June 2015 Moms

Ring removal for swollen hands?

jayhawkmom12jayhawkmom12 member
edited March 2015 in June 2015 Moms
My hands and feet are just starting to swell and now I can't get my ring off. I am wondering what some tried and true methods are (specifically wondering if anyone has used Preparation H to get a ring off). I saw the video with the floss and we started to try that but I kind of panicked in the middle of it. We might have to revisit that one when I am feeling calmer if there aren't any other suggestions.

Re: Ring removal for swollen hands?

  • Have you tried just twisting it off or maybe Vaseline ?
  • Windex... I had to use it yesterday.
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  • Any kind of oil... Coconut, olive, vegetable
  • Soap.. Ice pack to take away swelling a little bit?
  • Try elevating your hand for a few mins to help bring the swelling down.
  • MJMum524MJMum524 member
    edited March 2015
    I'd say not to try any procedure alone. I couldn't get my rings off one time (not pregnancy related) and I truly almost had a panick attack. I think panicking makes it worse. Try a suggestion with a very calming person who will calm you down and provide reassurance if it doesn't work. Any of the previous posts are worth a try! Good luck! Edited to finish my thought.
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  • Ice to shrink the swelling and something to lube it up
  • I have been getting swelling as well... but mostly when I'm hot.
    Married: 28 August 2014
    BFP #1: 11 October 2014
    EDD: 22 June 2015 -- updated DD: 20 June 2015

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  • TheEATheEA member
    I would try it first thing in the morning. Maybe try getting your hands cold by running them under really cold water before you try.
  • Stcik your hand in ice water to reduce the swelling. 

    My wedding band is already in the gun safe.  Can't get that sucker on anymore.

    • Married 6/1/2012
    • BFP #1 - 11/17/2012 -  MC 12/10/2012
    • BFP #2 - 2/12/2013 - EDD 10/17/2013 - DD Born 10/10/2013
    • BFP #3 - 1/29/2014 - Ectopic pregnancy discovered 1/31/2014
    • BFP #4 - 9/28/2014 - EDD 6/4/2015 - DS Born 5/31/2015

  • Windex , along with pushing from the underside of your rings . It really helps get them over knuckles .
  • Take a 15 minute bath (shoulders down) to help with swelling, then try the previously mentioned things
  • I just went through this a few days ago. I freaked out when I realized it wasn't coming off, and after trying to put lotion on to slide it out, I figured I would just wait. So when I got home, I rested and elevated my feet and the swelling went down. If that wouldn't have worked, I would've tried ice water like previous posters said. I took my ring off and I'm not planning on putting it back on until I deliver. Luckily my husband is very understanding about it.
  • Mine has started to swell as well. So in the morning I take them off and I put them on my pinky and that's where I have a right now. Want to find a strong necklace that can hold them.
  • If the windex doesn't work, a local jeweler like a Jared will cut them off for you for free. Depending on the ring, it's easily repairable. Just don't get them resized until after the baby and the swelling are over with.
  • I finally got mine off and am wearing a bigger size. I found a fake one that looks just like mine. Woot!! I used dish soap to get mine off.
  • Don't get them cut off! I just had this issue. Look up the you tube video of people using dental floss. One of my rings was looser than my wedding rings and that came off first try. It did take 3 tries to get my wedding rings off but they're off now. Both my husband and my mom tried, the last try I did it and it worked. I will say don't try multiple times in one day. It really hurts if you do.
    I highly recommend this. I know a guy who hadn't taken his wedding ring off in almost 20 years and his skin was starting to grow around it and this method even worked for him.
  • I have tried all of these and the Windex seemed to have some success up to a point. It looks like I will need to do the floss thing again. I hope I can be less stressed out for the next try. Thanks for the advice!
  • Also a good idea might be to try to remove them first thing in the am, right after you wake up. Your body has been horizontal and anything that was swollen may have reduced in size while you slept.
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  • @jayhawkmom12 the first two times I tried the floss, I think I didn't use enough. A lot of people said to use about a yard of it but the last time I tried I did 2 yards, maybe even more. This enabled me to really wrap the floss around the puffy part of my finger. I think it's also important to not really see any skin poking through the floss. The tip of my finger did turn a little blue, but it was the least painful of the tries.
    Another thing I did was I tried not to eat any added salt all day before trying. I ate things that had some sodium in it, but I didn't eat anything I wanted to sprinkle salt on or lunch meat. I also drank about 64 oz. of water throughout the day before I tried.
    Hope you find something that works! I know everyone is different.
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