May 2015 Moms

Personal Rant

jennilarkspurjennilarkspur member
edited January 2015 in May 2015 Moms
It almost 2 in the morning, and I'm awake because I had to spend some time vomiting.  I couldn't find my "Back-Up Rolaids" and nearly got in the car in my pajamas to drive to the store.  I'm constantly starving, and take lots of nausea medication.  So in spite of the nausea and vomiting, I still keep more down than I regurgitate, and I have put on almost 50 pounds.  Nerve pain and muscle spasms have left me screaming in agony, and I ended up staying overnight in the hospital for the first time, accepting my first doses of pain medication in my 27 years of life... also exposing my unborn son to his first doses..  My job requires speed, and I can't seem to keep up to 1/4 my old pace these days.  I find myself crying anytime I'm left alone.  I'm starting to wish I'd never gotten pregnant.  THEN, Kadence kicks.  Thank God he does that.  :-)  I love this boy!  But, holy cow, I find myself fantasizing about this pregnancy being over sooner than later.  (In my fantasies, my son is healthy of course.)

I'm sure these are things your just supposed to suck up, and not say.  But, yes, I am miserable, and ready to be done!  Am I alone here?
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Re: Personal Rant

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    Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry :( I hope you feel better!
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    I think I was reading somewhere in my late night Internet reading from pregnant insomnia that Kelly Clarkson and others are making it their personal mission to shine the public light on how crappy pregnancy can be for some moms to be. Like how that's one sentence? that's because it's 4:30am and I'm being kicked for more food ;)
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    I hate being pregnant and my pregnancy aside from a uti and heartburn has been mild
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    I hate saying this because I know so many struggle to get pregnant and I should just be grateful, but I hate being pregnant more than anything in the entire world! I'm 22 weeks and just now starting to not have morning sickness, I could list a million other things I hate but I'll just say you are definitely not alone! Good luck!
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    You are definitely not alone. I have moments where I want to cry from pain, exhaustion and vomitting. I think as moms we are always going to feel guilty when we complain because we know how lucky we are to be blessed with such a miracle.

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    I'm sorry you're going through all this!!......but you are certainly not alone!! This is my 3 pregnancy (2nd to make it this far) and while I am so thankful to be pregnant after a miscarriage, I absolutely hate being pregnant. Aside from feeling sick and crappy pretty much all the time, I just don't feel like myself. I always tell DH that my body & mind have been taken over by this baby. But I promise it will all be worth it in the end !
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    I absolutely hate being pregnant. I know I could have to worse tho too. Dr called to tell me I have a bladder infection, how did I not know this?! So between that & the heartburn I'm up all night already. & I'm right there with you on the weight gain. I look in the mirror every day and just hate it.
    I'm just trying to look forward to May and enjoy as much of this as I can.
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    You are not alone. As for being slower at work and sometimes regretting getting pregnant, you need to cut yourself some slack. You've had a difficult pregnancy, sick, and working. You're balancing a lot.

    I understand your pain, I'm a part-time grad student that works full-time. I'm so behind with school since anytime I sit down for a night and write a paper, my sciatica gets so bad that I can barely walk at work for about three days. I'm exhausted all the time. I'm sob about this sometimes. I'm barely holding on by a thread. I also am trying to put it all in perspective. It's a lot.
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    Hugs girl - I know what you mean. I have these moments where I cannot believe I chose to do this to myself again. I wanted this baby more than anything - and still do - I just forgot how miserable being pregnant is. I've spaced my kids out by six years each and I think it's because it takes me that long to forget just how miserable the whole pregnancy experience is. Before I got pregnant this time I was romanticizing about how beautiful the whole process is. The reality is that I'm extremely uncomfortable, dealing with kidney stones on top of everything and can barely function enough to keep my job, which involves running all over the place all day long (I'm a med/surg nurse).

    About the pain meds, cut yourself some slack. Small doses are not going to hurt the baby at this point in your pregnancy. I have to take vicodin to deal with the kidney stone pain (I had this with both my other pregnancies and took it the last 20 weeks of each pregnancy). The risk of using a narcotic pain medication near delivery is that it can cause withdrawal in the infant and respiratory depression at birth. Neither of my children had withdrawal issues although both did have some respiratory issues at birth. And I was taking a pretty high dose. So please, know that taking a couple of doses of pain meds at this point is perfectly okay and nothing to worry about.

    I'm not going to tell you to try to enjoy the last half of the pregnancy ... just try to make it through. Take each day as it comes. Be gentle with yourself. Are you having a scheduled induction/c-section? I find that knowing I only have to make it to April 29 (when my c-section is) helps. In the mean time, enjoy your little boy kicking. As much as I hate pregnancy, it's the one thing I absolutely missed when I wasn't pregnant - it's such a cool feeling! Take care!
    BFP 3/30/13, MMC and D&C 4/19/13
    BFP 4/8/14, MMC 5/5/14, D&C 5/9/14
    BFP 8/26/14 Due date 5/8/15

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Keep your head up OP. We are more than halfway there :). And like Pp already mentioned, don't beat yourself up. Hope you feel better soon hun.
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    Dont beat yourself up, sorry you're going through this I hope it gets better. ..I am a ftm and expecting twins, everyone says carrying twins is hard work ( I have nothing to compare to so I just shrug) . but before being pregnant I always loved preg woman thinking they were so cute and I couldn't wait to be preg myself. Well just say after the first month I said to dh I dont think. Id want to do this again lol. Worked out for me bc we wanted two kids and are blessed with twins. I just want to be able to breath, not have my back hurt and be able to get comfy when im sitting or sleeping lol
    TTC starting 8/2014 :)
    BFP 8/27/14  EDD 5/9/2015 9/25/2014 ITS TWINS!!! <3<3 
    12/25/14 twin boys <3

    BabyFetus Ticker

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    You are definitely not alone.  As thrilled as we all are to be pregnant, it sure as shit isn't sunshine and rainbows.  It sound brutal what you are going through, and I hope some of those crappy symptoms lessen up for the next few months. 
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    I'm with you OP- when someone tells me I'm glowing, I think, is my extra oily acne prone skin or the baby oil I have to slather on my body due to the itchy rash I have all over me? I wake up every night with heartburn and feel like a whale- but I actually paid a lot of money for this and prayed every day for a baby. I try to keep it in perspective. My friends tell me that God helps you forget how hard it is so you can go for a second. Fingers crossed!!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Pp's have already said everything I could, and better. So I just want to offer big creepy Internet hugs and some positive vibes.
    This is why this community is so great, you're surrounded by women who understand.

    Pregnancy Ticker


    IT'S A BOY!
    Due 5/25/2015
    Likely to arrive via induction or c-sec 1-2 weeks early

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    Thank you for ranting, hope you have easier days too mixed in.
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    Your not alone! Love all my kids! I do think most women get to that point where they are like..I am done with this! Lol I know I do! I hope your last trimester is better!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I agree! It's hard to be sick and happy at the same time! I just have to keep telling myself that it's all for a good reason! :smile:
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    Try to be kind to yourself OP. Not everyone enjoys being pregnant.
    Sorry things have been so rough. Hard to believe this but soon this will all be a distant memory.
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    Girl nothing is worse than nausea. I'm
    Right there with you.

    If you ever need to just sound ridiculous and "cry" internet style or even just send me a bunch of curse words bc you're not feeling well you an send me a private message and I'll listen to ya!
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    I think my OBs name for the night is Dr Bacardi lol. That what it sounds like they are sayjng
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    Whoops wrong thread
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    Lezzie82 said:
    I think my OBs name for the night is Dr Bacardi lol. That what it sounds like they are sayjng
    can we have a shot lol 


    BabyFruit Ticker 

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    Holy eff. Good vibes your way. So far I've put on 30 pounds without trying. I miss working out. I feel huge. But a great blessing is coming.

    Randomly saw the name comments - maybe go with Cade or Caden? I know it's your choice but I worry he will have a rough time growing up with a feminine name like Kadence.

    Our rescued fur babies, Harley and Maya

    BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
    BFP 1/23/14, EDD 10/1/14, M/C 2/13/14 - Forever loved <3
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    Lol. I know a few guys named Kadence. But, we are a family of K names, and a musical family. And, we love the name.
    BabyFruit Ticker Pregnancy Ticker image
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    Hope you start to feel better. Sending you lots of positive thoughts and prayers.
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    I think kadence is girly and Kaden would work better
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    I am naming my son Benjamin
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    Lol. Thanks for the advice. But his name will remain Kadence. Maybe Kadence Sabriel.. ;-) lol....
    BabyFruit Ticker Pregnancy Ticker image
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    amelandre said:

    Lol. Thanks for the advice. But his name will remain Kadence. Maybe Kadence Sabriel.. ;-) lol....

    I can't even tell if you're joking because Kadence is as ridiculous as Sabriel.
    Lol. You're right. Maybe Kaighdynze Zzabrioughyl? Hehe..
    BabyFruit Ticker Pregnancy Ticker image
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    Please reconsider giving a girl's name to a boy. My husband has a "unisex" name that is mostly considered a girl's name. He hates it. It is part of why he is really shy; he hates telling people his name.
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