June 2015 Moms

Saturday Symptoms and Other Stuff

Didn't see one of these yet today. Share your stuff (symptoms, movement or lack thereof, etc.) here!

My only weird thing worth mentioning was last night I realized I was having BH contractions for the first time (I'm 16 weeks 2 days), and quite frequently. I googled and searched the board and saw that it's not a huge deal to have them this early with a second pregnancy. It was normal (no pain but just discomfort) but I was a little concerned because of the frequency. Especially because I drink lots of water and hadn't been exercising heavily or anything. But then I realized that for several days I'd had nothing but water and yesterday I drank a little coke AND some coffee. So I thought maybe my body was just dehydrated and reacting to that. Haven't had any today so I'm just re-upping my water intake and trying to lay off the caffeine. :)

Okay your turn!

Re: Saturday Symptoms and Other Stuff

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    Had 18 w appt yesterday!  Strong Hearbeat!!  We find out if its a boy or girl in 2 weeks! Very excited!  Feeling very tired!  Best baby brain moment was when I went to work yesterday with 2 different shoes on!  
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    magono20 said:
    Had 18 w appt yesterday!  Strong Hearbeat!!  We find out if its a boy or girl in 2 weeks! Very excited!  Feeling very tired!  Best baby brain moment was when I went to work yesterday with 2 different shoes on!  
    funny! i drove to work the other day wearing my fuzzy bath slippers. i'm glad i keep an extra change of shoes in the car!
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    I had a minor nosebleed this morning.  I've never really had them, so it freaked DH out.  Luckily for him I've read books and I know how to use Google, so I was like, "NBD, H.  Nosebleeds are just another lovely random pregnancy side effect."  

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Hi Ladies
    Im just having back pain and some pressure. I dont know if this is true or not (kind of a silly question sorry) but I heard once you are 18 weeks you shouldn't sleep on your back because it will hurt the baby. That you should sleep on your sides only. With my constant back pain its hard for me to sleep on my sides all night.Is that true?
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    I've been up since 830 and I don't think my hunger has gone away at all, no matter what I eat. On a super happy note baby has uber active today and I'm loving it :)
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    @sensitivesally‌ thanks yeah I have been around this thread awhile lol. Thanks yeah i feel better on my back plus i have a saiatic nerve problem so that makes it worse. Thank you for your help :D
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    edited January 2015
    Hi Ladies Im just having back pain and some pressure. I dont know if this is true or not (kind of a silly question sorry) but I heard once you are 18 weeks you shouldn't sleep on your back because it will hurt the baby. That you should sleep on your sides only. With my constant back pain its hard for me to sleep on my sides all night.Is that true?
    You know, this has been discussed a lot around here, and this is what I've learned: my pregnancy book said to stop sleeping on my back at this time as well. Other pregnancy books say to stop sleeping on your back later on. A lot of people here have had their doctors say your body will let you know when sleeping on your back is bad. So I don't think there's a hard-and-fast rule here, and I see why it's on people's minds so much. My hips hurt so much right now, even with my pregnancy pillow, and I'm most comfortable on my back. In fact, as hard as I try to sleep on my sides, I almost always wake up on my back. I stay propped up as much as I can and try not to stress over what I have no control over. Also, thanks for asking that question here and not in a new thread!
    Same here. I'm a stomach sleeper, so I've been forcing myself to sleep on my side because I'm scared of squishing the baby. But side sleeping can be so uncomfortable that I always end up on my back for the last few hours that I'm in bed. I actually like it because I've been feeling the baby a lot in the mornings when I lay on my back. 

    Also, DH and I went out for Mexican last night and it felt like the baby was having a dance party in my uterus. Does this mean she loved the food or hated it???

    edited because words are hard 
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    @thelittlestbee‌ The dancing part made me smile. I noticed my lil one moves more after I eat or when Im laying on my back too. It could be just that your lil one has more energy after you eat.
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    So emotional! I want to cry all the time. I've always been the type to cry easily... but lately it is getting ridiculous! I can't finish an episode of American Idol without ugly crying. On the flip side I seem to laugh a lot harder and more easily at things these days too which makes me feel amazing :)

    BFP#1: 8/5/14 EDD: 4/17/15 MC: 8/20/2014
    BFP#2: 10/10/14 EDD: 6/23/15 Grow, Baby. Grow!!

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    matiekae said:

    So emotional! I want to cry all the time. I've always been the type to cry easily... but lately it is getting ridiculous! I can't finish an episode of American Idol without ugly crying. On the flip side I seem to laugh a lot harder and more easily at things these days too which makes me feel amazing :)


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    Back pain + sciatica (why u turn up so early this go around?) = tossing and turning to get to sleep. I'm usually a stomach sleeper, as well, and a pillow does help having to sleep on my sides, but damn if it still takes 45m to get to sleep. Also, migraines multiple times a week needs to stop.

    On a positive note, I love feeling baby kick everyday (helps PGAL brain soo much). Plus, our a/s is set for the morning of the 19th...can't wait!
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    I know this is super normal, and not even necessarily a symptom, but...

    I'm feeling really bummed I'm not super-showing. I've lost all of my bloat, and I'm back down to normal. My regular pants have become a little uncomfortable, but I still have to keep hitching up my maternity pants and leggings, so I still avoid them for the most part. Back at 8 weeks I felt huuuuge and the maternity pants fit, but now, not so much.

    I just am tired of being in the weird in-between place with my clothes!

    I also wish I could stop throwing up, but, that's neither here nor there at this point- not gonna happen.
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    June 2015 January Signature Challenge: Pinterest Fails
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    I know this is super normal, and not even necessarily a symptom, but...

    I'm feeling really bummed I'm not super-showing. I've lost all of my bloat, and I'm back down to normal. My regular pants have become a little uncomfortable, but I still have to keep hitching up my maternity pants and leggings, so I still avoid them for the most part. Back at 8 weeks I felt huuuuge and the maternity pants fit, but now, not so much.

    I just am tired of being in the weird in-between place with my clothes!

    I also wish I could stop throwing up, but, that's neither here nor there at this point- not gonna happen.

    I've lost my bloat too..and 5 pounds but I have the flu and can barley down a bowl of chicken noodle soup in a day. I would imagine it will all come back real fast when I get better.

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    Angel baby 3/2014 at 5.5 weeks
    Angel baby 6/2014 MMC at 7.5 weeks
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    I drank a cup of coffee this morning and it made me tired and sleepy as fuuuuuck! I just want to sleep all day, too bad I have to go to work:/
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    Think the 2nd tri energy boost I heard so much about has kicked in a bit (finally at 18 wks!) Plus hubby benefited too this morning ;-) still no movement here though - can't wait for that....
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    I actually wanted to clean my house instead of feeling like it was a chore today. I'm not sure it qualifies for a symptom, but they certainly aren't my normal feelings towards cleaning. 

    Also I had a terrifingly real dream last night. Back story is DS is a sleepwalker. So I "wake up" to hearing my front door slam and my 3 year old son talking outside. I rush to the widow to see where he is and can't see him. I then run to his room and see him sleeping in his bed; at which point I realize I was dreaming and woke up at the point where I checked the window.

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    I didn't take my diclegis this morning before going to the gym, thinking that I'm so far along that I should start weaning myself from it if possible. Bad idea.
    June 2015 Siggy Challenge: Pinterest Fails
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    Have my 17 week appointment on Wednesday, so my ultrasound anxiety is ramping up. All of my scans and visits so far have been great, but every time, a few days before my appointment I get all anxious that there just won't be a heartbeat anymore. I think this time they'll just do the Doppler - the nurse said last time that they don't do in-office ultrasounds after 16 weeks, which is why I have to go elsewhere for my a/s.

    On the good news front, I was hungry today! I've been pretty beat down with the m/s stick since I got pregnant, so this is new.

    Also, I *think* I feel baby scooching around in there. Before I was getting goldfish flops, now I feel like someone's tapping me.
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    I'm feeling pretty good. A friend from work came over and we worked on a presentation all afternoon. Loving having some of my energy levels back!
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    Im feeling ok.. tired from working all day its weird my butt muscles hurt (lol) maybe from standing and walking around a lot. Im going on week 16, no bump yet but I have a feeling it will make an appearance soon :).
    I can relate to the stomach sleepers, I start out on my right side, roll on my back but wake up on my stomach its not uncomfortable yet and my doctor says sleep however its comfortable for me that my body will let me know when I need to change postion.
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    My hips are KILLING ME. Can't believe how sore and achy I feel already. Also having a lot of cramping. Tying my best to up my water intake, hoping it's just that.
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    My hips are KILLING ME. Can't believe how sore and achy I feel already. Also having a lot of cramping. Tying my best to up my water intake, hoping it's just that.
    Yup I'm there with the hip pain.. and lower back pain (kind of connected). Mine is definitely worse after being really active.

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    I've been having horrible heartburn!!!! Anybody else? I'm 20 weeks and was wondering what's working to take it away for you guys! Thank you :-)
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    @elbowpasta‌ I hear you on the in between clothing stage. I think I popped last week so maybe I'll be moving past that now.
    I went two days without zofran but needed it today. Still nausea is way better. My lower back is really starting to hurt & today I had a shooting pain down my left leg.
    Having a couple other problems but at this point I feel it's just tmi so I'm not gonna share those publicly!
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    I take Zantac and tums for the heartburn and then chew gum: I swear chewing gum has kept me from going crazy over this heartburn. It keeps convincing your body to swallow and move things down.... In lay men's terms! 17 weeks here.
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    Mwest8312 said:

    I've been having horrible heartburn!!!! Anybody else? I'm 20 weeks and was wondering what's working to take it away for you guys! Thank you :-)

    I tried Tums, milk, and Zantac 250 this pregnancy and none of it helped. My heartburn got so bad that I literally couldn't sleep at night, and was vomiting pure acid. After calling my ob's office, I tried lansoprazole and it works like a dream (thank God)! Good luck!
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    Hip pain! !!!! Just when it starts to ease up, I get active again, and then I'm wishing I hadn't because it's killing me. It hurts to put pants on because I have to move the joint too much. Seriously? Already?
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    All I want to do it eat. Allll the tiiiimr. Which I total opposite of last trimester when I didnt like food. Lol
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    Baby June Bug is due June 5, 2015
    [[Our first, our little surprise]]
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    Sneezed and thought my uterus exploded... Welcome round ligament pain!
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    Sleep ... I had a burst of energy yesterday but back to tired today. Each time I wake up from a nap, I smile a little.

    My husband laughs at my new found ability to fall asleep in seconds!

    Apart from adjusting to sleeping A LOT more than I'm used to, I am quite well! It's a blessing.

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    hb4hb4 member
    I don't feel right this weekend. I'm not usually a negative person but I feel like I'm wallowing in a dark hole and have never felt so down. I don't know how to shake myself out of it and I can't pinpoint what has brought it on. Has anyone else felt like this?
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    I have been noticing that after eater I have a sour reflux (tmi sorry) which a sort of heartburn and I have started taking apple cider vinegar 2 teaspoons in a 24 ounce bottle of water and it takes it away. Maybe try that girls, it's all natural remedies.
    Me 29 DH 38
    Married 07.01.2011
    TTC #1 BFP 09.28.2014 EDD 06.07.2014
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    IBS is acting up now...kinda sucks...and apparently DH and I only create soccer players. Little buddy decided he was going to start majorly moving last night and continued into this morning.

    At the 16 wk apt OB said baby was very active, and now I feel it. DS1 was the same way. Wish I could feel it o the outside so DS1 could feel him too, but I guess that will happen soon enough! :).

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    hb4 said:

    I don't feel right this weekend. I'm not usually a negative person but I feel like I'm wallowing in a dark hole and have never felt so down. I don't know how to shake myself out of it and I can't pinpoint what has brought it on. Has anyone else felt like this?

    Sounds like depression. I have both chronic and postpartum depression and found that meds were the only thing to help me. I would certainly talk to your doctor about how you are feeling. In my experience, depression comes around when it feels like it, and for no reason. It drains you of energy, motivation, interests, and appetite. It sucks. If this is what you're going through, I'm truly sorry, but your doctor will be able to really diagnose the problem and help you go from here.
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