May 2015 Moms

How beneficial are birthing classes?

For all you STM+, did you take birthing classes? If so, how beneficial do you think they were in helping you during your labor/birth process?

Re: How beneficial are birthing classes?

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    Not very beneficial for me....but I'm sure it depends on the class. If your clueless, I'm sure they would help, but if you're like me and read stuff from books and the internet they may not help. I learned way more from reading various books/recommended websites/message boards about birth, breastfeeding, etc. I learned the rest from the nurses & lactation consultants in the hospital and from just being a mom.
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    I didn't go to any. I am a worrier and felt the less I knew about how it should go in a perfect world the less I'd freak out if things started to differ from what I expected
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    I think if you really have no clue about the labor/birth process/caring for a newborn it would be beneficial.   But I feel like you could get the same info from books and practicing labor techniques at home. 

    ~Mama to two daughters and baby #3 coming soon~
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    I found childbirth classes to be really helpful. DH & I took a 6-week class through the healthcare system where I delivered and learned specifically about what it would be like there. The staff, the environment, all the available options/amenities. I also liked learning their techniques of decision-making in different scenarios and of handling contractions, which was different from what I learned from Hypnobirthing and different from what I learned from my doula. Between everything I just felt like I had a huge bag of tools and information, and I felt much less anxious about labor and delivery. Bonus: I met another mama in the class and we're still friends two years later and have regular play dates with our girls.

    We also did the hospital tour, which was separate from the class.
    Me: 38, DH: 35
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    The classes were good for: 

    - Learning about what will happen during labor and delivery if you're clueless. I appreciated the frank discussions about what happens if they induce labor, give you Pitocin, give you an epidural, have to do an episiotomy, have to do an emergency C-Section, etc.  It was eye-opening, but I felt much more prepared mentally for the craziness / unexpectedness that can (and did) occur during my delivery. 

    - Learning how to swaddle!  Probably the simplest, but best thing I learned in the class. :-P 

    - Breastfeeding introductory information.  However, in the end, I had to get a lactation coach and read a few books to really get the hang of it. If you're interested in breastfeeding, going to a La Leche League or finding a lactation coaching class is sooo helpful! 
    Baby girl born on May 15, 2015!  (DS born 2011)
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    Thanks for your input ladies! DH and I were just talking about whether we should sign up for the class offered by our hospital. They only do them once a month, so I would be going to the March class. I feel like I have general knowledge of childbirth, but I think it might help calm any fears and also give my DH some insight and make it more of a reality for him.
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    I enjoyed them- if anything it was nice to go to the hospital and be familiar with it. It was also good for my husband and I to go and have guided information sessions about what was coming up. The information wasn't anything new or mind blowing but it was all great groundwork for the big upcoming even.
     That being said, I'm glad this time around I don't have to go to them now that we know more of what to expect.
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    I feel like I was the ftm everyone hates. As long as I could find it on google I was happy. As far as labor as soon as I was promised an epidural I was happy. Blissfully ignorant
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    I thought the labor and delivery class was good (because it was only a few hours - not 6 weeks long - and it included a full tour of the hospital).  I also thought the breastfeeding and the infant CPR classes were useful.  I took the class on infant care and I didn't think it was particularly helpful because I have experience with babies.  If you haven't been around a baby in a long time or have no idea how to swaddle or give a spongebath, it might be helpful for you though.

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    2 I would definitely go to are CPR, if you are not already certified, and a breastfeeding class!!!
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    PsMomma718PsMomma718 member
    edited January 2015
    I didn't do any birthing/labor classes, and don't really feel I missed out on anything.  I did participate in a breastfeeding class and found it to be very helpful as a FTM. 

    ETA: clarifying the type of classes
    Married 7/5/2008
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    I think I would have been fine without going but DH learned a lot. It was a few hours one Saturday. It went over techniques for handling contractions, going drug free, using meds and what the options were and then it explained csections (at that point I wanted the baby to just stay in
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    We didn't take any. I think I regret not taking a breast feeding class though. As far as a labor and delivery like PP say I thought it would freak me out more, and I didn't want to sketch the money. I ended up watching a few videos online. The hospital tour was nice except my hospital ended up being full when I went into labor and I had to go with our backup hospital! I was so bummed! Ha hoping this time I can deliver there. I was also of the mindset that they would tell me what to do. I Dont regret not taking birthing classes
    Married 6-1-13
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    Did anyone else have bfing classes offered postpartum?
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    No BFing class, instead my healthcare system does several 1:1 appointments with a Lactation Consultant starting within the hour after delivery, at least one more time in the postpartum room, a couple days after discharge, and then as often as you want after that. I found the personalized attention extremely helpful.
    Me: 38, DH: 35
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    @GFJ48 the class I attended on BFing also discussed pumping. They also do a follow up class on BFing/pumping and returning back to work.  I did not take it then, but would like to now. 
    Married 7/5/2008
    Peanut (DD) | Born 7/18/2009
    TTC for #2 since 2010 | Diagnosed with PCOS 
    Butter | EDD 8/13/2013 | mc @ 9 weeks 3 days
    Jelly | EDD 5/24/2015 | Team Green! Hoping for our Rainbow.

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