September 2012 Moms

Does anyone listen to Serial??

If so, can we pleeeeaassse discuss?!?! 

Re: Does anyone listen to Serial??

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    And if not, drop what you're doing and start listening. Seriously. You will thank me.
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    Oh my gosh, everyone in my life is talking about this.  I haven't started yet, so I'll probably stay out of this thread for any spoiler alerts, but I've heard so many good things.  

    I just don't have time to listen.  I'm afraid to listen to it in the car because I don't want the kids hearing about it and it's not easy to listen to anything at my desk.  

    Big Kid Jan 2010

    Littlest Man Sept 2012

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    What/where is it?
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    @PenelopePond it's a podcast... no, it's THE podcast. You can get it on iTunes for free. The finale of the first season just came out today-- I think there are 12 episodes total. Once you listen to the first one you will be hooked
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    No, I haven't heard of it, but now I want to!!!! 


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    My husband is obsessed with that podcast. I'm going to start listening when I go back to work.

      Emma Rose - 9.14.05    Beckett - 5.26.07    Sawyer - 9.22.12    Lennon Mae - 9.26.14
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    I'm three episodes in. I'm going to stop for the night. I don't want to get to a spot where I have to keep going and I'm up until 3am ;)
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    Alrighty, I've listened to them all.
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    Can you work out to this? I need some serious motivation right now.

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    miss50 said:
    Can you work out to this? I need some serious motivation right now.
    I'd say yes.  It's not going to give you energy, but it'll definitely distract you for awhile.
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    Okay, so here's my thoughts:

    First, Iove that Sarah said nonsensical. Silly, I know, but it reminded me of Pride and Prejudice.

    Second, I agree with her, that unless Adnan is a total sociopath I just don't feel like he did it.

    Third, since I think Adnan is innocent, what the heck is up with Jay. It seems odd like he'd lie about it all, but he'd have to be lying for Adnan to be innocent.

    Fourth, holy cow were there a lot of oversights and mistakes. Every time Sarah brought up another problem with the original case it made me angry. I have to think that there's room for appeal.

    Fifth, I think it's totally awesome that the people on Reddit have found a new suspect and that this is getting more attention now. Hopefully there will be a real answer soon. Even if it's that Adnan is really guilty (although I doubt that will be the answer unless there's new major evidence).
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    Sixth: I think a butt dial was totally possible. It was so much easier to do with the crappy phones they had in 1999. I know I did it several times.
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    I'm glad you liked it!

    I am not sure Adnan is 100% innocent, but I definitely don't think he did it (if he did it) alone. I think Jay is a shady shade and DEFINITELY was involved and knows more than he let on, like, hands down for sure.

    I, too, feel like this whole case was botched. And what a giant bummer that his original attorney died. I really wanted to hear from her even though her voice sounded insanely annoying when they played the old tapes.
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    And I agree about the butt dial. But like Dana said, man, what shitty luck he had that day if he really didn't have anything to do with it.

    And how can NO ONE totally confirm or deny the pay phone?
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    Yes! The first was like shut up!

    I thought it was so funny the amount of people that were doing crimes while giving their side of the story. Drugs, drug dealing, stealing from Best Buy. I actually believed the girl who stole from Best Buy when she said there was no pay phone. It makes sense that she would look. At the end, when Sarah said they saw the small rectangle in the blueprints, I was disappointed.

    I guess I want him to be innocent. I definitely agree that if he was involved it wasn't just him the way Jay said it all went down.

    It would be crazy if it turned out to be the guy that killed the other girl. Or even the possible suspect the Reddit people found. I really love how we are able to figure out cold cases now thanks to advances in science.
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    I saw this!!! This story is toying with my life!!! Does reading this interview change your thoughts??
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    I really think Jay is lying about it all, but I did before. I just think this is proof.

    I really really really hope Adnan doesn't get set free and then he gets crazy eyes and laughs an evil laugh because he did it.
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    It's so obvious that his case is full of holes. It would be so easy for him to use that to his advantage now.
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    gawd, i need everyone to listen to this so i can talk about it. i've been listening to the serial serial podcast (AV club staff talk about the podcast), and they interviewed Rabia, who first approached Sarah with the story. turns out she has a blog and has been posting opinions and transcripts and stuff for a while. so good.

    jay is just... man. what a lying liar. those two interviews are not helping him in the slightest. i like his statement too about not being in the park until midnight, when he said in court it was 7 pm (when the calls from that area came in). 
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    I'm not good a formulating my thoughts when typing on my phone, so maybe I'll add nor later. But, for now.. I just finished listening to Serial today. I really do think Adnand did it. I also think Jay is lying, but I believe that parts of what he has said is true. The problem is; what is true,
    ? what is a lie? and why is he lying? Maybe he is even more a part of it than just getting rid of Hae's body? I'm just not sure. Anyways, that's what I think. I will check out that URL you posted later when I have a chance!


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    Just finished. Oh my goodness, so many holes. Heading to reddit to find out more.

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    miss50 said:

    Just finished. Oh my goodness, so many holes. Heading to reddit to find out more.

    See you in three days. ;)
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    @miss50 what do you think? Did he do it?!

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    I'm not reading this thread completely because I still have 4 episodes left. I'll come back when I'm done. I'm so convinced and so skeptical and confused all at once!

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    @miss50 what do you think? Did he do it?!

    No. I don't think Adnan did it.  I keep putting myself back in high school and can very much picture this same situation happening.  Why don't the friends know more?

     I can't believe we don't know more about the new "boyfriend".

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    I can't make up my mind. My biggest problem with totally believing that he didn't do it was, why can't he recall what he was doing that day? I mean, his explanation makes sense and all, and of course now, 15 years later I get why he can't conjure up the details, but c'mon man! Plus, I truly think Jay had/has a lot more to do with it than he's admitted to.
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    Adnan smoked pot. Memory shot. :)

    Is there physical evidence that Hae was murdered by a specific time?  Or are they just speculating by the call logs?

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    I think it's just speculation based off of the phone log
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    Him not remembering doesn't really bother me. Days blur together, and it's easy to forget when there's nothing special about a day. I actually think him not trying to contact Hae is weirder than not remembering. That's still not as weird as her new boyfriend not trying to contact her.
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    @penelopepond I don't think Don was that into her. I mean older guy younger girl thing, ya know.

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    miss50 said:
    Adnan smoked pot. Memory shot. :)

    Is there physical evidence that Hae was murdered by a specific time?  Or are they just speculating by the call logs?
    I really agree with this. No way would I remember specifics about a day if I were high. 

    Also, days tend to blur together when you do the same thing every day. I could give you a hypothetical of what I did on a specific day in high school after I asked a few questions - did tryouts for spring sports start yet, was there play practice, was I on the schedule to work, etc. If you told me the answers to those things I could give you a best guess of where I was beased on standard behavior. I also could totally lie about those days and it would be hard to corroborate.

    Kid #1 - 09/03/12
    Kid #2 - maybe???
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    #11 or IVF with scarring still inside?
    1 lone embryo from September 2016 retreival, dx with Trisomy 16, starting fresh
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    I don't think Adnan did it. I also think Jay was lying through his teeth, but I don't know about which parts. He got off scott free from accessory charges by testifying. With the prosecuter and likely the cops, I bet he molded his story to what they needed more than the truth. 

    I think the biggest issue is the cops timeline. They based their whole case off of one phone call. Why didn't they try to nail down a better timeline of when the girl was actually killed? Were there no cameras at all anywhere around that Best Buy? Hell in DC we have traffic cams, red light cams, speed cams, etc. They are everywhere and have been for at least 10 years. My husband talked about getting red light tix in the mail as a teen which would have been around the same time as the murder in the next closest city. There couldn't be that much different.

    Ugh, why doesn't this have an ending? I need an ending!

    Kid #1 - 09/03/12
    Kid #2 - maybe???
    Diagnosed with Severe Ashermans 
    Hysteroscopy #10 - scar tissue grew back reblocking my right tube
    #11 or IVF with scarring still inside?
    1 lone embryo from September 2016 retreival, dx with Trisomy 16, starting fresh
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