February 2015 Moms

Car seat question

I thought u posted this earlier, but it doesn't seem to be showing up, sorry if it posts twice...
Ok peeps.... I'm about to admit a mom fail... So I have lost the infant insert to our graco snug ride 30 car seat... I have searched everywhere and cannot find it! I do not want to have to spend another $120+ to buy a new car seat when this one is still perfectly fine! I don't care really if it's a different pattern as it will only be used for a few months, but does anyone have a snug ride 30 infant carrier that they aren't using the infant insert for? Does anyone know where or how I could purchase just the infant insert part for very cheap? I've looked on Amazon and eBay, but they are the whole car seat and want like $80+ And I am pretty picky about the safety of car seats so I would never personally use a used car seat, but I feel like if it's just the infant portion it should be ok?! I guess I'm also just asking for advice and opinions on what to do here!? I only have 4 more weeks!
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Re: Car seat question

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    **I thought I posted this earlier**.. Don't know how to edit my post either... Sorry
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    I'm on mobile so posting links is annoying, but if you search for 'car seat infant insert' on Amazon or Babies R Us there's a few third party options you could put in. Maybe something like that could solve your problem? I'm not sure how it would compare to the standard insert, but they're definitely cheaper than a whole seat.
    Roslin Liora -- Due 2/8/15
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    Did you try contacting graco? I know I ordered a replacement part for ours when DS was little. They may be able to sell you just that one part. Never hurts to ask them!
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    I would definitely contact the manufacturer so that you could possibly get a replacement. Also if you are on Facebook you could always check for local groups that sell different items. Good luck finding one! Car seat safety is so very important.
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    I would think this was one thing that would probably be okay to buy used, if you can find a used one. Just my opinion, I have no real data/info to back it up, so take that with a grain of salt. 
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    I bet you could find a free or very very cheap used or expired car seat that *includes* the part you want and just discard the car seat and keep the part you need. I'd post an ad on my local classified (Craigslist or kijiji or wherever is popular in your neck of the woods). And I'd search the classifieds for the cheapest car seats.

    Good luck!
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    Heads up though--my hospital will make us remove anything from the seat that didn't come in the box with the seat. Any attachments that go between baby and the seat that were not made by the company for that seat are banned. I used receiving blankets around my babies to get them home, then used 3rd party inserts because I thought the rule was d.u.m.b. But calling Graco can't hurt.
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    DO NOT purchase a different brand of infant insert it will void your warranty. Contact Graco they should be able to get you one for a minimal price. 
    Love is like infinity: You can't have more or less infinity, and you can't compare two things to see if they're "equally infinite." Infinity just is, and that's the way I think love is, too.
    Fred Rogers
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    Contact Graco for a replacement
    Charlie - 12/11/2011 * Surprise! #2 - EDD 2/17/2015

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    Graco will probably send you one for free. I've had great luck contacting the manufacturers when it's an infant toy or piece of gear that needs a new part, etc (for example graco sent me out a whole new handlebar for my double stroller years ago and recently fisher price sent me a new attachable toy for my DD's play saucer when I wasn't paying attention and broke it off carrying it through a doorway). Good luck!
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    I had called Graco the other day and was on hold for 20 minutes and then an automated message came on that said, "we're sorry. We're experiencing an unusually high call volume, please try your call again later." And then it disconnected me.
    But, I knew that was most likely the best option, and pretty much was everyone's advice. So I just called Graco again and was told they do not have the body support panel on that model. I asked what I should do then and was given the answer, "I don't know. I don't show any body support panels." After a long pause, he says, "anything else I can help you with ma'am?" I said I guess not...
    So pretty much sounds like I'm spending $120 and buying a new car seat!
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    Any luck on here? Are the other support panels compatible?  The one customer service rep may be an idiot. We almost had the same issue w/our Chicco Keyfit 30.  They had the replacement infant insert for $15 on the website (couldn't find on Amazon).

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    jknallenjknallen member
    edited January 2015
    To be totally honest with you. Just use it without the body support pillow. I am having my third in a week and Ive always had to end up taking them out because they just make the baby too squished in there. Just roll up a receiving blanket if you really need something there. It wouldn't be needed for long anyways.
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    Check walmart if you have any near by, yesterday my husband and I saw 3 different car seats with strollers for only $75 on clearance. Maybe other stores will have some as well they were graco classic click seats.
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