July 2015 Moms

Breastfeeding While Pregnant Check-in- 12/30

Hi everyone-- I know there used to be a breastfeeding while pregnant check-in here, but it doesn't look like one has posted for a few weeks, so I thought I'd jump in. I can continue posting weekly if there is interest, or if someone else wants to take over, that's fine, too. I just thought it'd be nice for us to have a spot to get some support and encouragement. :)

1. How many weeks pregnant are you?
2. How old is your nursling?
3. Any issues with supply, pain, or nursing aversion?
4. Any questions for other moms?

Non BF-ing Question of the Week: Do you have any plans for New Year's Eve?

Re: Breastfeeding While Pregnant Check-in- 12/30

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    1. How many weeks pregnant are you? I will be 11 weeks tomorrow.
    2. How old is your nursling? DS is 28 months.
    3. Any issues with supply, pain, or nursing aversion? I reaaaaaally struggled with nursing aversion from about weeks 6-10. It was all I could do not to de-latch DS and run from the room screaming. About 2 weeks ago I cut DS back to 2x a day (from 3x a day), and that helped, but in the last week or so the aversion has gotten noticeably less intense. I'm hoping we're past the worst of it. I do still seem to have enough milk to satisfy DS. I've had some breast soreness, but my #1 issue has been aversion rather than pain.
    4. Any questions for other moms? Any moms who are further along than me- if you had aversion, has it improved for you as you have gotten closer to the 2nd trimester?

    Non BF-ing Question of the Week: Do you have any plans for New Year's Eve? No- I will probably be in bed by 8:30 like I am most nights these days. ;) I doubt I could stay up until midnight.

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    vvvvvfee said:

    1. How many weeks pregnant are you? 10 weeks
    2. How old is your nursling? 14 months
    3. Any issues with supply, pain, or nursing aversion? None at all. I just successfully weaned her.
    4. Any questions for other moms? Are you going to breastfeed the next child? And for how long?

    Non BF-ing Question of the Week: Do you have any plans for New Year's Eve? Not sure yet. I might stay home and watch the fireworks.

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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    1. How many weeks pregnant are you? 9w5d
    2. How old is your nursling? 23 months
    3. Any issues with supply, pain, or nursing aversion? My nipples are a little sensitive but nothing too bad.
    4. Any questions for other moms? Help me wean! I've been done since he was 9 months, he loves nursing. I loathe it! He's down to nursing at naptime and bedtime but I can't deal with it for much longer. I hope I'm not sounding selfish, but I think it's time to stop.
    *Formerly peainthepod?* TTC since 1/1/2006. All cycles BFN! IUI's & IVF with no luck. Emergency surgery 11/07 due to hemmoraging cyst on left ovary. 3rd HSG showed complete blockage of right tube (the good side), endo/cysts/adhesion removal 11/11. New start for 2012! Surprise BFP 6/17/12, due 2/12/13. It's a boy!!! Baby Boy born on January 26, 2013. 
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    Oh, and yes, I plan on nursing for at least a year with #2 and I have no New Year's plans!
    *Formerly peainthepod?* TTC since 1/1/2006. All cycles BFN! IUI's & IVF with no luck. Emergency surgery 11/07 due to hemmoraging cyst on left ovary. 3rd HSG showed complete blockage of right tube (the good side), endo/cysts/adhesion removal 11/11. New start for 2012! Surprise BFP 6/17/12, due 2/12/13. It's a boy!!! Baby Boy born on January 26, 2013. 
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    I'm 13 weeks and my nursing is almost 32 months. I'm definitely having some latch on pain, but once there's a let down I'm ok. He's into switching from side to side for no good reason though. I don't have any serious aversion to nursing. If I think he'll nap, I look forward to it as a chance for me to nap, too. That's what we're doing right now, actually. :)
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    1. How many weeks pregnant are you? 10.4 weeks
    2. How old is your nursling? Almost 13 months
    3. Any issues with supply, pain, or nursing aversion? I wish there was nursing aversion she is more all the time it seems. My nipples are dry and sensitive too.
    4. Any questions for other moms?- not today

    Non BF-ing Question of the Week: Do you have any plans for New Year's Eve? No, hubby has to work so me and my daughter will hang out at home.
    BabyFetus Ticker

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    12 weeks
    23 months
    My nipples are so sensitive!!! She still wants to nurse all the time though!

    We're having friends over to play board games and hang out. I just want to sleep...
    Pregnancy Ticker Anniversary Birthday
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    Awe my 16 mo old just weaned himself about 2 weeks ago I was a little sad but have been pretty sick so was ok with it too. I loved nursing and plan to go longer with my second as long as they allow! I was starting I get pretty tender in the last weeks too and was starting to wonder how long is be able to handle it ha! As for plans sit at home with the fam and eat lots of yummy foods!!!

    Ladies who are still nursing keep it up and good job!!!!!
    Trying to Conceive Ticker Anniversary
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