January 2015 Moms

Hospital visitors

So for those of you who have already had your little ones or stm's, what are your thoughts?

I was flip flopping back and forth as to whether or not I wanted visitors at the hospital but after the breast feeding class I attended tonight and realizing how little sleep I really will be getting, I've decided to spread the word that I will not be accepting visitors with the exception of Grandparents. I kind of feel like an ass but I already know I do not function well on little sleep so any sleep I can get will be a good thing.  If I have people coming in and out I know I'll just be worse off.

What are your experiences?  
Are you happy with the decision you made or do you wish you did things differently?
After 8 yrs of ttc little one is due Jan. 28

Big brother is excited to meet this little one!


Re: Hospital visitors

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    I enjoyed visitors for a short period of time.  It broke up the day and I was happy for people to be able to meet him early.  If they stayed longer than a couple hours, though, it was too much.
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    I'm accepting visitors, to have less at the house, but have asked ppl not to show up until we text them the Ok. My MIL acted as if this was some sort of torture or punishment as she expected to come wait around for hours in the waiting room which is something she was very excited about doing. The last thing I want to feel is bombarded and I don't want to see anyone until I feel ready, after having ample time alone with our baby. This shall be interesting... I'm hoping I give birth at a late enough hour so no one can visit until noon the next day lol.
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    No visitors for us, and I basically spent my whole time in the hospital naked except for the sexy mesh underwear. It was easier to breastfeed, have everything checked all the time, tend to myself, do skin to skin. I wouldn't have wanted to try to put on human clothes for visitors in the 24 hours after birth.
    ************************SIGGY WARNING***********************

    Me: 29      DH:  32
    Off birth control March 2012 - Actively trying Sept 2012-April 2014
    Unexplained Infertility
    BFP on May 5th after Follistim & IUI #3
    Ryan Henry - born 1/10/15, 7 lb 5 oz, 20 1/4 inches

    NTNP for a sibling starting March 2015
    Waiting on cycle to resume while EBF


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    Love having visitors in the hospital. Honestly, in mine and DH's families we don't really have a choice! I agree that it breaks up the time. Plus this time around for me two of those little visitors will be DD and DS! I have no problem letting people know I have to nurse and I don't mind most of my people being around for that. I am having a Cesarean and would rather people visit in the hospital rather than at home where I have to act as a gracious host.
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    We want grandparents and sibling to feel free to visit us and a few friends but we are hoping for short visits. Will be tough to emphasize that "short visits" but we will be breastfeeding and I am sure lots of visitors will make that a little difficult. Hopefully our visitors have common sense and don't come if sick and are respectful of our space. I feel bad admitting this, but I don't think I am going to share my baby well lol
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    Last time my immediate family came just a couple hours after DS was born. He was a c section and I couldn't move at all yet and no one stayed long. It was nice to have friends over the next couple days while we were stuck in the hospital, but people always asked first. I was lucky not to have surprise visitors.

    This time I'm hoping for a vbac. Planning to have DH and my mom in the room when I deliver and then have my dad bring DS shortly thereafter. So if I'm only in the hospital a day or so, I'll expect more visitors at the house later.
    It's kind of a win lose either way.
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    I was in for 4 days with my first for c-section and like having visitors at the hospital. It broke up the day a bit, they could bring food and didn't stay long.

    I was in maybe 14 hours after my second and only had immediate family visit because there wasn't enough time.

    I think if people can text before arriving and being ok with "not now" as an answer I'd let them try visiting at the hospital
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    I loved having visitors! I think I'd be sad if no one visited me in the hospital...
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    Last time I had a lot of visitors (all family) and was fine with it though looking back I got no rest. This time out hospital was on restricted visitors because of the flu and I was only allowed 2 visitors and most unfortunately couldn't even have my 5 year daughter. It was a little lonely and I would have liked a few visitors but it was also nice to have some good bonding time with my baby boy.
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    I brought clothes and makeup and all that, expecting to want visitors and a reason to get up and look decent, but when it came down to it, I decided against it. H was with me the whole time, and we were both pretty tired. So, caring for baby and catching up on sleep were all I really wanted to do. I don't regret it. Also, I'm a germaphobe when it comes to baby, and the less people holding her, the better I felt.
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    We don't want to have any visitors at the hospital. My husband and I plan to enjoy our alone time bonding with Joshua before introducing him to anyone else. My in-laws live out of state and are planning on visiting us beginning of February. 
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    I had lots with my first and breastfeeding was a nightmare for me. I was so overwhelmed and I wish I knew to kick people out and focus on getting it right. This time my parent came for 20 minutes that was it. It was good too because he cluster feed for almost 24 straight hours!!
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    We had so many visitors at the hospital and it really was distracting from bonding time with my dd. I would definitely say to limit visits if possible. But it would definitely change if you are not breastfeeding and how you feel!
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    It's up to you and your comfort level. I didnt mind, but I was in the hospital for 2 weeks! After the babies, they were not in my room. We had a few of his work friends come through. ... while I was on the toilet or trying to pump.... but mostly it was nice to see people :-) I don't have my own friends here, so they were all his peeps.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    We had visitors :)
    My parents, my inlaws.. those were the regular ones.  My two siblings came up. My best friend. And my husbands boss stopped in with his wife to see Zoe.  Loved having all of them.  Of course, I had been on bedrest (with restricted visitors because of illnesses back then) so I enjoyed the company. It was refreshing to see people other than my nurses. And they doted on her. She was in NICU, though, so they looked through a window a lot. And mostly visited me.  But no regrets here, I would do it the same way next time. 
    (Zoe Claire- born at 33.6 weeks- November 19, '14 - 5lbs 15oz)
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    I'm a FTM with an inside baby so I don't have past personal experience, but when my sister had my niece I was able to meet her in the hospital just a few hours after being born.  It was so special and I feel like I have such a bond with my niece because of that.  It's an experience I wouldn't want to take from any family members, so right now I'm saying anyone who wants to come visit can come.  Of course once I experience things from the other side I might feel differently :)
    Me 31  <3  DH 34
    TTC #1 5/13 BFP #3 5/2/14 DD born 1/19/15
    NTNP #2 8/17 BFP 12/13/18 ED 8/21/19
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @southernyankeegirl‌ that sounds like the way to go! Being the first grand baby on my side though, that won't happen for us! My parents, in-laws, and sibs would be crushed!
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    Britt1406Britt1406 member
    edited January 2015
    The think the hospital stay with DS1 would have been a bit boring w/o visitors. (Edit to add, not that having a baby is boring but we had a little extended stay due to waiting on lab work and DS1 being in the special needs nursery. So hanging out watching tv gets old.) We didn't have a ton, but it was nice that my best friends came to visit (plus my sister the whole time and MIL came after the birth as well). I wouldn't want every acquaintance I know to show up, but it's nice for the close friends to visit- like PP said, it also limits how long they hang out verses hosting them at your home!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    Great insight ladies, thanks so much.  I guess I'm back to not being sure.  I can see advantages to both.  Maybe I'll just say no body for the first day and then we'll see how I'm feeling after that.  I have a scheduled c-section so I'm expecting at least 3 days in the hospital, it could get long.  Breastfeeding sounds like an exhausting task - every 3 hrs, takes about an hour so 2 hrs blocks of potential sleep.  

    It does sound better to have people at the hospital instead of a messy house though....unless they arrive with food ; )
    After 8 yrs of ttc little one is due Jan. 28

    Big brother is excited to meet this little one!

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