August 2013 Moms

anyone TTC again?

I'm sure this has been discussed, but I just wanted to know if anyone else is TTC right now? DS Is 16 months and DH and I started trying this past month. Still in the 2 week wait. I did think about the fact that if I get pregnant, baby will be born around DS birthday....
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Re: anyone TTC again?

  • Next summer God willing.
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  • We are done. I generally feel overwhelmed with the 2 I have and we are on the older side (36 and 40.) Two is hard.. 3 sounds like crazy town. :)
  • We're technically waiting until after the new year, but are sort of in the not trying but not preventing phase right now. Due to the horrible new maternity leave policy at work in our new contract, I'm hoping for a spring baby next time.
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  • Hi ladies, I'm so excited for you all that are TTC again! I just got my BFP yesterday!! I also am aware of the closeness that baby #2 will be born right around DS Bay :) anyone else have updates??
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  • We are no longer preventing and I'm temping this time around to try to get a better picture. I'm also lurking the TTC board but most likely will never jump in, those women kind of scare me.
  • I have a cousin who has two DSs who share a birthday, so it's certainly a possibility! 

    DH is pretty positive he's done. I'm not sure. If we even decide to have a third it wouldn't be for another year or two. We like the 3+ year gap. 
    DD1 4.14.10
    DD2 8.22.13
    MMC 1.4.17 at 16w
    Expecting #3, EDD 1.29.18

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  • Sending lots of good vibes to those of you who are currently TTC again!  DH and I are going to assess whether we want #2 when DD turns 2 in August.  I go back and forth on an almost daily basis.  Most days, I feel exhausted and overwhelmed with just one, so if we do go for #2, I would like a 3-3.5 year gap.

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  • We are fairly newly pregnant....I'm posting because EDD with this one is July 30th. DD was born Aug 1st...I wonder what the odds are of having the same bday!

    I knew I recognized you over on July! :) my EDD is July 3rd, though, I think I'm going to have a June baby. We'll see!


  • Started trying yesterday. :) Crossing my fingers for you all to have success!

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  • @dani_brewer‌ I'm so very sorry for your loss. Those women are very knowledgeable and I definitely don't plan on asking them if I'm pregnant. LOL Gahh!
  • We have been trying since November. Poas this past Friday and found out we are expecting! I haven't been to the ob/gyn yet (obviously) but we are joining you @etc35173‌ in the Sept 15 board!

    So sorry for your loss @dani_brewer‌ thoughts and prayers heading your way. Our Aug 13 lo is our rainbow baby after 2 losses. Happy to hear you are still trying :smile:
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  • I go back and forth all the time. I feel like a lot of my parenting choices would make it incredibly hard to have a second. DS is still nursing, not STTN, sleeping in bed with us.. and I don't really want two in bed with me. I don't really want to tandem nurse, I feel like that would be so stressful. I'm the only one who can get DS to sleep, so I would be so busy. Many parenting changes to make before TTC, and I can't handle making them! 
  • Pregnant! My little guy was born 8/23/13 and I'm due with #2 on 8/26/15. I just hope they don't have to share a birthday!
  • Pregnant! My little guy was born 8/23/13 and I'm due with #2 on 8/26/15. I just hope they don't have to share a birthday!

    Aww yay!! Our DS share the same bday! My EDD is Sept 7th! Congratulations!
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  • Trying here too! Hopefully soon!
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  • So remember how I said we weren't trying but not preventing and we were going to try later this year. We figured it would take a while since it took almost 8 months of TTC to get DD. Well, I got my BFP yesterday. Looking like a September baby for me, but I haven't been to the doctor yet.
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      Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • So remember how I said we weren't trying but not preventing and we were going to try later this year. We figured it would take a while since it took almost 8 months of TTC to get DD. Well, I got my BFP yesterday. Looking like a September baby for me, but I haven't been to the doctor yet.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • This is so cool to see lots of us 8/13 mommas ttc and/or expecting. For us, ds was born 8/1/13. Now it looks like #2 edd is 8/16/15. Guess we know now that Nov is a fertile month for me!
  • We started trying about 12 wks after DS was born and it took us about 10 months for it to happen so we are currently 23 wks prego with #2 right now.  I'm sure we will be busy and times will be stressful but more then looking forward to it happening.  It is fun hearing DS say "baby" and point to my belly.  I'm sure he still doesn't understand it but still really cute!
  • Been trying since sept ... I'm 5 days late right now but I'm too afraid to get my hopes up and test. If I still don't have my period by mon morning I'll take a test.
  • Sorry to randomly hop on this thread; haven't logged into this site in forever.  But we're actually (cautiously) expecting #5.  Very excited.  Zach is 17 months old now, so he'll be just a little over two years old when he becomes a big brother.  And of course we haven't told the big kids yet, but I can't wait.  :)
    Laura, mom of:
    James (14)
    William (13)
    Elise (11)
    Zachary (5)
    George (3) [making the blog private.  PM me if you want to subscribe]
  • We are DONE. Although I really want to make it last forever. You know, all the little things, each stage. I'm in no rush for her to grow up. She is the youngest of our big blended family. We are whole and we are compleate.
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    06/05/04 at 3, two became one.

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