August 2014 Moms

Help me dress my child in less than 20 minutes!

Every time I change her clothes, it takes FOREVER. Total wrestling match. Starting with the diaper, she moves her legs up and down and rolls on her side. I think I have it secured, then with one swift move, the damn thing is crooked and falling off. Long sleeve onesies....I have to pry the sleeves from her hands because she grabs them as I am attempting to shove her arm through. Socks? Holy hell. I put one on, and as I'm trying to put the other one on, she rips off the first one and shoves it in her mouth.

I get soooo frustrated. And she spits up a lot, so she gets changed several times a day. Anyone have tips that don't require duct tape and a net?

Re: Help me dress my child in less than 20 minutes!

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    No tips, but mine kicks her legs right out of her pants a dozen times before I can capture both legs in there!

    first son stillborn 7/20/13 at 39 weeks due to Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy
    It's a girl! Baby Anna was born August 3, 2014!

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    I've been keeping small toys around the changing pad and hand DS one and if he throws it or gets bored I hand him another. It keeps his hands occupied for a bit while I change diapers.
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    I don't have any great tips, just offering sympathy. We're at the same point...I don't look forward to feeding and bath time right now either. DS wrestles you with the bottle - he wants to slide down your lap, claw your face, roll and kick while eating. Same goes for getting changed, plus he wants to put everything in his mouth. Bath time he tries to constantly flip over in the's exhausting.
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    One piece outfits, tights, and lots of sympathy. Same boat here!
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    Lilypie - (PaHE) Lilypie - (4noI)

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    Always in footed PJ's (except rare special occasions)!  As far as grabbing the sleeves...we were having this problem too.  We started making him wear a long sleeve onesie under his footed outfits so when he spits up and needs to be change we just change the outer layer.  DH taught LO to hold the onesie's sleeve while sticking his arm through the footed PJ sleeve.  It's working star for DH!


    Anytime I take the footed part off for a diaper change or outfit change DS's sweaty toes go directly into his mouth!  Cute, but gross, and nearly impossible to change; think I'll put hot sauce on his feet.  Just jokes...

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    She's in bibs all day long. She's one of those special snowflakes that is able to spit all over her legs, sleeves, me, the floor. She likes to put her hands in her mouth as she's spitting up so her arms are soaked. It's awesome.
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    cloth bibs?  Then you can just change the bib most of the time instead of the whole outfit each time?

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    Crank the heat a leave her in her diaper!

    We do about 10 bibs a day and some days 2-3 outfit changes. He used to have silent reflux, but lately he spits up so much.

    This is us. Although she has gotten better over the last week. I'm always tempted to just let her run around naked.

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    It's not been a problem to dress my kid, but it's getting a little more challenging now that she's obsessed with her feet. I give her something to hold while I do her diaper, then squish the onesie up and pull it over her head, one arm at a time, snap the crotch, add pants one foot at a time, and we don't use socks. Baby socks are evil. We use these almost exclusively instead of socks.

    Scooties Fleece Girls Booties by Luvable Friends, Orchid, 6-12 Months
    Married November 2009
    Clara, August 2014 
    Baby Boy due October 2017
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    When I have to put her in long sleeves I scrunch up the sleeve and put a few fingers through. Then I grab her hand with the fingers that are through the sleeve and she grabs my fingers instead of the sleeve. 
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    MrsDeo said:

    +1 to booties instead of socks.

    Does anyone else's kid lock their knees as soon as you try to get their legs out of a 1-piece outfit/PJs? Drives me crazy.

    Yes!! DD does this and then as soon I go to take her arms out she decides she needs to stretch.

    I've got to get some booties bc socks are not cutting it right now!
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    Haha, sorry to say it doesnt really get any easier, especially when they learn how to crawl and they try to crawl away in the middle of a poop diaper change! Getting my six and four year olds dressed still takes about 20 minutes. :-\
    Mom to Frances, 6, Adam, 4, and baby Lila.
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    Oh my. LO is mostly wearing a onesie only because his helmet makes him so hot. I can barely get that on him...let's not even discuss diapers. When I picked him up from daycare today the teacher was changing him and he was laying there nice as can be...they have a mirror tucked in the side of the changing table and he was so happy talking to himself that he wasn't rolling!
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    We do about 10 bibs a day and some days 2-3 outfit changes. He used to have silent reflux, but lately he spits up so much.

    This. Oh my gosh the spitup. I smelled like sour milk ALL day because he tsunami'd me 3 times today.

    I make his hands into little fists and place them near the ar holes and his reflex is to push back- and his arm goes much of the way through his sleeve.

    Pants- bunch up leg holes, thread 1 foot in, hold foot in place. Bend knee with free hand and thread through other bunched up leg hole. let go of first foot quickly and pull pants a bit up on the side you are still holding foot, trade sides and do the same. Keep doing until pants over diaper and in place. If socks, socks go on before pants.

    Jeans or trousers are more of a pain than stretchy pants- that's for sure.
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    Jeans are NEVER going to happen.
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    Ummm...I leave it for his daycare provider to change him. Works great and takes me no time!

    Actually I pretty much do the bunching and grabbing routine that @herecomesthesun‌ described.
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    Dawn5481 said:
    Jeans are NEVER going to happen.
    @Dawn5481  we don't even own jeans for him that fit yet. I think the pair we have is for 12mos. 
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