TTC after 35

Dear Infertility ...

You can suck it.  I'm so over you!  Ugh.  IUI was a BFN and I'm so disheartened.  It all looked so promising - Hubby's post-wash sperm count was 129 million, I had 4 potential follicles, I ovulated like clockwork the afternoon of my IUI.  Even the numbers added up - IUI on 1/2/15 - my number combo is 1215.  UGH!  

So, now I'm googling like crazy to figure out why this didn't work - aside from the fact that it was our first freaking IUI.  In my rational mind, I know it could take a couple times.  In my normal (irrational, anxiety ridden) mind, I'm freaking out.  So, I'm jumping to worrying about egg quality.  I'm going to try to make some lifestyle changes to help that out -- eliminating my beloved diet coke, alcohol, diet changes, etc -- but I've been reading up on supplements and I'm wondering if anyone can given me guidance on CoQ10 - what type do you use, where do you get it, etc?  @vh2014, I know you said you're using it.  Any insight would be helpful.

Sorry for the dear diary, whiny post before getting to the point.  I'm just so frustrated right now.  Thanks Ladies!
*** Child & current pregnancy mentioned ***
Me - 41 (PCOS), Hubby - 43 (healthy)
7/2013 - Sweet baby girl born (Clomid + TI)
3/2014 - TTC #2, return to RE 7/2014
12/2015: IVF #1 transferred two great looking embryos - BFP!
First ultrasound: TWO beautiful little heartbeats!!
Harmony: negative; level 2: babies look great and are boy/girl! :) 

Re: Dear Infertility ...

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    That really sucks, I'm sorry.  :(  Nothing worse than everything adding up and then finding out you got the big fat middle finger from the pee stick.  Huge hugs,.

    Yes, I use CoQ10- I have the gummies from CVS.  No one has anything negative to say about it that I've seen yet... I showed it to my RE yesterday in my bag o supplements I brought with me and he was ok with it, but still... check with yours too.  Once they start giving you meds suplements can not work with them.  Also.. I've been reading where others say 600mg but mine are only 200.  

    Just started CoQ10 a couple weeks ago so no idea on how well it's working... but the gummies taste good and since I am cutting out sugary foods they feel like a total cheat... my prenatals, Vitamin D, B12, and CoQ10 are all gummies so that's 8 gummies I get to have- it's like getting candy  =))
    me:41   dh:43 
    Off Mirena Nov 2013, On Nuvaring end of Jan, Back off Sept 2014.  Never ending cycle starting end of Sept... 
    11/14 Provera failed... cycle continues 
    12/14 High FSH (57 "midcycle")  OBGYN had no clue... about anything 
    01/15 More lab results coming back from RE. U/S showed small (1")cyst on left ovary, thin lining, and couldn't locate right ovary so  possibly straight to DE and IVF 

    Occassionally mess with the chart below to see "what if" and learn (not to make it pretty but because FF stays drunk with me).  

    My Ovulation Chart
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    I'm so sorry for the BFN. I was so rooting for you.  :( 
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    I'm so sorry!! My friend just got pregnant on her third IUI, so don't give up hope - but I know how disheartening it is when everything seems so perfect and it still doesn't work.

    I've been wondering if I should give up my diet Pepsi habit. It's caffeine free, but still, I have at least a (tall) glass with lunch and 2 or more with dinner. What are you thinking of drinking instead? The only I thing I can think to drink that isn't full of sugar or calories is water, and water with food is just gross.
    Me: 37  DH:39
    TTC #1 Since May 2014
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    Thanks @vh2014.  I'm going to run to CVS and check them out.  I'll be going in early next week for my baseline so I was planning to check with them about it then.  I also take B12, D, and prenatals, but not in gummy form.  I think I'm doing something wrong! :)  I also read about Vit E and C as well.  Everything I read said 200-300 mg of CoQ10, by the way.

    Thanks @kindershlitz.  :)

    @luvmyponies, I was looking at those water bottles that have the little "trap" in them to put fruit in.  I think I might get one of those, but I agree that water isn't what I want with food.  I drink LifeWater sometimes, but I think that also has aspartame (or some sort of artificial sweetener) in it, which is what I'm trying to cut out.  My headache today tells me that even though I also do caffeine free a lot, I'm definitely withdrawing from something.  UGH!
    *** Child & current pregnancy mentioned ***
    Me - 41 (PCOS), Hubby - 43 (healthy)
    7/2013 - Sweet baby girl born (Clomid + TI)
    3/2014 - TTC #2, return to RE 7/2014
    12/2015: IVF #1 transferred two great looking embryos - BFP!
    First ultrasound: TWO beautiful little heartbeats!!
    Harmony: negative; level 2: babies look great and are boy/girl! :) 
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    I take 100mg of ubiquinol which is the bio available form of CoQ10. It is the form that your body can easily absorb. It is more expensive but I order it online and it's way cheaper than in the drugstore.
    I also take D, B12, prenatal, DHA and folate
    I'm pretty sure it takes at least 3 months for it to do anything but obviously not me cause I've been on it a year and havnt gotten pregnant. But if it won't hurt I will take it just in case.

    And I agree. IF sucks balls!!!!!

      Me:39, DH:40

    DD born 8/96, DS born 8/04


    NTNP since 2006, active trying 1/13

    Natural M/C 3/13 at 7 weeks

    CP 2/14

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers


    All welcome

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    @hooligans4, may I ask where you order your Ubiquinol from??  
    *** Child & current pregnancy mentioned ***
    Me - 41 (PCOS), Hubby - 43 (healthy)
    7/2013 - Sweet baby girl born (Clomid + TI)
    3/2014 - TTC #2, return to RE 7/2014
    12/2015: IVF #1 transferred two great looking embryos - BFP!
    First ultrasound: TWO beautiful little heartbeats!!
    Harmony: negative; level 2: babies look great and are boy/girl! :) 
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    I get most of supliments from piping rock. It's a company based right here on long island but they have a web page you order from. They often have buy 1 get one free deals so that's when I order at least 6 months worth.
    I also get some right off amazon. Then you can compare prices

      Me:39, DH:40

    DD born 8/96, DS born 8/04


    NTNP since 2006, active trying 1/13

    Natural M/C 3/13 at 7 weeks

    CP 2/14

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers


    All welcome

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    Oh and I make my husband take 200mg.

      Me:39, DH:40

    DD born 8/96, DS born 8/04


    NTNP since 2006, active trying 1/13

    Natural M/C 3/13 at 7 weeks

    CP 2/14

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers


    All welcome

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    Awww, I'm sorry about the BFN! Infertility sucks!!!
                                     *******SIGGY WARNING/Chlidren mentioned***********

                                                         ME: 41 ----- DH: 43
                                                       MARRIED: 5/3/14
                                                   DS,17   DD,16   DD,12   DS,10
                                                               TR: 4-2-12
                                             TTC our 1st love child! No luck so far! 
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    Thanks @hooligans4!  I'll look into it.  I also read it was good for men.  I'll slip some into my hubby's morning smoothie! :)
    *** Child & current pregnancy mentioned ***
    Me - 41 (PCOS), Hubby - 43 (healthy)
    7/2013 - Sweet baby girl born (Clomid + TI)
    3/2014 - TTC #2, return to RE 7/2014
    12/2015: IVF #1 transferred two great looking embryos - BFP!
    First ultrasound: TWO beautiful little heartbeats!!
    Harmony: negative; level 2: babies look great and are boy/girl! :) 
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    @emsmama15, I'll have to check out those water bottles with the thing for the fruit. Yeah, it's the aspartame I know I need to cut out - I was drinking regular Sprite for a while, but even that's not great for you and there's tons of calories if you drink as much as I do. Maybe I'll just have to suck it up and become a water drinker. Ugh!
    Me: 37  DH:39
    TTC #1 Since May 2014
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    @luvmyponies  Some other suggestions- unsweetened herbal iced tea, milk (if you can) or even some of the other no sugar drinks... but you need to make up your mind about their sweetners too... a lot are made with stevia now.  But I'm sure given enough time there will be something with that too... 

    Of course there's always juice but remember that juice is also full of sugar so in moderation... 

    Not sure if you are going for the diet for weightloss or just because you like it, but that's my 2 cents. 

    me:41   dh:43 
    Off Mirena Nov 2013, On Nuvaring end of Jan, Back off Sept 2014.  Never ending cycle starting end of Sept... 
    11/14 Provera failed... cycle continues 
    12/14 High FSH (57 "midcycle")  OBGYN had no clue... about anything 
    01/15 More lab results coming back from RE. U/S showed small (1")cyst on left ovary, thin lining, and couldn't locate right ovary so  possibly straight to DE and IVF 

    Occassionally mess with the chart below to see "what if" and learn (not to make it pretty but because FF stays drunk with me).  

    My Ovulation Chart
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    Damn, I am so sorry hon *hug* 

    I am not sure how to say this without getting a "solicitation" warning so I guess I just say that I am not longer active on THIS site. 

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    Just like @hooligans4‌ I take Uniquinol because it absorbs better. I get mine from GNC, but I'm sure they have it at most of the vitamin stores. I also take Vitamin D and a pre-natal with iron. DH takes Fertility Blend for Men.

    Sorry your IUI did not work :(
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    Sorry :(

    I'm just doing prenatals so no help, but I'm trying to cut out sweets, too, @vh2014‌ so I totally cheat but getting gummies...will have to seek out other gummies to add!
    36, DH 31 TTC #1 since we got married, July 2014.
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    I haven't used CoQ10 so sorry i can't add any advice there. But wanted to say sorry about the bfn   I have had several meds + TI and one IUI fail now so feel your frustration. Hang in there. 
    Me (42) w/ partner for 16+ years
    TTC #1: 11/2012 - 9/2013; 6/2014 - present
    Follistim + TI (3x): All BFNs
    Follistim + IUI (1x): BFN 
    IVF #1: 17 retrieved,15 fertilized, Day 3: 15, Day 5/6: 3 biopsied
    Result; 1 frozen blast (inconclusive PGS results)
    IVF #2; ER: 6/22 16 retrieved, 6/25: 5 transferred (CP), 2 frozen
    FET 9/17: BFN
    Current FET -- Transferred 2 day-3 embryos - BFN

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    I just wanted to say I am so sorry that your IUI didn't work.  Big hugs for you. 
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    Me 36 DH 39

    DD 3/29/12
                      BFP 6/4/14 ~ MMC 7/7/14 ~ D&C 7/15/14            
    BFP 11/28/14 ~ MMC  12/29/14    

    TTCAL Siggy Challenge

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    So sorry about your BF'nN. I was so hoping for you! 

    I take CoQ10 also but I don't know if it works.... I'm still here.
    ****Loss Mentioned***
    Me: 41 Him: 41
    TTC since December 2013
    HSG 9/18/14 = Tubes open but T shaped uterus
    IUI #1... 1/6/2015 + 50mg Clomid = BFN
    IUI #2... 1/29 & 30/2015 + 50mg Clomid +Tigger +Progesterone = BFN
    3/14 BFFP! Natural w/acupuncture & herbs only
    EDD = 11/22/15;  No heartbeat = 7/21/15
    Cooper Midnight Johnson born sleeping 7/25/2015

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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    @emsmama15 I'm so sorry dear, everything did look amazing and that's the silver lining, it means it will again! I totally agree with ditching the diet soda, even more than the alcohol. The chemicals in diet soda are horrible for you and for fertility!! My MD and acupuncturist told me they would rather I have regular soda than diet. To help with egg quality I take PNV,300mg CQ10 (I order on Amazon) 800 mcg folate and 1500mg royal jelly. I also drink Amazing Grass Green Superfood as well.
    **Losses Mentioned**
    Me 41, DH 38 
    TTC #1 since 9/2014 AMH 3.68, FSH 6.6
    IUI#1 12-02-2015 Letrozol, Gonal-F, Pregnyl, Acupuncture, BFP 12-17-2015 beta 1=72, beta 2=64, beta 3=10 MC 12-20-14 
    IUI#2 01-08-2015 Letrozol, Gonal-F, Pregnyl, Acupuncture, BFP 01-23-2015 beta 1=151, beta 2=450, beta 3=6524, beta 4= 29380 u/s at 7w5d baby with heartbeat measuring 6w2d. u/s 2-24 gestational sac only, beta 59400 MC 2-24-15 @ 8w6d D&C 2-27-15. Pathology results 47XX +20

    Diagnosis AMA and compound heterozygous MTHFR
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    so sorry. I hear ya I feeling like you got everything perfect and then boom, nothing. I felt that exact feeling last month.  sux ballz.
    In terms of the cutting out soda, etc, what about bubbly seltzer water? It often feels like a soda but isn't.  And after you go cold turkey on soda for a couple days, you don't really crave it. At least that was my experience.

    TTC #1
    me- 37, DH- 38
    Married 6.28.14, started TTC right away
    BFP Nov 2015, PPROM Feb 2016
    ER #1 May 2017, 15 retrieved, 10 fertilized, 3 day 5.
    ER#2 July 2017, 22 retrieved, 13 fertilized, 6 day 5/6
    9 embryos tested for pgs and pgd.  
    FET #1 9.29.17- 1 embryo-BFN
    FET#2 12.19.17- I embryo-BFP 1/1/18! Happy New Year to me! EDD 9/6/18
    Baby boy born 9.11.18- the love of my life!

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    vh2014vh2014 member
    edited January 2015
    You could take a small amount of juice and add seltzer water. grandmother used to do that for us and it was good

    Edited because stupid swype on mobile changes words.
    me:41   dh:43 
    Off Mirena Nov 2013, On Nuvaring end of Jan, Back off Sept 2014.  Never ending cycle starting end of Sept... 
    11/14 Provera failed... cycle continues 
    12/14 High FSH (57 "midcycle")  OBGYN had no clue... about anything 
    01/15 More lab results coming back from RE. U/S showed small (1")cyst on left ovary, thin lining, and couldn't locate right ovary so  possibly straight to DE and IVF 

    Occassionally mess with the chart below to see "what if" and learn (not to make it pretty but because FF stays drunk with me).  

    My Ovulation Chart
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    For cutting out soda I totally agree with pp that club soda or other similar (Poland Spring or Perrier) and you can add a splash of juice (I love pomegranate or grapefruit) if you don't like the already flavored ones. I used to drink at least two diet cokes a day and now haven't had one in probably four years, don't miss it at all.
    36, DH 31 TTC #1 since we got married, July 2014.
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    I'm so sorry for the BFN. I hope the next IUI is the "one." 


                 Visit The Nest!image Visit The Nest!

      "It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness." - Eleanor Roosevelt


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    So sorry for the BFN :(
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    So sorry about your bfn, mind failed too, I just started the process for iui#2
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    So sorry. Hang in there....our 3rd iui worked.
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