April 2015 Moms

"Are you sure you're only having one?!"

um, yes! There's just one baby in there, so stop calling me FAT!

Then they follow with "well, are u sure it's not coming SOONER?!"

Um... If you call me fat one more time I will cut you with my overly long & neglected toenail!

Re: "Are you sure you're only having one?!"

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    I get this question every. Single. Day. And the fact that most of the time it's coming from another woman pisses me off even more. As if I'm not already aware of the little planet I have beneath my shirt! I've just taken to pointing out their flaws right back to them. Usually shuts it down pretty quick!
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    I get this too. I think most people mean well and are just trying to be funny. Easier to just let it ride.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    People think they are clever with these comments. They aren't.
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    "When are you due again?!" Are you sure you're going to make it to April?! - Yes, I hope so! Doesn't help that this is baby # 3 in less than 3 years, but still people, give me a break!
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    Yea, I get that a LOT. It hasn't been funny one time. Shit, people what do you think women are supposed to look like at 8 MONTHS PREGNANT?!
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    Right?! I've learned that people just say stupid crap. Sad part is, when someone tells me I'm glowing or I look cute, all I think is, "right?!" Lol... I guess I get the huge comments more often.
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    A lady said "oh wow, you must be due any day!" I just ignored her and smile. Of course she doesn't get the hint and asks when I'm due... Looked her in the eye and told her Nun of your business. :) she blinked and walked off... But most of the time I give them a sickly smile and say "thank you?" They get the hint with that usually too;)
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    I get this often too! Why are people so ridiculous? !
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    Omgggg same here!! My belly its even that huge and a women told me that! Ignorance! U all are beautiful! U carry life inside u! :)
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    I had a (very overweight) coworker ask me if I was sure I wasn't having twins. It took everything in me to bite my tongue and not ask her if she was. 
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    People are just rude and don't think before they speak. What are we suppose to look like at 8 months? Embrace your shape. This is one of the most beautiful times in our lives.
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    I think we all know never to say "Are you sure that there's only one in there?" to a pregnant woman. I know two people who started their pregnancy with twins but ended up losing one of the babies and I absolutely winced when I heard someone ask them "Wow, are you sure there's only one in there?" and the Mom having to say "Yes, I'm sure." It's a huge no-no to ever say that.

    In the person's defense, I totally blame it on not always knowing what to say. I think a lot of people feel like acknowledging your pregnancy is the polite thing to do when they see you- they might not know much else going on with you and they want to show interest. They might not even be thinking honestly that you look extra big or that it looks like you're having twins- they might just have that phrase in their head as a way to acknowledge that your bump is really growing. I doubt anyone ever says it to a woman trying on purpose to make her feel bad.

    There are SO MANY things that people should never say to a pregnant woman. I think a lot of people feel the need to say SOMETHING but all of us have an example of something someone said that really rubbed us the wrong way. I think you should always tread carefully and never assume anything about the woman or the pregnancy or you can really stick your foot in your mouth. 

    "It's always better when we're together." -Jack Johnson
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    I get that a lot, Some people are feeling sad & sorry about me saying oh poor lady with that big bump & backaches everyday u look tired and making us depressed !! I mean u never got pregnant!!! You didn't feel fat or never been in pain!!!!!
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    When people say anything to me about being pregnant? I act like I'm shocked and say "it must be the bagel I had for breakfast." Worked like a charm for awhile but I'm not fooling anyone anymore.

    Keep your heads up ladies. We are in the home stretch!
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    Lol!!! Last nights comment at work- are you ever going to go home and have that baby???? Or are you just going to explode??!! Really??!!
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    That one almost drives me as crazy as someone looking at me and guessing the gender. What's wives tale are you going off of? Few are flattering... I get it I'm wide or pointy, my skin looks better or worse, either way it isn't nice. When I say no it's a boy I get a sideways look and then am told "well those ultra sounds are rarely right?
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    I had a lady tell me Thanksgiving week,so not even half way, say " oh, you look like you're about to pop!" At the grocery store a few weeks ago,someone parked less than a ft fro. My car! In the process of being disgusted, a lady comes up behind my and says "oh please tell me it's soon" I get comments like this all the time!! I sub teach and I get high schoolers telling me " my sister just had a baby, and she was as big as you"
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    I had a lady tell me (when pregnant with my last child), "what's up with your skin? You're pregnant, your skin should be clear & glowing... What's up with your skin?" ???

    Didn't your mama teach you not to say anything if you can't say something nice?!
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    CadancetylerCadancetyler member
    edited February 2015
    I got the "Are you sure you aren't having twins?"question. She then added another comment on top of that one. "Usually first time moms don't show as much as you are. That's odd." I wanted to karate chop her, but I was at church and thought I should be more civil. Surely Jesus would have understood though. Haha
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    In December, around the twenty third, a lady asked me if the baby was due "before or after Christmas". I just replied, "After. April actually." People should learn to be quiet or say something that doesn't have to do with how big we are!
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    I really hate comments about my weight during pregnancy. I wish that everyone would realize how rude it is to comment on it. I get that people can't resist mentioning SOMETHING when they see you and your new bump but I wish they would choose their words carefully. 
    "It's always better when we're together." -Jack Johnson
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    Agreed. People are rude, although, I believe not ususally intentionally. I've gotten:
    "Are you sure there's only one?" when I say "yes, positive." then I get "I don't think you're going to make it to April!" I've gotten these several times
    "They must have the due date wrong..." --actually no, I know what day I got pregnant, but it sounds kinda gross to say that to people, lol.
    A hispanic guy told me "You look so full!" haha! wow...
    "You look like you're about to explode!"-A man in his 50's....
    "Looks like someone couldn't lay off the beer over the New Years!" ....really?!?! obviously that one came from a guy...
    Was born to be a mom! BabyFruit Ticker
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    These comments dont really bother me. I feel extra beautiful with my bump. I love showing it off. Ive even gained 50 pounds and dont care. LOL. Bring on the comments. Im growing a human. I really love when my SO says how big I am.
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    The same exact thing happened to me just after Christmas! I had someone say, "so is this a december baby or a January baby?" I replied, " oh no honey, not due till April... lol
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    I see THE SAME people at work everyday.... They say the SAME joke everytime. Every. Day. I'm to the point of not acknowledging their existence. Did I mention.. Everyday?
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    I got a new one from a coworker last week,
    "OH, now you REALLY look pregnant! You can see it from the back now too, not just the side!" I mean really people...it also doesn't help when the one saying it is a size negative two and is on a diet.
    My revenge is gloating when I walk by her starving self with onion rings.
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    I get the "are you sure there's only one?" Or "oh I dropped this, can you bend over and pick it up?".... EVERY DAY from the SAME PEOPLE. One coworker sat there are told me how tiny my feet looked compared to the rest of me and kept going on and on .."you should see yourself!", She said. I flipped out and said "I have f***ing mirrors in my house!!!" If you can't think of something supportive to say, please, shut up! Plenty of people say absolutely nothing to me about my pregnancy at all and neither of us seem to suffer because of it! They think they're being funny, but I don't think being pregnant is any reason to tell someone they look fat every day.
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    I HATE this! I usually get it from male customers at work who don't know what else to say and think they're oh so funny. It's getting harder to smile and say no, just one.... Thanks for the concern though!
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    edited March 2015
    I get the same thing all the time are you sure you're not having twins or you sure its only one baby in there. It gets on my nerves and I get it from the same people everyday or every time I see them. Then on top of that I also get oh I can't wait for u to have that baby I'm tired of seeing you pregnant while im thinking if you think you r tired of seeing me pregnant how do you think I feel when I have to carry this belly around. Oh and don't let me forget I also get, I don't think you're going to make it to April you're going to have that baby way before than.
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    I feel like every day at work people ask me "are you okay?! You don't look good" and I just want to scream "I'm nine months pregnant!!!" Lol
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    lilmama041215lilmama041215 member
    edited March 2015
    The remark that got me the most offended about being pregnant is when my FIL asked my DH if I was serious about breastfeeding, my DH said yes and my FIL told him oh well that kid is going to starve then.

    (Insinuating that Im flat chested).

    1st of all Im a D cup. Started my pregnancy as a C cup.
    2nd cup size doesnt matter anyways. Someone whos a B cup can produce just as much or just as little as someone who is a double D or larger.
    There is absolutely no correlation to cup size and the amount of milk you produce.

    This had me absolutely fuming. I am so strong about breastfeeding and have worries already about it whether or not I will produce enough or dry up or have any other problems preventing me from being able to breastfeed my son and I know he was probably "kidding" but I found it really inappropriate and hurtful.
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    ***sorry I know that wasnt concerning how big my belly was but needed to vent.
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    I hope your husband promptly punched him in the face!
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    Yesterday I got "are you tired, because you're carrying around allllllll that extra weight?". No, I feel like a million bucks, and thanks again for a weight comment. And every day at work I get "no baby yet?".... Would I be standing here for you to ask me that if I did have the baby??!
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    I can handle it if someone ask thus question one time, because I use to do it before I got pregnant to pregnant women. I didn't mean no harm, and I didn't realize all the hormonal changes that happens. But now that I am pregnant I completely understand. Anyway, I get asked this question from one person at work. And every time I tell her its only one. About a week ago she asked me this question again, I told her its not nice to ask a pregnant women if she's having twins. And its not funny. She proceeds to say, "are you sure, because they can be hiding behind one another. And if you have twins you can be done. Two for the price of one?". I felt like telling her F*** OFF, you F***ing @**hole. But I snapped back, looked her in the eyes, and told her. I told you once before I'm not having twins. I'm not going to say it again...dropped the mic and exited stage left.
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