December 2014 Moms

Last week of maternity leave!!!

I'm heading back to work after next week and wanting to cram as much as I can into my time with baby.
Hubby and I are splitting our work schedules so we don't have to do daycare. I've already started cooking and freezing meals for him (feels like I'm pregnant again!) and getting the house in order, dry cleaning my work clothes and got a new post baby hair cut.

So what would you do on your last full week with LO? Grab a coffee with a girlfriend, go to lunch with your mom, see a movie, take a lot of naps...? What would you do?

Re: Last week of maternity leave!!!

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    Get in as much snuggle time as I can. 
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    #1-BFP 1/5/14...EDD 9/19/14...MC 1/28/14
    #2 BFP 4/15/14...EDD 12/26/14

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    What she said! I can't imagine having to go back so soon. I think I would spend the week holding my baby and sniffing in that new baby smell!
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    Oh man. I am down to almost 2 weeks myself and it hit me this week that this time with LO will eventually come to an end. So sad :(

    I would say just do as much bonding/snuggling as you can. I often want to put LO down when he naps so that I can get things done, but I remind myself that it's ok to just let him sleep on me from time to time. Those snuggle naps will be few and far between once I start working again and I'll long for these days.
    BFP on 4.3.2014
    EDD 12.10.2014
    DS #1 born 12.16.2014 - He's perfect!

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    I took lots of naps and snuggle time with dd1. I'm thinking about going back early with dd2 since I'm only going back for 3 mos and quitting. I'm so anxious to be done with working and staying at home full time.
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