May 2015 Moms

T&Ps please! Update

blankenbakerhblankenbakerh member
edited March 2015 in May 2015 Moms
So I have been having some mild pains and a lot of contractions. Doctor checked me today and I have dilated to 1cm. She is concerned about having cervical change so early. I usually dilate a little early around 36-38 weeks but never this early. I am 32 weeks today. I got a steroid shot today and will have another one tomorrow, on pelvic rest and she did a FFN test. Hoping the FFN test comes back negative and LO will stay in at least another 4-6 weeks!

Haven't talked to my OB but I did call and the nurse told me my FFN was negative. So I guess that is some good news. I am pelvic rest still and plan on just taking it easy the next few weeks:) I am still having some discomfort and contractions I am keeping a close eye on but nothing so far that has prompted a trip to the hospital. Thanks for all the well wishes! Here is to positive thoughts that baby will stay in another 4-6 weeks:)
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