February 2015 Moms


Im exclusively breastfeeding and was wondering when is the best time to introduce a bottle with daddy. I dont want nipple confusion but i also want my husband to have his bonding time as well. Thanks

Re: breastfeeding

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    I have been told no paci or bottle for one month.
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    My pediatrician said to introduce a bottle between 4 and 6 weeks or else they may not take one later.
    With my daughter we introduced at five weeks but weren't consistent with giving bottles and by 10 weeks she started to refuse them.
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    I was also told one month. Didn't know the tidbit about refusing a bottle in the future - thanks ladies!
    j & m
    married July 2012
    My Angel - Amelia Hope - 3/13/14, 22 weeks
    BFP #2 - 6/10/14     Hoping for our rainbow baby    due February 2015

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    Recommendation here is to use a spoon or a feeding cup to feed baby until BF is established to avoid nipple confusion with a bottle. If you use the right technique (put the spoon/cup towards their lip and let them controll the feeding) it's apparently very similar to breastfeeding. Maybe try that if you are worried about nipple confusion but still want LO to have bonding time with your SO?
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    My lactation consultant said at 3-4 weeks. My daughter is 3 weeks and she has taken a bottle once a day for the past few days and is totally fine going back to the breast for the next feedings. I do know that many of my friends waited tulle 6-7 weeks and had a hard time getting their sons to take bottles at all and they had to extend their maternity leave because of that. I am not sure if you have to go back to work or not but if you do I would suggest introducing it before 6 weeks.
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    Due to problems in the hospital with breastfeeding I had to pump and introduce a nipple to her on her 3rd day and she's been switching back and forth ever since with no problems.. Every baby is different though.
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    Due to iugr and my pedi wanting DS to have additional breastmilk between feedings, we introduced a bottle at 4 days old. he is gaining weight perfectly so we us the bottle for night feedings. We also use a preemie nipple because it is the slowest flow and not very easy to get milk from.
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    mperez95 said:

    Due to problems in the hospital with breastfeeding I had to pump and introduce a nipple to her on her 3rd day and she's been switching back and forth ever since with no problems.. Every baby is different though.

    This exactly. Was pumping in the hospital and introduced a bottle by day 2 under the advisement of the Lactation consultant. We don't use them back and forth interchangeably yet, but we have given him a bottle probably somewhere around 5 or 6 times since his birth and he was 2 weeks yesterday. Have not noticed any problems with him latching after he's taken from bottle.
    I think we'll start doing a regular daily bottle so my hubby can do the early morning feeding within the next week.
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    I think it depends on the baby. I had to supplement with formula (2oz once a day) when my daughter was less than a week old to get her bilirubin levels down. She had no confusion with bottle and breast. Occasionally even now I'll have pumped milk given to her in a bottle when I'm without her for an hour or so and she'll be a month old on the 4th.
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    My son has had no confusion between the breast, bottle or pacifier and he is only a week old.
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