Working Moms

Tuesday GTKY

1. What was your first job ever (not just a one-off shoveling of snow or something but first recurring payments).
2. The opposite of last week's question - what are you NOT a snob about (instant coffee, cheap shampoo, etc.)
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Re: Tuesday GTKY

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    1. processing new books and repairing damaged books in a library when i was 14.
    2. generic medications. Luvs or store-brand diapers (the brands that don't leak). non-plush toilet paper (i usually buy the brand made from recycled paper, even though DH moans about it).
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    1. I was a sales person in a gift shop at 16.

    2. I'm a sucker for - and thus not a snob - about buying clothing second hand for myself and my DDs.
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    1. I was a mother's helper for a woman with 4 kids my junior and senior years of HS.  I worked from 4-7 MWF and a full Saturday.  I got paid 6.00 per hour-- which I LOL at now, but she always paid me that day and it was in cash.

    2. Most everything.  Most of my makeup and all of my skin and hair care stuff is from the drugstore.  I shop in thrift stores for home goods, baby gear, clothing for DD.  I color my hair at home myself.  I buy a lot of generic/ store brand basic food (bread/ eggs/ pasta).   


    BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12

    Lilypie - (TUWi)


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    edited January 2015

    1. My first job ever was working a few days a week at our church's nursery taking care of babies while people were at church or choir practice or bible study etc. I actually did that all through high school and then at a different church all through college.

    2. I don't think I'm very snobby about clothes, probably to my detriment. I am usually shopping at Target, Old Navy or Macy's. Gap for a splurge. Over the last year I've gotten more snobby about a lot of things and I finally did buy some clothes from Banana.

    ETA: Ok so I do shop at retail stores not thrift shops so maybe I am snobby? If thrift shops were online I would go to town!

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    1. I worked at TJ Maxx. I think I spent my entire paycheck on clothes each week.
    2. Probably most grocery store foods - I will go for store brand vs name brand with a couple of exceptions. 
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    1. When I was 12 I had an every Saturday morning job taking care of 2 girls who lived next door while their SAHM worked with their dad, a veterinarian. When I turned 14 and thus was legal to work in Texas, we switched places and I worked with the dad. I was a vet technician from age 14-21. He was an animal ophthalmologist, so I know really obscure facts about animal eyes, and I got to help with a lot of zoo animals because he was under contract with two area zoos. I have paid continuously into social security since I was 14.

    2. OTC meds. Clothes for the kids since they outgrow them so quickly. (Target or resale shops generally, though I will spend money if I like something.) Exercise clothes.
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    1. Usher at a university coliseum for college basketball games, concerts, shows, and events. I was the lowly minimum wage high school girl charged with ensuring the college students didn't sneak in booze.
    2. This is hard because I've become quite a snob about a lot of things. I'm not a snob about kids' clothes. Don't care if those are second-hand, stained, or a bit too big or small. My oldest is 3 so it's all about comfort and him being able to get his own pants down to go potty

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    1. I worked at the Gap.  So cliche.
    2. Ditto on the consignment store clothes!
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    1. Six Flags - worked mostly in Looney Tunes land and really hated kids - swore I was never having them.  Transitioned to waiting tables and then decided maybe I just hated people.

    2.  Hair cuts.  I go to the Supercuts type places. 

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    1.  I worked at Stein Mart which is a boutique department store mostly visited by people over 50.  I hated it.  I had to wear pantyhose every day in the summer which was complete torture.

    2.  A lot of things fit into this category but for myself I'll say clothes and shoes.
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    1. I walked dogs for this really weird, wealthy, eccentric couple that lived down the street. The dogs were golden retrievers and I walked them for an hour after school and then had to brush them and clean off their paws before they went back inside- every single time. They paid me 50 a week though, which is really good money for a 13 year old.
    2. Consignment store clothes for both me and my kids. We have great ones around here and it just makes sense. Also, generic prescriptions and medications. 

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    I post this with a pang of guilt considering how many we've lost...

    1. In 6th grade, I walked home a 3rd grader and watched him until his parents got home. I don't recall at all how much I got paid. I was always in awe of all of the cash they handed me no matter how much it was. It was all downhill from there. I was addicted to a paycheck. All through high school and college, I had multiple jobs (I was like a hoarder) and worked as much as I could. 13-15 hours days over the summer. 40-50 hours during school. I loved it. Now I'm lazy as sh!t.

    2. I'm not a snob about anything that I don't expect to last more than 2-3 years - which includes food, vacations, most clothing, some shoes, decorative pillows, towels, sheets. If it's cheap and it lasts longer than that, it's a big juicy bonus.
    One boy (11.26.12) and one girl (2.28.14)
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    1. An ice cream store when I was 15. It was during the Atlanta Olympics, so I got paid to walk around downtown and hand out flyers. It was amazing! The ice cream store tanked after a month but during that time, I talked to athletes and tourists from all over the world.

    2. Wine. We drink a lot of boxed wine in this house. It's cheap and once again, studies show that most folks can't tell the difference in a blind taste test.
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    I was a post and run before and am coming back now with sadness to see the developments.

    1. I was a salesgirl in the store at the mall after high school - never worked before.
    2. Wine. And handbags and accessories.
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    1. My first job (not including babysitting) was recording accounts receivable for a small gift shop.  Super easy and they even let me do some of the work from home!

    2.  I guess I'm not a snob about vitamins, OTC meds, some food (e.g., cereal).  We buy generic brands.  Why pay 25%+ more for the same stuff?

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    1.) I was hired on as a dishwasher/prep cook at age 14.

    2.) Almost nothing! I love generic everything.
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    1. What was your first job ever (not just a one-off shoveling of snow or something but first recurring payments).
    Day/Summer Camp Counselor I think I was 14 or 15 when I started.

    2. The opposite of last week's question - what are you NOT a snob about (instant coffee, cheap shampoo, etc.)
    basically anything... i'm also a lover of most things generic.
    Married DH 5/28/08
    DS Born 4/13/11
    DD Born 3/38/15

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    1. Working at old navy. Started there when I was just under 16.
    2. I buy a lot of generic grocery items. Also buy my makeup at target and usually my handbags from there too.
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    litzo27 said:
    1. What was your first job ever (not just a one-off shoveling of snow or something but first recurring payments).
    2. The opposite of last week's question - what are you NOT a snob about (instant coffee, cheap shampoo, etc.)

    1. I worked in the Chemistry and Biology labs at college - stocking, cleaning, preping for labs, etc.

    2. I am NOT a snob about cosmetics...I don't ever wear the stuff, but when I do, I'll just get whatever. I don't have a brand I like or anything.

    Egg Retrieval - Feb. 2013 -> OHSS.  FET#1 - June 2013(failed). FET#2 - October 2013(success!) Griffin Alistair: 6#10oz 20" long, born 6/19/14 @ 4:04am
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    First job was a full-time summer job at an insurance office when I was 15. I had to bum a ride to work (about 30 minutes away) with an older friend.

    I almost always buy generic (soap, groceries, etc.), toilet paper.. things that are disposable.
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