Baby Names

Spelling Help

MommaMacriMommaMacri member
edited January 2015 in Baby Names
Ok ladies.. I need help on choosing a spelling for our LO. After ALOT of thinking we are leaning towards Briley Bell. It incorporates my name (same initials), My mom Leigh, and my grandma Bell. Here are the different spellings we are considering..

Let's here your opinions.

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Re: Spelling Help

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    Thank you for your opinion

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    Sassenach1743Sassenach1743 member
    edited January 2015
    Please re-think this... 

    Made up names with no history or linguistic value are usually not supported here, and for good reason. You should read the thread at the top of this board called "Why Name Spelling Matters."
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    MommaMacriMommaMacri member
    edited January 2015
    I have read it. I'm not asking whether or not you like the name, just want advice on spelling options. I understand many will not like my choice but it's one of a couple that DH and I really like. I appreciate your input.

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    MommaMacriMommaMacri member
    edited January 2015
    I definitely appreciate all opinions as we are not 100% sold on this name it's just one we really like. For you ladies who like more traditional names we also have Lilian Bell picked out. I'm a big girl and can take criticism and actually appreciate the honesty I get on here. Thank you both!

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    nurse714nurse714 member
    edited January 2015
    Briley Bell is horrible!!!  All of your spellings and choice of a name are awful. If I must choose, I would pick Briley. 
    What do you think about Belle or Bella as a first name? Nms but much better that Briley.
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    They all look abit weird to me but if I have to choose one, Briley.
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    Briley just looks a little odd to me and doesn't roll of the tongue very well. I love Lililian though, and paired with Bell is very pretty and sweet.
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    Lillian x10000000!!!!
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    I cannot choose a spelling because that name is awful. Have thought thought about how it's going to look on a resume? Lillian is so much better
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    So, the idea is that you want to have the initials BB and incorporate/honor family members Leigh and Bell, yes? Maybe folks could help you brainstorm along these lines?

    What about Lilian Leigh Bell? Wouldn't be BB but would similarly have double initials LL?

    Or would you consider Bell Briley?

    Are there other aspects of yours and the two family members names that could be incorporated/honored in order to widen the range of options?
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    Lillian Belle would be so pretty, so I am going to add another vote for that.

    If that is out of the question, then I would brainstorm another way to get your criteria. I would also like to mention that you don't need to honor every person with one child. That's a lot of pressure to put on a name. You could choose to do one or two instead of trying to do three. Leigh makes a nice middle name, as does Belle. Or, as suggested above, incorporate Belle into the first name and have the middle name Leigh. I think either of those are good options, or choose another B name to go with Belle to match your initials. There are LOTS of real B names!






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    Lillian! I can't choose a spelling of Briley....ick.
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    Bianca, Blythe, Bristol, Brynne, Bonnie, Bronwyn, Beatrice, Belle
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    Like everyone else has said Briley is just not a good name. Instead of sounding like you're trying to honor family members by combining names, it sounds like you're combining bile, Braille and brine all together. Like PP said you don't have to honor everyone with one child. Pick a first name you love, that is legitimate and spelled correctly like Lillian and then make the MN either Leigh or Belle depending on who you want to honor. Lillian Belle I think is simply stunning.
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    Please, please pick Lillian.

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    MommaMacriMommaMacri member
    edited January 2015

    Briley (no matter how you spell it) is atrocious. Belle is a name, a Bell is something that rings. Lillian Belle is beautiful, please go that route and toss Briley far far away. Another alternative that meets your B and Leigh criteria would be Bailey, which Behind the Name says is a unisex name.

    Bell is how my grandma spells it and I was wanting to do the same but agree Belle is better. Open to suggestions for FN

    Lillian is actually my husband's grandma so it incorporates both grandparents!

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    Lillian is lovely! And I would do Belle instead of Bell.

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    You're overthinking it. Just pick a name you like :)
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    I like Lilian Belle a lot. Much better than Briley in any of its forms.

    If you really like the "bry-" sound, have you considered Briony/Bryony Belle?

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    Lillian Belle's a winner! It's classic yet interesting, familiar yet sophisticated. I prefer the Belle spelling but certainly understand the use of the alternate Bell given the family connection. 
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    Lillian Belle is so pretty!  I have to agree with PP's tht Briley is really bad, regardless of how it's spelled. but particularly in comparison to such a pretty alternative Lillian.  If you want to use Bell spelled that way as a MN to honor your grandma I understand. However, I think it would still honor her, and be better, to spell it Belle.
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    Lillian Bell is gorgeous. In the MN spot, I would keep the spelling Bell. Lovely name!
    Ditto! Keep the Bell spelling in the MN spot since it is a family spelling and family name. Totally legit for a MN, where I give more leeway. 

    Gorgeous choice! Well done.
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    I guess Briley as far as spelling but am not a fan. Love Lillian Belle!! Like A LOT!!
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    Briley Parkway is  in Nashville. It's your typically clogged road during rush hour. It's one of the roads that lead to Opryland. If you're from Tennessee, I'd choose something different. 
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    Lillian Belle is so lovely.  No Briley, please. 
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