September 2015 Moms


edited February 2015 in September 2015 Moms
so I had severe round ligament pain today. Hubbs and I went to the er to make sure everything was fine Bc I was in immense pain.
After I got the green light that me and my baby boo were fine we left the hospital & headed to eat.the only thing I love to do lately..
Anyway to land my plane,I'm so annoyed that this husband of mine did not want me to eat chicken kitchen.
I almost stabbed him with my iPhone. Here I am, fresh out of a doctor digging in my goods and after finding out that I am ok, how dare u deny me anything.
Now he's wearing headphones while driving (he knows I hate that Bc I'm a safety manager) and singing along to his bs rap songs.

Re: Annoyed!

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