid, and most of the time they're pretty scary! My poor husband is woken up almost every night now because of my nightmares lol
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    Aww :( sorry to hear
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    Ugh I have some weird dreams too! Never about the baby but always different odd things that are so vivid and I remember all of them! I guess that's just what pregnancy does to you :-/
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    I had a dream real early that the baby was there and we had nothing for it. No bed no clothes no milk nothing. my husband was sitting on couch while I had baby and kept shaking his head. It was very strange
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    I had dreams last week that progressively got worst ! By thursday i didnt want to go to sleep.
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    I've been having terrifying dreams every night. Being chased, things blowing up around me, running for my life, ect. Ugh! I don't get it, but they have been pretty scary and happening every night.
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    I had a dream that my US tech called and said it's a boy.
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    I've been trying to write mine down down because they're so crazy but they're so vivid they're way too long to type on my phone in the morning! I have had a couple dreams where I missed the birth too and even one where the baby could like.. Communicate with me and was critiquing my breastfeeding! Jerk baby!
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    Had a really weird on the other night...dreamt I was starving and searching every where for a snack. One of the few sweets I actually crave with this pregnancy are donettes. When I found them, I felt like I hit the jackpot. So I started eating them, getting aroused with every bite. I woke up in the middle of an orgasm.
    Now I'm afraid to eat them again because they just won't live up to the donuts in the dream :)
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    I just woke up from an awful dream where i was switching back and forth between the mall and some underground caves with hyinas chasing after me trying to bite me. And when itd go to the mall setting young teenagers were trying to get me to touch coins so i would have to buy their shoes. Like they had to meet a quota and thats how they got you to have to buy them was by touching a bizzare.
    Ive had a few sleepgasms as well always something not to do with sex that gets me going. Havent had as many of those dreams as id like lol.
    But all very bizzarre and vivid dreams.
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