Baby Names

What do you think of Howard?

nickname Howie? our last name is Stuart. Another option is Larson. Both are family names which is a must for us.

I like classic names but so many sound BORING with Stuart. Henry, John, Jack, Samuel, Oliver... all sound boring. I feel like it needs a bit of a punch which is why I think Howie is kinda vintage/cute/but still classic.

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Re: What do you think of Howard?

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    I don't think the classic names sound boring. You can add a more interesting middle name!

    Henry Larson Stuart
    Oliver Larson Stuart

    Howard is NMS but Howie can be cute on a little boy.
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    I think I like it. I love Henry and Oliver and I like Howard.
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    Not bad :)
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    i like Larson better
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    Sounds bad with your last name

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    Howard nn Howie is great, IMO.  Have you considered Walter nn Wally?  Other traditional/classic names would sound fine with your last name.  I don't like Larson at all.
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    Meh. I actually think all of the "boring" names you listed sound better. I'm not really a fan of Howie either.
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    I don't like Howard. It just sounds ugly to me and I don't like how it sounds with Stuart. I like all the other names you listed much better. 
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    Howard is a fairly common surname and with your surname being a common first name it all sounds kind of awkward. I agree Howie is cute, but I would stray away from giving him "two last names".

    Your classics sounds better.
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    I like it. It is the name of my late uncle. I can't bring to name either of my son's after him as he was such a wonderful man, and it is just too hard (emotionally). I did give DS1 his Hebrew name at his naming, but He will always be my Uncle Howie and the only Howie I can image.

    Go for it!

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    Howard is ok but kind of dated - I don't know any under 65. Unless you count the character Howard Wolowitz, but he's kind of a skeeze. Classic names go great with Stuart - which is my maiden name. In our family we have a Charles, Arthur, George, Ethan, and John. Henry would be wonderful.
    At this point the name Howard only makes me think of Howard on the Big Bang Theory. Especially with the last name Stuart since there's a character named Stuart on the show too. first thought was Howard wolowitz too!
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    I don't like the flow of Howard Stuart. It sound off to me. I do love your "boring" names though. Oliver and Henry are two of my favorites.
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    Howard Stuart makes me think Howard Stern. The flow isn't good.
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    I like Howard/Howie, but Howard Stuart almost rhymes in a way that I find off putting. 

    What about Walter, Martin, or Philip? 
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