September 2015 Moms

What's everyone eating?

My morning sickness comes and goes but I've yet to find something I truly want to eat.I've been REALLY trying to keep up with my six snacks throughout the day, but recently I'm just too grossed out to eat that much. I've been wanting baked potatoes but even that is not appealing. Just curious what everyone else is managing to eat? I'll be 8 weeks on Monday so anything to get me through will help!

Re: What's everyone eating?

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    Chicken soup is all I could keep down last time. Maybe some toast, string cheese, yogurt.
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    barrelocarolbarrelocarol member
    edited January 2015
    I was really hard on myself in the beginning, thinking I needed to eat healthy, as I always do. I've since learned I need to eat whatever I can even stand.

    I'm slowly gaining desirable foods back into my palate. I'm a vegetarian and right now, I can't stand most vegetables.

    I've also noticed I can't have anything that isn't an extreme; I need soft or crunchy. Things kind of in the middle are a no go.

    I did however discover those yogurt drinks. AMAZING! I'm drinking diluted Gatorade, in addition to all the water I usually consume, to ward off electrolyte depletion. And for some reason, southwest flavors are just fantastic! Yay for 7 layer dips, southwest salads and tacos!

    Sour worms rock right now...sweets aren't so wonderful.

    So that's my non-helpful and ridiculous list of what I'm eating and what I'm not :)

    I'm 9w2d. When I was 8w, pasta with heavy cream was my staple.
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    I hate food nothing sits well with me doc gave me some medicine and vitamins cause I had lost weight cause of all the throwing up that I was doing
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    The small snacks do seem to help. I tried gum today when my stomach was doing flips and that asking helped. Everyone is right though, you just have to keep trying different things and keep eating.
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    I can't eat anything bland. Pretzels, bananas, plain yogurt and grilled chicken are right out. But thai food, sun dried tomatoes, aged cheddar cheese and anything with sriracha sauce is ok, as is PB&J. Weight's down quite a bit but I'm too tired to worry about it.
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    Grilled cheese, sweet potatoe fries, pasta, rice, banana, apples
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    Chicken fried rice, ginger ale, chips and salsa, anything with cheese! I am normally a sweets girl...but salty and spicy is what I've been craving like crazy!
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    Unprocessed foods right now because I've always eaten this way. I also drink Shakeology in the morning so I know I'm getting all my nutrients. No sickness (yet). I'm also vegetarian
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    White rice, plain rice cakes, rice chex cereal (no milk), chicken and rice soup all work for me right now.
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    I mostly eat fruit veggies and cheese and crackers. About once every 2 days my nausea subsides just enough that I can eat chicken or a burrito. So I take advantage of that when I can.
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    @barrelocarol‌ psh I knew I liked you! Vegetarian over here too xo
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    Pretzels and hummus!  It's one of the few things I can stomach right now. 
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    Fruit, crackers, soup. I normally prefer sweet things but right now salty is all I want. Gin gin candies has helped a lot and the Naked Fruit juice to help subside nausea.
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    Oatmeal, plain cooked veggies, bananas, scrambled eggs, greek yogurt. Basically anything super plain that doesn't smell too much. Once I smell something its all over. All in small amounts throughout the day.
    Married 9.22.2012
    Me: 30, Husband: 36
    Estimated Due Date 9.10.2015
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    I have cravings of my favorite foods. I think how amazing it will taste, but then I get it or make it and it's a disappointment.... :(
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    Peanut butter cereal, mango sherbert, fresh tortillas from Costco, peanut butter and jelly toast. Before I got pregnant I lived a gluten free, sugar free, dairy free life. This baby plays cruel jokes on me ;-)
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    Chocolate milkshakes!
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    The only thing that has cured my nausea so far has been BBQ. I went through a phase of eating plain, crucnchy things, but now all I seem to want is meat and juicy foods or cereal with milk. Anything dry is not appealing anymore. Also, water is the most unappealing thing right now. I need flavor in my drinks, so I'm gonna try Gatorade and apple juice. Good luck finding your cure! I'm sure it will change weekly.
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    slp213psuslp213psu member
    edited February 2015
    I can't get enough melted butter. On muffins, bagels, baked potatoes. I think I've gone through 20 pounds of butter in 2 weeks!! (JK)
    I also can't get enough Simply Cranberry juice. I need the tart. Sweet like ginger ale doesn't sit well.
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    My taste palate is extremely weird right now. I'll crave a variety of foods and when I finally get them, I don't want them anymore :( it's been challenging. I am usually a sweets girl, however sweets make me sick right now and I've been attracted to grapes, melons, cherries, pickles, pb and j sandwiches cut into 4 pieces without the edges smh, Thai food, and anything I can think of at the time I'm hungry and I can instantly get. Sigh. So ready for the second trimester.
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    Ginger! Fresh ginger helped me with nausea! But as far as food I eat a banana and drink a carnation instant breakfast shake with whole milk at noon. Then about an hour or so after that I can eat what I want. Lately I've been craving fresh fruit! Apples, oranges, and fresh veggies! Also I like Turkey sandwiches with lots of mayo, cheese, tomato, onion, and spinach on white bread. And my ultimate craving sushi! Which I am only allowing myself to eat it two or three x's a month!
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    OMG ladies thank you SO much for your suggestions. They all seem right up my alley. I'm now confident I'm not alone sneaking that dry cereal at work! I hope you all start feeling better soon. We are rock stars!! :-)
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    My constant craving has been for fruit! And PB&J sandwiches have been a godsend at work. I also enjoy Greek yogurt, dry cereal, veggies and hummus.

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    I've been taking tips from "Let's Have Healthy Children" by Adelle Davis and I've been eating as much protein as I can--yogurt, meat, eggs, nuts etc. Along with complex carbs and fruits and veggies. I don't want to eat most of the time but I always feel better after I do--have to eat every hour or two. I found not getting enough calories was making me feel sicker so I've been using fooducate app to track and I'm feeling better when I get at least 1800-2000. Going to buy some b6 today to take throughout the day, that's supposed to help a lot.
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    With my boys, I lost thirty pounds because I couldn't keep anything down. They are now 16 and 14. This go around I have had some nausea, but nothing major. Thank goodness! I was so scared I would be majorly sick, again. Ginger Ale and peanut butter toast have held, tremendously. Apparently, my baby also has a little sweet tooth...I crave things like donuts...I'm really not big on sweets.
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    Mac n cheese, strawberries , and pizza pops! I'm trying to eat healthier but nothing else seems to feel as good going down. Starting to get nervous about weight gain with all my mac n cheese!
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    Carbs, carbs and more carbs ;)

    this is my life

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    Salt. I constantly want anything salty! I try to eat pretty healthy, incorporating more fish and vegetables into my diet, but at the end of the day I find myself ravaging the pantry for salt and vinegar chips!
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    I wish fruits and veggies were sounding good to me but I just can't stomach them lately. I've been eating peanut butter and crackers, pasta, ice cream and cereal. Hopefully next trimester the healthy stuff sounds good.
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    I typically eat lots of greens...and right now, salads and veggies disgust me! Typically, the only foods that are appetizing now are salty, cheesey carbs. Pizza, tacos, nachos, etc.. I'll get back to eating right 2nd semester...for now, I'm just glad I can eat anything!
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    kaylaef said:
    Carbs, carbs and more carbs ;)
    this is my life

    This is my life too. I feel as if I'm eating WAY too much and I'm craving salty and spicy foods big time!
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    I went through a phase of eating everything. Then craving pickles and now I'm just lucky to eat anything. I'm constantly on the verge of throwing up. Every little smell makes me gag. Lately goldfish crackers are good, green apples and strawberries, pasta and sipping on water frequently has also helped.
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    I've been on three day binges - first it was kale in everything, then sweet potatoes, then tomato soup, and recently salmon. I actually had pizza with smoked salmon, red onions and capers. Now it's cheese! If I didn't stop myself I'd have all of that on top of pasta. 
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    I basically eat anything that's around me.... And nothing satisfies me... Until this weekend when DH made me a cheeseburger, now all I want is cheeseburgers. 2 weeks ago all I could stomach was chicken fried rice DH makes now I see it and want to vomit... I drink chocolate Milk by the gallon, before I was pregnant I wouldn't touch it because of the sugar. Just like I wouldn't eat fast food and all I want is Wendy's now. I'm to gain 90 pounds during this pregnancy I can see it already hahahaha
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    Yasss, carbs. Bread w/ peanut butter, crackers, noodles... lots of V8 juices to get in some other nutrients. I keep asking my other preggers friend (in the 2nd trimester now) how she didn't starve! :-/

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