April 2014 Moms


My LO is teething and constipated- worst couple of days! I just asked about constipation so thank you for all your responses- thought I would ask and see how many of you have dealt with fevers during teething? My dr does not seem worried but we were at 103 then took Motrin, then we were at 101.8 now three hours in we are back up to 102.8. She's my first baby and I'm freaking out- they reccomended a Luke warm bath and maybe alternating tylenol next. This is brutal! I thought watching our dog when he was sick was bad-yikes, feel so helpless.

Re: Fever

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    Oh no! I hope your LO feels better soon! Try the luke warm bath and tylenol before bed. Also put LO in cool comfortable clothing (cotton). Best of luck. Nothing is worse than a sicky baby :/
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    My ped said that high of a fever is not teething. Teething fevers are just low grade fevers like around 101.

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    I've read that there is no actual scientific connection between teething and fevers....

    I know it's hard not to freak out over fevers but just like @ashleypixiex2‌ said, the fever itself is not a problem- just a symptom of something else. I generally don't medicate for anything unless the kiddo is visibly uncomfortable- whiny, fussy, etc. My dd has gotten fevers every 30ish days for the last 18 months or so, so we've gotten really good at tolerating fevers. :-( She also tends to get chills and hallucinate with her 103+ fevers, especially at night, so i usually give meds at bedtime if not throughout the day.

    BFP: 7/5/10   EDD: 3/13/11  Miscarriage 8/1/10 at 8 weeks

    BFP: 10/30/10   EDD: 7/7/11   Born 7/11//11 7lb12oz, 20 in.

    BFP: 7/30/13  EDD: 4/9/14 Born right on time on his due date! 8lb10oz, 21.5 in.

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    Awesome prophetic fortune cookie: Love is a present that can be given every single day you live

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    And, does your LO have any other symptoms or just the fever? Could be something like hand foot and mouth or roseola....

    BFP: 7/5/10   EDD: 3/13/11  Miscarriage 8/1/10 at 8 weeks

    BFP: 10/30/10   EDD: 7/7/11   Born 7/11//11 7lb12oz, 20 in.

    BFP: 7/30/13  EDD: 4/9/14 Born right on time on his due date! 8lb10oz, 21.5 in.

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    Awesome prophetic fortune cookie: Love is a present that can be given every single day you live

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    I'm just seconding the that my doctor said fevers are not necessarily associated with teething, particularly one that high. I might seek a second opinion in this situation. Hope your LO feels better soon!
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    I agree. Any fevers we had from teething were all below 101. Its prob a virus of some kind. My LO had one before Christmas where she had a fever around 102 for 3 days. Didnt seem to bother her much and was worse at night. I gave her advil for it at night to keep her comfy and help her sleep.
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    We were just in the hospital all morning with LO. Her temperature got to 103.5 and DH freaked out and insisted we go to the ER. She's been getting these viruses with fevers and ear infections. So either it's just viruses or she's not kicking the ear infections. The ER doctor said her ear looked "a little red". They tested for flu, RSV, UTI, etc. and came up with bupkiss! So we're alternating tylenol and Motrin and going to LO's pediatrician this afternoon. I was also told this morning LO's daycare buddy has croup. So it's all wait and see.

    Our doctor also said a warm to lukewarm bath to help along with the fever/pain meds. I'm at work on 2 hours sleep ready to crawl under the desk for a nap.

    Good luck!!! I hope your LO gets better soon!
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    edited January 2015

    ugh! Im sorry your LO is sick too!!  We actually ended up at the Dr after alternating between both Tylenol and Motrin too, couldn't get her fever down past 101.9 and she started having diarrhea.   They did a finger prick and think its a virus. Actually told me that it wouldn't surprise her if when the fever broke she came down with a rash- and there it was this morning! Fever gone and belly/back/neck and hairline covered in small red bumpies!  I guess its a virus and this is it leaving her body. Never heard of it before and they said sometimes the little ones just get it- how random is that? I HATE seeing these bumps, but shes 100& back to acting like herself so I know she feels better, probably about 75% to her total self. We even lost 4oz, but the Dr doesn't seem worried. So scary- hope your LO feels better soon and thank you everyone who commented- I really appreciate your feedback during our first fever- I was Freaking Out! ;0)

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    Cold compress on the back of her neck (usually 15 min for the compress), and tylenol 3hrs after motrin. Tylenol n is the only thing that gets rid of DD fevers. Motrin lowers, and it comes back. Bath wouldnt hurt either, we usually do a warm bath with lavender soap/bubbles. Helps calm her and relax her, once the fever is broke.
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