October 2015 Moms

any mommy's that had a MC?

So we had went through so much for this baby (failed IUI'S ans IVF'S)
And finally I saw those 2 pink lines..
Now I'm even more scared than when we where trying..
Anyone here relate?

Re: any mommy's that had a MC?

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    Ive had 2 and an ectopic. Its very hard not to worry after all that. Stick babies stick!
    Miscarriage/D&E 10w6d 10/3/14 (baby's heart stopped beating)

    Ectopic Pregnancy discovered @ 10 weeks 5/6/14 (Lost right tube and ovary)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Miscarriage @ 9 weeks 11/9/08

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    Never been through IVF but I have a septate uterus and I've had 2 MCs before. This is the farthest along that I've been so far and I'm scared and excited. I love PPs rationale.
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    6 MC's and an ectopic last September. I told my husband last night, I feel awful because as badly as I WANT to be happy about this I can't..... having trouble believing it's even real at this point. All I can think about is all the bad things that could happen. It kinda sucks. :/
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    Yep, I had a MMC in June of last year. Had to have my second myoectomy after that to remove 6 large fibroid tumors. I was cleared to start trying again in November... So thankfully, I'm here. I have no way of knowing yet if the fibroids have come back, but for right now, I'm pregnant and things are progressing normally, so I hold on to that. Prayers for all of us!
    Me: 33 DH: 31
    DD: 10 (born August 2004)
    Married 03/01/14
    BFP: 05/17/2014 EDD: 1/25/15 MMC: 06/30/2014
    BFP: 01/31/15 MMC: 02/25/15 

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    Yes, I had a miscarriage before my son, in fact he was born almost a year to the day after I had my miscarriage.  Then I had another one this summer. I would have been due at the end of this month.

    Rachel and Jeff Married 5.29.05

    Jason is 8

    Elizabeth is 6

    Katherine is 18 months 

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    Had three between my two DS and one in September, and then a failed iui in November. This was our second iui, we were only planning on doing three iui before quitting and being content with our two kids.
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    I had one in May 2010, 11 weeks. I think there is a PfAL forum, if that helps, but try to not stress. I know that is useless to tell someone that because it's not like you want to, but, stressing will not help. Yes, you are understandably cautious. We all will be, we have been there, but all we can do is watch out for the bad things (caffeine, alcohol, chemicals) and pray/hope for the best. It will hurt if we lose this one, but we may not.  And this may be the little rainbow. So, just live in the now. Now you are pregnant. :) And we are the lucky bunch right now that will get more and more women every day as they find out and come to us. :D So, reach out to them. 

    I think the hardest part for me will be when people complain about symptoms that mean the baby is healthy. I will take morning sickness if it means my little Hamburger (because at 4 weeks s/he sort of looks like a hamburger) is going to be healthy! I will throw up every damn thing and swell to the size of a blimp! 
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    I lost my first at 20 weeks last August, she was a miracle result from our first FET after ivf (I hyperstimulated so had to freeze my one lonely embryo until my ovaries calmed down). It was such an easy pregnancy too.
    This time round I'm one of those people who have fallen pregnant naturally and my due date is exactly 9 months after my first due date.
    Trying to be excited more than terrified but those moments still creep in.
    There's no reason why this pregnancy shouldn't result in a bouncing screaming child is what I keep telling myself x
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    I've had two. One was a little over 12 years ago, and happened really, really early. I actually think it was a chemical but I didn't know at the time. I had literally just turned 21, wasn't in a relationship with the father . . .

    My other M/C felt, to me, much more devastating. It was a little bit of a surprise because my husband and I were NTNP, but not quite expecting me to conceive so easily, given that it took a while to conceive our son. I found out around 10 weeks that I had a MMC, which was around 6 weeks. The whole process was awful, because while I started bleeding September 21, my body never fully passed the gestational sac and I had to have a D&C November 17. So for nearly 2 months, I was walking around with an empty sac just hanging out in my uterus. I actually went to the doctor thinking I was either pregnant again or had an infection, and they saw an empty sac still there.

    I'm 6 weeks today with this baby and scared to death, partly because I've had some spotting. Mostly brown but turned to red briefly today. Hoping for good news tomorrow when I go in for an US.

    I think it's pretty normal to be worried about having a miscarriage after you've had one (or more), but many women go on to have heathy babies after.

    a href="http://www.thebump.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Parenting Tips"><img src="http://global.thebump.com/tickers/tt1c2dc3.aspx" alt=" Pregnancy Ticker" border="0"  /></a>
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    I've had 6 and an ectopic a few months back. So yes, 100x over, I relate. I feel like I'm jinxing myself because I want so badly to be happy about this pregnancy, but I just can't because I can't make myself believe it's going to work out this time.
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    I had a missed miscarrige in dec. I completly know how you feel. It's the worst. Now it's not really in our control just waiting and hoping things go good!


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    Two and a half years ago I had a blighted ovum and miscarried at 11.5 weeks and a few months before that I had a mc at 8 weeks. I was with my ex husband then and living a high stress life... I'm hoping now that I'm with the right man, things will be different. Can't help but be scared though! Especially since 7 months ago I found out I had a thin uterus due to low thyroid function and didnt think id be able to get pregnant so soon. We are waiting to announce but telling a few family and friends.
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    I'm scared as hell but determined to enjoy this pregnancy for however long it lasts.  I miscarried my first pregnancy and so with my daughter's pregnancy I was so scared the whole time I never really enjoyed it.  DH and I are done after 2 kids so this could be my last pregnancy.  I refuse to let fear ruin this pregnancy for me like it did with my daughter.  
    BFP on 1/27/11 - EDD 10/7/11 - M/C on 2/21/11 @ 7w3d
    BFP on 11/3/11 - EDD 07/6/12 - DD born 6/27/12 via c-section 
    BFP on 1/31/15 - EDD 10/9/15 -- Beta #1 @ 17dpo: 394, Beta #2 @ 20dpo: 1604 (35 hour doubling time!), Beta #3 @ 24dpo: 5287
    1st ultrasound 2/19 6w6d - strong heartbeat and measuring perfectly!

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    I'm terrified!!!! My hubby and I are keeping this pregnancy a secret for now (so this is my only way of venting my fears!). In aug of 2014 I miscarried at 14 weeks, I was so so shocked, I thought everything was fine... I thought it was just a routine ultrasound, and then the dreaded words "I'm so sorry mrs. Hutcheson, but there is no heart beat" it was awful.... We had already told our kids, they were devestated!!! Now I'm 6 weeks and a ball of nerves, I'm trying to keep calm... But man this is way harder than I thought!!!!!
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    Curious, what does DH stand for?
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    This past June I lost my baby when I was 22 weeks along. I too, had the "I am sorry, there is no heartbeat" conversation. I am now 4 weeks along and scared beyond belief.....fingers crossed
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    @mijhut I googled it because I was wondering the same thing.

    DH = Dear husband
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    I had one a little over a year ago at 9 weeks. I found at the ultrasound. The baby was measuring on track (9 weeks), but there was no more heartbeat. I'm pretty scared of going in for the prenatal appointments. I'm going to try to not have one that particular week, because I'm weird and superstitious like that.

    My pregnancy with DS was so different, because miscarriage never really crossed my mind -- it was great.

    Now DH and I are hoping and planning for the best, but we definitely won't be telling anyone until the second trimester.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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    It's so hard isn't it?
    I lost my first in August 2014 too, we found out at our 20 week scan.
    I've had one or two terrified days but mostly feeling positive about this pregnancy, although there was no reason for the first loss.
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    Oh and we started telling people straight away, no point in waiting till second tri for us as that's when it went south last time and I needed people to know to help us through.
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    It took us 6.5 years to conceive our son, we were with a fertility doctor for 6 of those years. We were shocked when we got pregnant between IVF cycles. I recently had a miscarriage at 10 weeks, and it was devastating although I had a feeling it was going to happen. I just found out I am pregnant again and today I feel calm but ask me again tomorrow ;). I think infertility screws with your head and miscarriage definitely does, my heart goes out to anyone that has had to endure either one!
    *Formerly peainthepod?* TTC since 1/1/2006. All cycles BFN! IUI's & IVF with no luck. Emergency surgery 11/07 due to hemmoraging cyst on left ovary. 3rd HSG showed complete blockage of right tube (the good side), endo/cysts/adhesion removal 11/11. New start for 2012! Surprise BFP 6/17/12, due 2/12/13. It's a boy!!! Baby Boy born on January 26, 2013. 
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    Oops I just realized I introduced my story twice, sorry!
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    I freak out every time I look at t.p. and any cramp I have had. Had a miscarriage at 12 weeks between my two kiddos and have spent the last 26 month TTC. Finally pregnant. But this is our last shot.....I just wish 14 weeks would come faster
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    maanda said:
    Oh and we started telling people straight away, no point in waiting till second tri for us as that's when it went south last time and I needed people to know to help us through.

    I am sorry for your loss. My comment was insensitive to the women who have experienced later losses. I apologize.

    FX for sticky babies for everyone in October!

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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    hello I had my first mc last year march and then my second one last month and I had no fears that I would mc till I found out I was pregnant again. I am now just trying to relax and spend time with my son. he was my light of my life. My poor husband is very worried and since I told him I have passed the mark of the first and second mc he seems to be more relaxed and wants to get involved
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    I had a very early mc (5w) in August 2015 and a ma in mid December when I thought I was 15w5d, but our angel only lived until week 9. Spent the night at hospital because I need a D, but the us done next day looked good enough to avoid a C. Luckily DH and I already have the most wonderful DS to brighten up our life no matter what! Also family and friends have been a great support for us. Now I feel blessed for this little new miracle and hope it's a sticky bean! Think I'll be a little more relaxed if I get to see/hear a beating heart after 12 weeks though
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    I just got my postivie this morning! Not even an hour ago yet. I thought my eyes were deceiving me so I took a digital one right after too. Both positive! YAY.

    But yes, I had a MC in August of last year at 10 weeks along. So I'm a little nervous and scared and probably will be until I pass that mark, and I think DH and I will most likely be waiting until after the first trimester to let the news be known. 

    Congratulations to all who are pregnant and lets keep our fingers crossed for sticky babies for all!!!!!! 

    Me: 30
    Hubs: 31
    Married: 05/04/2013
    BFP#1: Natural Loss; 8/12/14
    BFP#2: D&C 3/7/15

    Chart Stalk:

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    I also got a positive this morning! I was on the July 15 board but MC at 9weeks in December. Was not expecting to become pregnant straight away but very excited to be here (and trying to stay calm).
    Congratulations everyone :)
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    I had a missed miscarriage at 13 weeks but we didn't find out until the 16 week appointment when the Dr couldn't find a heartbeat. That was in April 2014. We then had a chemical pregnancy in October 2014. We're 5 weeks with pregnancy #3 and I'm a ball of nerves. Trying to stay calm and going for acupuncture to try and keep myself relaxed through the first trimester.
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    I had a MC with my first pregnancy at about 8 weeks, so it's always in the back of my mind! I'll keep my fingers crossed for everyone!!!
    Naomi Evangeline - 10/04/11
    Nathaniel Dylan - 11/19/13
    Noah Gene - Due 10/05/15
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    I had my first pregnancy and MC August 2014. I had started spotting and cramping, got to have a TV us and saw the heart beat at 5w 2d. Amazing. Took it easy for the next few days (as easy as you can while rebuilding from the 2013 flood in AB) ended up going back for another uc a few days later but no heart beat :( I'm 5w5d so it was right around this time. Doing my best to stay positive. Best of luck to everyone!
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    I've had two. The first one as such a shock because I had no real issues with my daughter who is now 9. We got pregnant via oops in 2012 and I lost at 8 weeks. We decided we really wanted a baby and started TTC after a year and a half we finally went to the RE, nothing wrong with either of us so he started us on clomid i conceived on the third cycle. We had serial ultrasounds, it was pure torture for me to watch things grow so slowly to see a potential heart flutter and then nothing, I lost at 8 weeks again. We started back at RE a few months later and I just finished third cycle of clomid and got a BFP. I'm trying to embrace the fact that I'm pregnant today, I will manage tomorrow when it comes.
    BabyFetus Ticker

    DD May 2005 MC Nov. 2012
    MC Aug. 2014
    Chemical Feb. 2015
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    hello! i had a miscarriage in between the births of my two daughters. i also had placenta previa with my second daughter, which caused more bleeding than my miscarriage and i was certain I had lost her too. so i am very nervous about another miscarriage as well. what i have been doing whenever i start to worry is to replace the negative/nervous/fearful thoughts with my new mantra, "i am going to deliver a healthy baby in october". it has been really helpful to keep me from going down the worry wormhole. i firmly believe that our thoughts greatly affect our realities and that worry and fear can bring about exactly what you're worried about/afraid of. so i am desperately trying to believe this one will stick.

    fingers crossed for all of us :)
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    I had an early term miscarriage when I was 17. And accidental pregnancy. But still it made me incredibly upset. It makes me super scared for this pregnancy. But so far so good. And I'm staying positive.
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    I've suffered with infertility for over the past 2 years with a recent loss. This baby was with my 4th IUI. I feel your pain. I'm worried sick
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    my mc was a June 2015 baby
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    @kaldrich4‌ my angel that I lost in December was also a June 2015 baby.
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    I have one daughter right now, that pregnancy went smoothly. I got pregnant with my second one last September and lost the baby at 6 weeks. The doc told me to wait two cycles and try again. Well, we tried again and I'm pregnant now. I'm 6 weeks and 1 day. Just trying to be hopeful. Not telling as many people this time around. Was very hard to miscarry even though it was so early. Wishing everyone good luck with their pregnancy this time around:)
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