February 2015 Moms

Membrane stripped?!?

i got my membranes stripped this past Wednesday, I'm 40 weeks today. I've ready so much about how people go into labor within 48 hours of this being done and yet...here I am still very much pregnant and my Braxton hicks have actually stopped...what the heck?! I do not want to be induced because I've heard labor is much longer and more intense. Any suggestions or has anyone had the same things happen?

Re: Membrane stripped?!?

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    Same exact situation as me! Membrane swept on Wednesday and due today no bh. I'm scared I'm not gonna know when my water breaks if it will
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    I've only had my membranes stripped when baby was 6 days late. She came 20 hours later. From what I've read, it'll only happen if your body and baby are ready. I've been induced twice and it was much more intense than the sweep, but I still did both without pain meds. It's doable. But if it comes down to a choice, I'd choose another sweep before inducing.

    And about water breaking...3 different experiences...It can happen any time during labor!

    1. dr broke my water to get things going while being induced for low fluid

    2. my water broke, the ctx stalled, and then induced

    3. my water broke while pushing
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    I had mine stripped at 39 wks 1 day, lost my mucous plug 24 hours later, have had much more discdiscomfort and contractions for a week and a day but still no baby. No matter what they just come when they're ready I'm told (this is my third and he's heading towards being the latest ugh)
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    Your dr can't make you induce without your consent. IMO (disclaimer - I'm no dr), if there is no medical indication (ex. if you and baby are both healthy and seem to be doing well) there's no need to induce before 42 weeks. Your due date is in the middle of a timeframe spanning weeks when it's considered healthy to have a baby. If your dr wants to induce before 42 weeks, I'd suggest asking them for details reasons why, and thoroughly researching whether it's in your and your baby's best interest to induce early.  
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    Had mine stripped at 39 weeks, nothing happened.......today is my due date and I'm still pregnant.
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    Had mine stripped and went into labor 4 hours later. Had my baby boy the next day. Everyone is different. Hang in there! LO will make their appearance when they are ready! Good luck!
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