Trying to Get Pregnant

NTTGPR: Will You Be My Valentine??

So DH and I have been looking at places & restaurants for Valentine's Day, but clearly we should've started last Fall. So many things are pretty much reserved or booked that day here in ATL... Yay for procrastination! I've been thinking about ideas and whatnot, but I'd love to hear what you ladies have done in the past or what you're going to do with your DH this year!

Is Valentine's Day still a holiday that's celebrated between you and your DH? What is your best Valentine's Day memory, and what did you do? Any plans yet for VDay 2015?

Me: 25 | DH: 31
Coupledom: 12.5.11 | Married: 10.26.2013
Pet Mommy of 1 fur baby, Bella (Morkie)
TTC #1 - December 2014

Re: NTTGPR: Will You Be My Valentine??

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    DH and I still celebrate the holiday. Years past we would either order in or cook something at home. I do not handle crowds very well and would rather be comfortable at home. Last year I was on the night shift and he was on days so we saw each other in passing. This year I am hoping to eat dinner at home and then drag him to go see the Fifty Shades of Gray movie! 
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    We haven't been married all that love long. DH is in the Coast Guard and I think he's been gone for every Valentines Day. I'm pretty sure he's gone this year, but I don't know. We usually go out for a nice dinner when he gets back to celebrate and I spend the actual night with another Coastie wife.
    37 y/o
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    Off OCP 3/1/14
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    BFP 8/4/16 EDD 3/2/18- trisomy 18 girl- no heartbeat 8/25/17 at 13 weeks d&c 8/28/17
    BFP 12/4/17 EDD 8/19/18

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    Valentines Day is one of my busier work days - at a spa. So I always am working to give other people wonderful dates.

    H usually gives me something from bath and body works and we go out to Cheesecake Factory the week after.

    photo beforec008-1.jpg

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    DH is in charge of the meal and will usually cook steaks or get Papa Murphy's heart shaped pizza and then we spend the night in.  The first year he made all kinds of assorted things.  I can say his cooking skills have gotten better with time.

    We do small gifts too.  This year I'm getting a new watch!  I just have to pick it out. Not really sure what to get him....

    Stashes are deeply personal.
    Me 27 ~ DH 30
    Married 6/9/12
    TTC #1 Since 09/2014
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    I like your story @Joy2611‌ :)

    H and I don't do much. We normally make a nice meal at home, drink lots of wine and have a bath. It's nice to just spend the time together (drunk in the tub)

    I am big on cards so we do those but rarely get presents for one another.

    I agree with you @ladynymeria‌ it is nice to get flowers just because rather than because the media said so.
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    AMMR84AMMR84 member
    edited January 2015
    I will take any opportunity for a celebration, so I like going out on a date for Valentine's Day. I love getting dressed up for a fancy dinner, but cooking (or ordering delivery) at home could be just as romantic! You could go out to a show, too - movie, theater, dance or music. I am kind of over valentines gifts, but we always exchange cards. This week valentine's day is over a long weekend (Monday is President's Day), so you could plan something special for Sunday night instead and avoid the crowds but still mark the occasion?

    And don't forget the important sage wisdom of Dan Savage for these sorts of things: Fuck first.

    Edit: Spelling and hyperlink.

    Married since June 2011
    TTC #1 since Dec 2014
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    I love the treasure hunt idea! You can get very creative with that @LindsRockies‌

    Awwww, very nice story @Joy2611‌!

    Yaaasss, for Fifty Shades of Gray! I think I'm going to drag DH to see it too @Motleycrew90‌

    Drunk in love & in the tub. I love it haha DH and I did that two VDays ago and it was fun talking and laughing about everything. Gotta love the simple things! @TKO86‌

    I'm enjoying reading everyone's stories, ideas & opinions!
    Me: 25 | DH: 31
    Coupledom: 12.5.11 | Married: 10.26.2013
    Pet Mommy of 1 fur baby, Bella (Morkie)
    TTC #1 - December 2014

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    Yea, we don't really do anything.  My interest in doing something crowded and overpriced is almost at zero.  When we were first dating H used to get flowers or whatever and I was like, meh, you don't have to do that, Valentine's day just....isn't a big deal to me lol.  


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    Like a few of you I like flowers at other times, not just because H feels he needs to buy them.

    We generally acknowledge valentines day ( cards etc) but we usually go out and celebrate on the 12th, as that was the day of our first date. It's more special for us, and less busy. Crowds suck.
    Married since 9-27-14 
    TTC since Oct 2014
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    We celebrate but not doing anything big. If DH is off, we just do nice cards and homemade dinner. If not, cards are all we do the day off and out to dinner the weekend after/next night he's off. Best memory? Probably the first year DH and I were together, he set up dinner, rose petals and two bottles of my favorite wine. We won't be celebrating this year because our nephews 1st birthday party is on valentine's day. Might do dinner the day after.
    Married to LOML: 8/14/12

     TTC #1: Oct. 2014

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    We usually go to our favorite expensive restaurant and maybe to a movie. Like others said, we usually don't do it on the exact date because fuck them crowds. It sounds like total mush but every day with DH feels like Valentine's Day because we are so crazy about each other, even after 12 years. I don't feel the need to have a special day to say I love you because we say it every single day.

    Ok, sappy shit over. ;)
    Married to DH (aka the love of my life) since June 17th, 2006

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    ginger1228ginger1228 member
    edited January 2015
    We don't usually buy each other gifts unless it's something small, but we do buy cards. We'll usually have dinner but not on Valentine's Day bc it's too crowded. We'll probably go the weekend before or after this year. I really like all holidays so I like to celebrate somehow.

    Edit to take out extra word
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    No gifts, just cards and MH always sends me flowers at the office (which is nice because I'm an accountant & Valentine's Day is during tax season, so it's fun to have pretty flowers to look at when I'm otherwise drowning in work and there for long hours). We've done fancy dinners at a restaurant some years, and fancy dinners made at home other years.. I like both.
    Married: 6.7.2014
    TTC #1 since December 2014


    “Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.” ~ Benjamin Franklin

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    Imma just gonna leave this here.

    I fucking love White Castle. Their onion rings are the best.
    TTC #1: May 2014

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    We don't go out anywhere.  I'm sure all the restaurants would be booked, so if we do want to go out to eat we do it on Feb 6, which is D's birthday.  

    For our first Valentine's as a married couple I booked us a weekend at a cottage rental place.  It was really deserted, which was weird!  We got to hike, feed deer, go snow shoeing and all that fun stuff.  There was a pub on the grounds over looking the lake so we ate dinner there one night and then ate homemade food in our cabin the next.  It was a really fun weekend and I'd love to do it again.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers 

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    We usually skip valentines day, but we always celebrate steak and a bj day on march 14th. It's more fun for both of us ;). For valentines day we'll just do family stuff. Maybe skating or a winter activity!
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    This will be the first year we are both not working. Thank you hospitality industry. We usually just do cards and maybe dinner the following week.
    DD:3 | DS:1
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    My birthday is February 12 (H calls it hell week) so we usually go out to dinner then and for Valentine's Day H usually cooks my favorite meal and we stay in and watch a movie.
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    We don't celebrate but for awhile when we were living in LA, it was our tradition to go to Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles on V-Day.  Damn good fried chicken and waffles.
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    We don't do a v-day celebration. Usually pretty low key and we'll see an early movie and order in. When we used to live close to my family we would sometimes do something with them. My younger sister's birthday is v-day so my parents never did anything growing up. Guess I just never got into the craze.  :x
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    I'm pretty sure Valentine's Day last year is when we conceived, but I went on to lose that pregnancy. That was definitely my favorite Valentine's Day, and I don't think I will ever have another Valentine's Day without thinking about that little one. This year, we will probably just have a quiet night at home.

        Formerly Aaren91011
    Trying for baby #1 since July 2013  -  DX: PCOS
    BFP: 2/27/14 - EDD 11/11/14 - MMC 4/21/14 @ 11w (stopped growing @ 9w)
    TTA until January
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