September 2014 Moms

B&M Monday

well ladies, how about it?

                                   Met: September 2005  Married: October 2008   DS: 09/2014
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Re: B&M Monday

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    my DH is very sick, my heat broke and will cost who knows what to fix, and i had a very trying walk to work on the icy sidewalks. oh, and i am at work. who wants to work?

    really, i am just in a complaining mood. WAH WAH WAHHH
                                       Met: September 2005  Married: October 2008   DS: 09/2014
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    My son was running a couple of minutes late to the bus. He saw it coming and started running and just as he got to the sidewalk, the bus driver left him. Thanks a lot asshat, it wouldn't have caused any harm to wait another 15 seconds for him to cross the sidewalk.
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    I feel like every time I go to the pediatrician I get bad news. First LO had a flat spot, now that's better, but he went from the 25th to the 5th percentile for weight :(. It makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong. The dr said we should supplement and I should only nurse on one side at a time so he gets more hind milk. Nursing was so hard to begin with and if it's not giving him what he needs...wah.
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    DS is sick with a nasty cough. I don't like seeing him sick. Hoping it's just a little cold.
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    Because I became SAH DH & I cut some bills. Our cable phone and internet were all through one company. We decided to cut phone and cable. Well the woman on the phone got an attitude with me and said in a very nasty voice "well you know your cable cost wil go up now because you were getting a package discount" No I actually didn't know this so I ask how much it's going up. In the same tone of voice she says it's changing from this one cost to this new cost. $10! That's the difference. We are saving $130 by cutting cable and phone and you think this extra $10 is going to change my mind. I laughed at her at told her so much. She didn't find the humor but seriously I was annoyed.

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    Bitchy about having to be a responsible adult. I'm sick, DH sick and baby is sick. This just sucks. I don't wanna be at work. I just wanna stay give and snuggle.
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    @kaleb87 ... he hid it in the closet? what a mature, well thought out response. bahahaha

    and i can't even with pigs in the car...just...what...i... ::facepalm::
                                       Met: September 2005  Married: October 2008   DS: 09/2014
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    I dropped my phone in a huge slush puddle and the speaker stopped working. I watched a YouTube video in how to fix it and it worked! I'm so happy I could kiss the man that made that video.

    @kaleb87‌ I love that your H took the pigs with him. My pap loves to tell the story how his dad bought a calf at an auction and brought him home is his car. They tied a feed sack around its waist to keep the car clean.
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    I'm just getting done with a 5-day work trip at a trade show, working 16-18 hour days since last Wednesday. My mom was going to come along and stay in the hotel with LO, but with the flu rapidly spreading, I got too nervous to fly with her, so she stayed with DH, and my dad and sister helped out. As our flight was to begin boarding, and I could FINALLY get home to see my baby girl, they cancelled our flight, so I have a nice 5 hour layover until our new flight. Suck it monday!
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    My thumb fucking hurts. I, not only sliced it open on the Xbox remote but some of the metal came off in my thumb. How the fuck does that even happen?! At least I didn't need stitches but it took forever to get the metal out.
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    I haven't taken a proper shit in DAYS! I'm miserable right now. It's all I think about.
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    The pediatrician is still concerned about G's weigh at his 4 month appt. he is 98 percentile in height and 100% in weight at 23 lbs. I don't know what to do differently.
    Together since: 1/19/09 Married: 3/14/09 Newest addition added: 9/7/14
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    @RoniH718‌ are you concerned he's too big? Don't be. This was a constant concern for me. Ds1 has always been in the 98-100% for weight. His pedi has always said he's a healthy child. Babies don't need to watch their weight.
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    Oh, I just got one and I can't wait until next week. Backstory: we broke the baby news to my parents by telling them they had 6 months to decide what they wanted to be called. Right away my Mom and Dad started being referred to Nana and Grandad which is what I expected them to want to be called so I didn't question it. Suddenly yesterday, my Mom announced that she never wanted to be called Nana, she didn't have any say in it and she always wanted to be called Grandma. Why didn't you ever say anything? EVER! My mom is not a pushover so I was totally blindsided. It's not a big deal, DS is only 4 months old but now it's weird because we've already been calling DH's mom Grandma. I guess we'll probably just call them Grandma X and Grandma Y. It was awkward though and annoying.
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