April 2015 Moms

Decreased appetite?!

Ive noticed lately that I have virtually no appetite. Sometimes I know that I feel really hungry, but my body feels full. My doctor said this is normal, because the baby is squishing my insides and that doesn't exactly invite feelings of wanting to stuff oneself with food. Plus I'm drinking a ton of water. So I know it's not a medical problem, but it was totally unexpected. My two friends who have been pregnant before me had voracious appetites in their third trimesters. I'm relieved to not have to worry about gaining too much weight, but jeez, it's hard to be pregnant and not want to eat! Anyone else experience this?

Re: Decreased appetite?!

  • I've had this for the last week. I find I just make sure to eat every 2 hours something small:)
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  • I was a pig three first trimester. Now there's no room, so I eat like a bird all day long.
  • Very different from what I imagined. I had a hearty appetite for most of my second trimester. :)
  • I'm feeling the same way lately which is a welcome change to stuffing my face a few weeks ago! I'm drinking a ton of water too and eating something very small every few hours. Things I used to be able to put away easily, like my sweet cravings, I now find myself nibbling or even avoiding--thank you baby!
  • The last few nights I sit down at the table hungry, take one bite and then be done. I don't feel like I have room for anything, ever, anymore. This LO is so much higher than my DD was, I feel like I'm brand new at this because it's so different from my first pregnancy. 

    DD Born August 16, 2012
    DS Due April 27, 2015
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • Ive noticed lately that I have virtually no appetite. Sometimes I know that I feel really hungry, but my body feels full. My doctor said this is normal, because the baby is squishing my insides and that doesn't exactly invite feelings of wanting to stuff oneself with food. Plus I'm drinking a ton of water. So I know it's not a medical problem, but it was totally unexpected. My two friends who have been pregnant before me had voracious appetites in their third trimesters. I'm relieved to not have to worry about gaining too much weight, but jeez, it's hard to be pregnant and not want to eat! Anyone else experience this?

    Why do you have a doctor? Clearly all you need is internet strangers! Save some money girl and tell that doctor to fuck right off with their medical training and experience. Psh, who needs em! If your two friends, experienced something and your pregnancy isn't the exact same, by the book, there's clearly something wrong and your doctor is an idiot! 

    Now where should I send you my bill?

    And that is why I *wasn't* asking for medical advice. I don't disagree with my doctor's assessment at all. Sometimes people just enjoy discussing what they're going through, if it's similar to others' experiences, and what has helped them.
  • I have the same issue. It usually only last a week and then I get my appetite back
  • I feel the same way on and off. Trying to eat small portions in the evening since I have been getting nauseous every night when I lay down.
  • You shuld force yourself to eat anyway. You don't want th ebaby to be under weight. Even if it means you feel over full a lot of the time, it is the best thing you culd do for your baby.

  • At my 29 week appointment, I weighed in the same as I did at about 8 weeks. I had bad morning sickness that caused me to lose weight and because of my decreased appetite, hadn't gained much of it back. So yeah, definitely understand you here! I usually don't get hungry for dinner until about 8:30/9... Sometimes I don't wanna eat at all. But like many others mentioned, lots of small meals throughout the day work. My doctor said to eat a lot of healthy protein like nuts.
  • You shuld force yourself to eat anyway. You don't want th ebaby to be under weight. Even if it means you feel over full a lot of the time, it is the best thing you culd do for your baby.

    I definitely do force myself to eat small meals, but it's a relief not to want to binge on all of the sweets. :) I will fall within my doctor's guidelines for a healthy weight gain during this pregnancy-- which for me was a small amount because I began the process overweight. My doctor assured me that failing to gain weight would not hurt my baby; worst case scenario is that my own body is deprived of nutrients. I'm doing my best to take in an acceptable amount of food (when I feel like I don't want any at all!) but I'm not stressing. :)
  • You shuld force yourself to eat anyway. You don't want th ebaby to be under weight. Even if it means you feel over full a lot of the time, it is the best thing you culd do for your baby.

    I definitely do force myself to eat small meals, but it's a relief not to want to binge on all of the sweets. :) I will fall within my doctor's guidelines for a healthy weight gain during this pregnancy-- which for me was a small amount because I began the process overweight. My doctor assured me that failing to gain weight would not hurt my baby; worst case scenario is that my own body is deprived of nutrients. I'm doing my best to take in an acceptable amount of food (when I feel like I don't want any at all!) but I'm not stressing. :)
    I don't know what if your doctor is wrong? I have heard that it is very dangerous to not eat enough maybe you shuld try to eat powerbars or something small but with extra nutrients because you definitely don't want your baby to be undernourishment and also try to talk to a different doctor to get a second opinion or maybe a midwife because I heard sometimes they know more about holistic health than doctors know. There could be a herbal remedie or something that can give you your appetite back.
  • Around 27 weeks my appetite disappeared and was replaced by queasiness every time I ate anything usually by the time I got to my third bite. My doctor suggested small meals throughout the day but I've struggled because eating makes me feel so miserable. So far the best solution I've come up with has been smoothies packed with protien and at least a small meal a day. I'm nervous about not having enough protein and calcium to keep my baby growing and healthy. I'll be 30 weeks tomorrow and I'm waiting to hear back from my doctor about of my intake is actually enough. Force feeding myself sucks and this is the first time in my pregnancy that I feel like my body has betrayed me but I'm fully prepared to force feed myself and feel shitty for the remainder of my pregnancy.
  • I've been going through this my entire pregnancy. My last doctor visit my doc told me that now he's worried since I haven't been gaining the pound a week I should be for the last two months... now he wants me to supplement with ensure. I tried and after drinking it in the morning my appetite was gone for the whole day. Just like many were saying, our stomachs are just being squished. Whatever you can eat just make sure they aren't empty calories, make sure they have nutrition to them. Make every bite count! :) Good luck!

  • Ive noticed lately that I have virtually no appetite. Sometimes I know that I feel really hungry, but my body feels full. My doctor said this is normal, because the baby is squishing my insides and that doesn't exactly invite feelings of wanting to stuff oneself with food. Plus I'm drinking a ton of water. So I know it's not a medical problem, but it was totally unexpected. My two friends who have been pregnant before me had voracious appetites in their third trimesters. I'm relieved to not have to worry about gaining too much weight, but jeez, it's hard to be pregnant and not want to eat! Anyone else experience this?

    Why do you have a doctor? Clearly all you need is internet strangers! Save some money girl and tell that doctor to fuck right off with their medical training and experience. Psh, who needs em! If your two friends, experienced something and your pregnancy isn't the exact same, by the book, there's clearly something wrong and your doctor is an idiot! 

    Now where should I send you my bill?
    And that is why I *wasn't* asking for medical advice. I don't disagree with my doctor's assessment at all. Sometimes people just enjoy discussing what they're going through, if it's similar to others' experiences, and what has helped them.

    I'm just SO thankful that you don't have to worry about "gaining too much weight".. whew, I was really concerned for you. People that have to worry about that, or end up gaining too much weight are just.. yuck. Gross. You're so lucky!! 

    The snark is strong with this one. Lol
  • I have this going on right now too. Can't finish my meals.
  • This just started with me, as well.
  • I'm in the same boat - I have a stronger desire to drink water, juice than I do to eat! Glad I'm not the only one. I've started doing healthy smoothies also.
    Met my husband in 2002
    Married my Husband and Best Friend in 2006
    Our precious son born October 2011
    Found out pregnant with #2 in April 2014
    No Heartbeat found May 2014....
    D&E done May 30th 2014
    BFP 8/20/14 - EDD May 1st 2015! :)
  • Me too. Every day is different but it's really hard for me to eat a lot of food in one sitting. It also feels like it takes a while to digest my food so I can't lie down after eating. I can't eat a lot in the evening and then expect to go to bed and be comfortable.

    I feel like I always have an appetite for snacks, desserts, water, and juice/milk, but my main meals are hard to eat the whole thing. Plus, I'm having aversions again like in 1st trimester. I feel like anything with hot melted cheese on it- ie; pizza, quesadillas, are GROSS! Who am I?
    "It's always better when we're together." -Jack Johnson
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